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China Builds Military Airstrip in Disputed South China Sea

No disrespect was meant. I was only stating fact. It is true that the Qing Dynasty was very backwards, failure of modernization and corruption was widespread. This had led to the fragmentation of the Empire, and the rise of warlordism. The KMT that ruled China (in name) was also too much concerned in personal wealth and gain, abuses of the peasantry, and failed to modernize. Rather, had waged a clandestine war with the Communists

Like when you have open wounds maggots are going to attack you! :devil:

Would you rather me say that Qing Dynasty years (in its ecclipse) were filled with great modernity, and China was the peak of civilization in Asia? Would you rather have me say that the KMT had forwarded plans to modernize all of CHina, and not merely on urban areas?

Simple fact is wounds can heal or recover by themselves over time by applications of appropriate medicines
An attack by maggots cause great destruction to the body

What can I say ? I cannot deny that we Japanese had learned from the master teacher. China. :)

Sometimes, the pupil will want to challenge the teacher. :)

the pupils were wicked brutal and barbaric
Learning is mutual but not be degraded to a show of brutality and reckless disregard of balanced facts

]I love history. Most of all military history. If my passion for this may be misconstrued for fervent nationalism, then I apologize.

I just get very excited when we talk about it.

Let's see over time how you are responding to the Japanese Imperial periods again
I never get elated out of a horrendous war where millions of lives families properties were destruoyed
Probably that "excitement" is in your genes. If so then very horrifying!:bad:
well, there is never such thing as south china sea means those island belong to china, china have them based on historic evidences, let alone any your so called east sea can means anything,, my point is nobody in world even admit name of that sea as your funny name "east sea", so on your funny little kid logic, your east so its called east sea, so phillpine is east of vietnam , so you vietnamese name them as" east country" ?? lol, thats pathetic, the point is nobody even acknowledge your funny name for south china sea, hahaha, also that is your funny point that " name of sea can stand for evidence" , so you little boy said" name of south china sea means evidence' , while nobody says so , you little funny viet boywell, 50 cents? lol, so you mean you little viet boy earn 50 cents vie dong per post for spreading lie for your viet goverment? lmaowell, chinese controlled the sea and island, they do anything they want to there because those their island and sea, only useless vietnamese can just keep claiming useless fake things, while nothing can hinger china from doing her things there, or it would be just like 1974 or 1988, hundreds of USELESS vietnamese navy were killed over there , so you boys can continue claiming , china will continue building their islands there, LMAO
oh well,again, i dont see any country recongnized any stupid vietnamese claim over those island, first thing i saw its vietanmese letters on those so called maps which means a fake lie made in vietnam again, ROFL, secondly, a france map , even it were for real, that would be still fake too, back to 19 centuries, vietnam was pronivce of france, france was at war with china over control of vietnam, which is vessel country of china before french colonizer conquered vietnam, so of course french would lie anyting about china's sea terriorty, because they want it too, lol, you little viet boy, go learn history before making up lies again, lmao
Good, I'm impressive with your job, keep type more words, I will help you earn more money ... :enjoy:
Simple fact is wounds can heal or recover by themselves over time by applications of appropriate medicines
An attack by maggots cause great destruction to the body

How Maggots Heal Wounds | Science/AAAS | News

New Science Shows How Maggots Heal Wounds - Scientific American

Let's see over time how you are responding to the Japanese Imperial periods again
I never get elated out of a horrendous war where millions of lives families properties were destruoyed
Probably that "excitement" is in your genes. If so then very horrifying!:bad:

Next time, I won't respond to any Japanese military history in China postings.
i guess japan proably is truely trembled now for the situation, its very likely china will nuke japan soon, only one or two nukes japan will sink
Oh, no, please. China will not nuke Japan. You cant take nuclear weapon so easy, please. They will do it themselves. They experienced two times and would not be trembling anytime. That's why they can shout to USA louderly and will gradually expel USA out of Japanese land in future. Lets wait and see.

And yes, Japan is a winner of WW II so they worshipped Japanese fascists till now.
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Maggots under medical experts' applications do heal wounds
Wild maggots dont They destroy and cause more wounds and infections
If you understand what category that the imperial Japanese army that I refer to judging from what they have done

Next time, I won't respond to any Japanese military history in China postings.

Never mind. Time will tell. :-)8-)
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Oh, no, please. China will not nuke Japan. You cant take nuclear weapon so easy, please. They will do it themselves. They experienced two times and would not be trembling anytime. That's why they can shout to USA louderly and will gradually expel USA out of Japanese land in future. Lets wait and see.

And yes, Japan is a winner of WW II so they worshipped Japanese fascists till now.
probably, japanese are used to it , they even nuke themselves, like the japanese nuclear plant are built to nuke their own civilians . japan is all radioactive now
Maggots under medical experts' applications do heal wounds
Wild maggots dont They destroyed and causes more infections
If you understand what category that the imperial Japanese army that I refer to judging from what they have done

Never mind. Time will tell. :-)8-)

To more positive topics, then. :)
Japanese do not show off the colonial history,Probably the Japanese do not know what shame.Japan is obviously not doing everything for the benefit of all mankind.Just to maintain their rule.
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Taiwan is more developed than China because Japan controlled Taiwan from 1895 until 1945.
you don't have a concept. Taiwan is more developed because the government fleed
from the mainland, they took plenty of fortune from the mainland, and the international situation of globalization when china was still closed under the lead of mao.

