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China Civil Aviation, AVIC (MA600) & COMAC (ARJ21/C919/C929)

Short history of ARJ-21 from zero to official certify to fly in China by China aviation authority who set the same standard as FAA.

Officially received certify to fly in China

First unofficial commercial flight from shanghai to Beijing in ARJ-21 with all the AVIC commercial VIP attending ceremony of receiving China FAA certificate.
Hi could someone tell what had happened to failed Y-10 many many years ago?
why y-10 not being leverage to build arj-21 much sooner? thanks
Hi could someone tell what had happened to failed Y-10 many many years ago?
why y-10 not being leverage to build arj-21 much sooner? thanks
Outdated technology. Modern passenger aircraft is all about low cost operating(less engine, less fuel, longer interval before overhaul) and environmental friendly(low noise and carbon emission).

Y-10 with 4 turbojet will be very fuel thirsty and the main body made with heavier all metal material will be high maintenance and non fuel efficient.

Plus ARJ-21 is designed to pass even US FAA which is very demanding test for a reliable and sturdy modern commercial jet.
Y-10 with old technology and old material will barely even pass 10% of the FAA criteria.

China's First Modern Airliner Is Finally Here - Business Insider

According to Aviation Week, the first two production jets will be delivered to Chengdu Airlines in April or May of 2015.
China's first indigenous passenger jet set to fly | Business Standard News
December 30, 2014

China's first domestically produced regional passenger jet model was today officially certified for flying after completing a total of 300 ground examinations and over 1,141 hours of test flights.

The ARJ21-700 won the certificate after a series of examinations by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) using the country's airworthiness standards.

The Advanced Regional Jet for the 21st Century (ARJ21), is a type of regional airliner designed and manufactured by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC).

There are 78 seats in a dual-class configuration and 90 seats in a full economy class configuration.

Its economic life is designed to be 60,000 flying hours or 20 calendar years, state-run Xinhua News Agency reported.

The first ARJ21-700 jet was designed and manufactured between 2003 and 2007 and made its first test flight in November 2008.

Since then, the jet has completed over 5,000 hours of test flights.

After the CAAC started the jet's certification process in 2012, a total of 300 ground examinations and over 1,141 hours of test flights were carried out, the CAAC said.

"Certification is not end of the process," said Luo Ronghuai, vice president of COMAC and also head of the ARJ21 project.

"There must be a period for improving the model's design, systems and operations before its entry into the market," Luo said.

The jet will still need to gain brand recognition and market share in order to be a success, and eventually it must be able to bring profits to the airlines that use it, he said.

The jet currently has 278 orders, the report said.

China is currently trying to bring out a major civil aircraft of its own considering that its civil airline sector is poised for a major expansion.

An earlier report by Boeing said China's civil aviation fleet was expected to triple to 6,450 aircraft over the next two decades and Chinese airlines were projected to grow faster in the international market than in the domestic sector.

China will need 5,580 new aircraft valued at USD 780 billion during the period, Boeing said in its market outlook.

Chinese market is dominated by planes from Boeing and Airbus both of whom have manufacturing facilities in China.

COMAC itself has entered into an agreement with Brazilian Bombardier for long term cooperation to develop commercial aircraft.
Outdated technology. Modern passenger aircraft is all about low cost operating(less engine, less fuel, longer interval before overhaul) and environmental friendly(low noise and carbon emission).

Y-10 with 4 turbojet will be very fuel thirsty and the main body made with heavier all metal material will be high maintenance and non fuel efficient.

Plus ARJ-21 is designed to pass even US FAA which is very demanding test for a reliable and sturdy modern commercial jet.
Y-10 with old technology and old material will barely even pass 10% of the FAA criteria.

China's First Modern Airliner Is Finally Here - Business Insider

According to Aviation Week, the first two production jets will be delivered to Chengdu Airlines in April or May of 2015.
i know that..i m asking why y-10 failed to develop at that time when otherwise china would have commercial aircrafts much earlier than today?
i know that..i m asking why y-10 failed to develop at that time when otherwise china would have commercial aircrafts much earlier than today?
Politics and I guess, China technology still is quite backward that time. Y-10 may flies as a prototype but its far from a finished product. There are lots of technology hurdle it may not clear to get it operational.

Shanghai Y-10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assembly of C919. Maiden flight will definitely be conducted in 2015

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I suspect C919 would be in atleast 3 different configurations. Promising program.
- Air Refuellers
- MPA Maritime Patrol
- AWACS/ELINT/SIGNT something like US JSTARS combination

Since I saw its first information at Defence.pk I was shure about these kind of platforms and we can track progress in the shape of Y-8 platform with different configurations with sensors. Those or may be their better version may go inside these to build JSTARS like program.
Why? What is wrong with them?

I am assuming you are referring to Embraer aircraft.

They have maintenance issues, at least the ERJ-175 versions.
Electronics are slow as hell, and the aircraft is quite flimsy. I'll leave at that.
They have maintenance issues, at least the ERJ-175 versions.
Electronics are slow as hell, and the aircraft is quite flimsy. I'll leave at that.

Can you explain that further? Electronics are slow? Airplane is flimsy?

With more than 1000 aircraft built, you need to provide concrete evidence to support your notion that the plane is flimsy.
Will C919 serve like the platform P8A for Chinese navy in the future?

It can, but you need to replace the CFM turbofan engine on C919 first, maybe to a Chinese own turbofan

I think CFM deal forbit China to turn the C919 into military use
WS-20 (1).jpg
It can, but you need to replace the CFM turbofan engine on C919 first, maybe to a Chinese own turbofan

I think CFM deal forbit China to turn the C919 into military use


WS-20 will be ready this year and install on Y-20 for full testing. Subsequently, it will be able to use on C919 military version. C919 will only debut and ready in 2017, So still got 2 more years to go for refining this engine.
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