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China Builds Military Airstrip in Disputed South China Sea

We had colonized Manchuria in 14 years. In fact, by war's end, there were over 5 million Japanese that had colonized Manchuria. We effectively had modernized the region, building factories, modernizing the farmland, introduced modern agricultural techniques. Most of which had to be abandoned by the war's end. It is true that Japan managed to conquer mostly coastal China; but that was the area of China that had the cities, the infrastructure, and the wealth. The interior of China was non-developed.

Anyways, the decision to delay the complete conquest of China was necessary. By 1942, the Empire of Japan was at war with the United States and the Allied Powers (UK, Netherlands, France). Had we not attacked the Americans in '41, and instead, concentrated in the conquest of China, I honestly believe we could have conquered the entire country.

Huge swathes of the country were conquered with lighting speed. We were even impressed at the speed that most of the urbanized areas (most populous areas of China) succumbed to our rule. Chinese merely kowtowed to Imperial troops. From Shenyang, to Beijing, to Guangdong.

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda. Maybe Japan had a chance to conquer China. Maybe not. But Japan blew whatever chance it had. That's reality. And now China is growing stronger by the day while Japan is slowly dying. You can enjoy your fantasy all you like. I'll stick with what actually ended up happening due to Japanese aggression:

Posting pictures that bring a smile to my face is fun. And everyone can participate. :cheers:
Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda. Maybe Japan had a chance to conquer China. Maybe not. But Japan blew whatever chance it had. That's reality. And now China is growing stronger by the day while Japan is slowly dying. You can enjoy your fantasy all you like. I'll stick with what actually ended up happening due to Japanese aggression:


Posting pictures that bring a smile to my face is fun. And everyone can participate. :cheers:

And then Japan developed , rose from ashes of war. To be come a leader in peace, growth, and a pillar of global development.


Meta-analytically, it was our destiny to change from a police state to a liberal democracy...
And then Japan developed , rose from ashes of war. To be come a leader in peace, growth, and a pillar of global development.


Meta-analytically, it was our destiny to change from a police state to a liberal democracy...
haha, japan never developped in mental setting, japanese dont admit war crime, mentally still a savage ethinic group, and your economy is dying, this is fact, and japan is never peaceful country, japan has dispute with all its neibours , same as vietnam and japan support america to invade the world and support america invading vietnam, afgansitan, iraq, banama and so on, japan is a dog of evil america , japan wants to invade asia again by boosting its military right to send army overseas, while as a war crime and loser country in ww2, japan has no right to do so, and japan is never a democracy neither, there is no country that can be a democratic with a emporer, people cant even get rid of a fucking emporer ,how could that be a fucking demecory, huh? again, japaan is just a nuked dying empire , very backward
haha, japan never developped in mental setting, japanese dont admit war crime, mentally still a savage ethinic group, and your economy is dying, this is fact, and japan is never peaceful country, japan has dispute with all its neibours , same as vietnam and japan support america to invade the world and support america invading vietnam, afgansitan, iraq, banama and so on, japan is a dog of evil america , japan wants to invade asia again by boosting its military right to send army overseas, while as a war crime and loser country in ww2, japan has no right to do so, and japan is never a democracy neither, there is no country that can be a democratic with a emporer, people cant even get rid of a fucking emporer ,how could that be a fucking demecory, huh? again, japaan is just a nuked dying empire , very backward

Your post is filled with so many run-ons, and a very raspacious incoherenet thought. Words, phrases, are juggled in, through emotional visage probably, to illustrate your subjective analysis and opinion of a threat wherein which does not even exist. What is , indeed, clear is your vehement anti-Japanese as well as Anti-American sentiments. I find no intellectual exchange or worth in this drivel.

