You are mistaken that we are engaged in a debate,an exercise in futility is hardly representative of academic rigor.
Making absurd claims based on myths and legends while refusing to sources claims,this is not an exception but the norm amongst PDF Vietnamese.
The Qing never called itself Man Qing,quote a Qing era edict or book that does so.
Shen Nong is a Chinese deity,Jehovah is worshiped across the globe today doesn't change the fact that it originated from the ancient Israeli tribes,present day Miao claim Chi You as their own despite the deity being venerated since the Zhou dynasty.
If you want proof that Shen Nong predated the Qin unification of the warring states,simply read Yijing(易經),Mengzi(孟子),Liji(禮記),Zhuangzi(莊子),Liezi(列子),Wenzi(文子),Hanfeizi(韓非子),Shangzi(商子),Guanzi(管子),Zhou Bi Suan Jing(周髀算經),Lushi Chunqiu(呂氏春秋),Zhanguo Ce(戰國策) etc.
For the nth time neither the Hung Kings or Xich Quy existed,there's been threads where this has been discussed already while proponents of this fabrication fail to provide any textual or archaeological proof.
Ma Yuan was worshiped in non Hoa provinces other deities such as Wenchang Dijun have also been erased.