Your post is filled with so many run-ons, and a very raspacious incoherenet thought. Words, phrases, are juggled in, through emotional visage probably, to illustrate your subjective analysis and opinion of a threat wherein which does not even exist. What is , indeed, clear is your vehement anti-Japanese as well as Anti-American sentiments. I find no intellectual exchange or worth in this drivel.

no, thats because you cant argue those very facts i just pointed out about japan, so you say some nonsense to dodge around the facts, dont get too emotional , it is just internet, haha
Your post is filled with so many run-ons, and a very raspacious incoherenet thought. Words, phrases, are juggled in, through emotional visage probably, to illustrate your subjective analysis and opinion of a threat wherein which does not even exist. What is , indeed, clear is your vehement anti-Japanese as well as Anti-American sentiments. I find no intellectual exchange or worth in this drivel.


I know you're a Ph.D candidate (if I'm remembering your past posts properly), by any chance are you studying in the field of psychology? I try my hardest not to sound like this at work, science (the only god I know) knows my patients will have a hard time understanding me, but during my Behavioral Neuroscience studies most of my research papers sounded/read this way.
I know you're a Ph.D candidate (if I'm remembering your past posts properly), by any chance are you studying in the field of psychology? I try my hardest not to sound like this at work, science (the only god I know) knows my patients will have a hard time understanding me, but during my Behavioral Neuroscience studies most of my research papers sounded/read this way.

Yes, Sir, Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Working my lit revs now. Cognitive Psychology and Psychometrics is a passion of mine. :)

I do remember reading you mentioning you're a Neuroscientist and now a Ph.D candidate in Biochemical Engineering, right? :)
And then Japan developed , rose from ashes of war. To be come a leader in peace, growth, and a pillar of global development.


Meta-analytically, it was our destiny to change from a police state to a liberal democracy...

But 兄 don't you guys think that Japan lost much more than just a system of governance after the War ? I mean Japanese values were replaced by Western values as an imposition not as a gradual evolution !
Yes, Sir, Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Working my lit revs now. Cognitive Psychology and Psychometrics is a passion of mine. :)

I do remember reading you mentioning you're a Neuroscientist and now a Ph.D candidate in Biochemical Engineering, right? :)

That's right! I say I sounded like a text book or lecture during my Masters studies (behavioral neuroscience) since that was the last time I was involved in psych research, these days my research is mostly involved with pharmaceuticals and their effects on people. One of the great things about being stationed on shore was that I had the opportunity to go to school while still in the Navy. The same university I was studying at for my Masters and am still studying at is where I work. The professors and researchers helped me get my job... connections really matter. I decided to pursue Biochemical Engineering rather than further my psychology studies as I desired to be a psychiatrist, which is just the same as a psychologist, but with better pay and the ability to prescribe medications.

Really nice to see someone with the same passion for psych here on PDF!!!
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That's right! I say I sounded like a text book or lecture during my Masters studies since that was the last time I was involved in psych research, these day my research is mostly involved with pharmaceuticals and their effects on people. One of the great things about being stationed on shore was that I had the opportunity to go to school while still in the Navy. The same university I was studying and am still studying at is where I work. The professors and researchers helped me get my job... connections really matter. I decided to peruse Biochemical Engineering rather than further my psychology studies as I desired to be a psychiatrist, which is just the same as a psychologist, but with better pay and the ability to prescribe medications.

I've had the pleasure to befriend many Ph.D candidates in Neuroscience, and Clinical Psychology during my coursework. I've researched with many Neuroscientists in regards to the effects of neurotransmitters (epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, GABA) on pain inhibition and pain transduction. Well it was back in my Masteral course studies. Their mastery of biochemistry , particularly the metabolic pathways such as the HMP pathway, the TCA cycle, the Gluconeogenic, Glycolytic always impressed me. Enzymatic analysis ad nauseum ! LOL. I have the greatest respect for Behavior Scientists, Neuroscientists. I give you a lot of respect for being able to study at the same time while serving in the Armed Forces. You will be a great addition to the medical field, too @SvenSvensonov . Keep it up !

Glad to have you here in this forum. You're new, but I've already begun to love your qualitative points. :)
And then Japan developed , rose from ashes of war. To be come a leader in peace, growth, and a pillar of global development.


Meta-analytically, it was our destiny to change from a police state to a liberal democracy...

Thanks to the US with their imposition of democracy on a prostrate Japan. Not as if Japan won the struggle themselves. Japan had to be thoroughly subjugated before the Japanese people were disabused of their medieval mentalities, especially with their so-called supernatural emperor. And the leader in peace bit, well Abe is slowly but surely eroding that, isn't he? No one buys what you're peddling. Try again. ;)
Thanks to the US with their imposition of democracy on a prostrate Japan. Not as if Japan won the struggle themselves. Japan had to be thoroughly subjugated before the Japanese people were disabused of their medieval mentalities, especially with their so-called supernatural emperor. And the leader in peace bit, well Abe is slowly but surely eroding that, isn't he? No one buys what you're peddling. Try again. ;)

The behavior of Japanese soldiers in regards to their opponents during the 1st Sino Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War and even during WWI (the seizing of German assets in the Pacific), was actually very exemplary.

While I agree with you that the actions of Imperial soldiers during WWII was questionable, this was in part due to the militarism that had taken hold of Japan after the Great Depression in the late 1920s, which was used by the Military to take control of Government and subdue the democratic principles that had been cultured and nurtured by the Meiji Emperor and those who succeeded him. It was during this time [1929-1945] that the military had enforced a cold view towards foreigners , and imposed this onto the civilian population and the military. Fascist ideologies and contempt to how the West treated Japan after WWI led to the rise of Ultranationalism. The Military took advantage of this to great effect.

With the end of the war, the military government was removed from power, and this allowed pro-democracy politicians to take hold. For example, Abe's grandfather was actually imprisoned and threatened during the inter-war years because of his vehemence against the military government (Tojo's) decision to go to war with America. He and many others helped to mold, steer Japan towards its original position. Towards democracy and the rule of law.

The past is the past, we've learned from our foibles in that unfortunate chapter of our nation's history.

And the leader in peace bit, well Abe is slowly but surely eroding that, isn't he?

If you examine Japan's position and investment towards developing nations since 1945 to the present age, you will see my words hold true. Irrespective of differences in position between the Governments of Japan and China. You know this.

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yea , Mongolian and Manchurian changed Han and also affected by Han. Han is not what it once was , and Mongolian and Manchurian lost themselves too.
The areas Mongolian live in also changed a lot.

you can not deny that, Mongolian and Manchurian tribes were independently created their own countries in North East Asia. There were independent states from Han Chinese in Zhong Yuan. and they invaded in to China and ruled Hanchinese.

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you can not deny that, Mongolian and Manchurian tribes were independently created their own countries in North East Asia. There were independent states from Han Chinese in Zhong Yuan. and they invaded in to China and ruled Hanchinese.

All the way, japan was still not a power belonging to this land even the nomial.The so-called 'corporation in security' was just a decoration for the aggression.
what? you kicked han chinese? lol, after ruled by han chinese for 1200 years , you called it kicked? lol, funny vietnamese, your country probably is most shameful country in world that were ruled by another country for such a long time, and let alone you kicked no one out , the chinese are first settlers in northern vietnam and they never left, even most of your so called vietnamese dynasty were still ruled by han chinese, the so called " vietnamese " kings for example your first king dinh tien hoang丁部领,ly cong uan李公蕴tran thu do 陈守度,le loi黎利,nguyen anh阮福英 are all descendants of chinese immigrants and so on and so forth, in fact, you vietnamese are ruled by chinese all the time until french took over your country

no, phu go island were combodian island since the day one, when combodian were natives of island, you vietnamese were still ruled by china, you were not even able to take land of champa which is located in southern vietnam today, let alone take that island just right next to southern coast of comobodia , where is way further than south vietnam, let alone your north vietnam, stop your ridiculous lies, you vietnamese stole it in 1960s ,same as you stole some island from both spratly and paracel island, then got your agressive bottom kicked by chinese navy in 1974 and 1988, hundreds of vietnamese soldiers killed as consequences for stealing

:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:. They were Bai Yue descendants, not Han chiense. Vietnamese are big brother of all true Bai Yue. :enjoy:
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