@dichoi , @Rechoice ,

Not just Taiwan, my friend. Also South Korea.

During the 50 years that Korea and Taiwan were part of the Empire of Japan, we Japanese had developed the infrastructure of Taiwan, which was an undeveloped backwater island when we acquired it. We had developed it to become a major industrial center, and under our rule, had doubled their population. We built thousands of schools and dozens of universities there as well. As for Korea, we built Korea and transformed it into an industrial center in North Asia in the 50 years it was part of the Empire of Japan.

All the classic Asian Tiger economies were all core colonies of Japan: South Korea and Taiwan.


Korean Under Japan:


Graph 1: Industral growth and development under Japanese Empire


Graph 2: Korean population growth under Japan. Had risen from 10 million to over 26 million in 50 years.


Graph 3: Number of schools in Korea had risen from 0 to over 3,300 during Japanese rule. iN 1910, the number of Koreans being educated en mass was nill. By 1945, Japan was educating over 1,6 million Koreans every year.
The fortune producted for japan,it didn't do anything for the Korea.Japan just used the labor, the sources and the for tune that should belong to Korea.
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Mongolian and Manchurian is independent ethnic group in China now, they are no Han chinese, In the past both Mongolian and Manchurian, they invaded in to China and ruled Han chinese.

Mainland of south east asia belong to the people spoken Mon/Khmer/Viet-Muong language. Champa is malayo, they invaded in to Vietnam from Island Malaysia. Champa was very aggressive, they attacked Vietnam until their king Chebongnga is killed when he invaded in to Hanoi. We taken back our native land of Yuechang (Viets) people.

Han chinese were aggressors, they invaded in to Vietnam. We kicked your @, you ran back to China. It is history.

Phu Quoc never part of Cambodia, no Khmer has been living there. Vietnamese were the first people who controlled the Islands and has been living there, like in Paracel and Spratly Islands.

Study more kid. The map I posted is printed by Man Qing Dynasty in China.
yea , Mongolian and Manchurian changed Han and also affected by Han. Han is not what it once was , and Mongolian and Manchurian lost themselves too.

The areas Mongolian live in also changed a lot.
There were some powers emerged from Mongolia and Manchuria and once were the main power of most of this area.
  • After the Huns defeated by Han Dynasty(202 B.C. TO 220 D.C.) from 127 B.C. to 36 B.C., the south tribe of the Huns merged into Han while the north tribe the Huns fleed to the west even the west of Europe. The Great Wall once used to defence the attack from the Huns.
  • At the end of the Eastern Jing Dyanasty(317 D.C. TO 402 D.C.),China seperated into the Northern Dynasty(386 D.C. TO 581 D.C.) and the Southern Dynasty(420 D.C. TO 589 D.C.). The XianBei tribe emerged from the eastern Mongolia and the northwestern Manchuria controlled the area, and expanded to the northern Jing Dyanasty. The XianBei government started to learn the Han's culture ,made policies to forget their once a tribe from the woods of Mongolia and actively ensure that people believe they were a part of Han.But When they merged into Han,their control of Mongolia passed to a new power that once was slave of the XianBei,that called Roen.Now the Great Wall was between the Roen and the XianBei may be called Northern Wei(386 D.C. TO 557 D.C.) Dynasty whereas Wei(220 D.C. TO 226 D.C.) Dynasty was a power at the end of Eastern Han Dynasty.


  • But the Rouran tribe was soon defeated by the Turkic. After the wars against the Sui Dynasty, the Tukic began to fade and seperated into the eastern tukic which was attached to the Tang Dynasty and the western tukic whose influence still work today in middle asia and eastern europe.

The Tang Dynasty(618 D.C. TO 907 D.C.): the more yellow,the more stable boundaries.

  • the Liao Dynasty(916 D.C. TO 1125 D.C.) developed from Khitan(a power formed at the end of the Tang Dynasty) which comes from the XianBei tribe builded their new power in mongolia and Manchuria areas.

  • Mongolia became to emerge after the death of Liao Dynasty which has a branch of power called Jing (the rulers of Qing Dynasty come from it).
Well. Technically. We did rule Taiwan for 50 years. And Manchuria was under our control for 14 years. :)

Technically, we did rule over large parts of China. :)

The important parts, that is.

The Empire of Japan

you sure? ruled? There didn't even has a goverment in the area you mentioned.
In Manchuria,the nominal leader was still the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.
The goverments of the areas japan occupied were still from KMT.Japan was still a transient invader.
Even Taiwan didn't need to follow the laws of japan,they followed their own laws.
Japan was still not a participator of China and still on the edge of the China Culture Circle.

g manurian , they call themself qi(flag), banners, or flag member, flags or banners means eight flags made of han eight banners, tangus eighter bann
How is it pure nonesense, that the fact that Japanese Empire industrialized much of our empire. This is fact. You posting pictures does not in any way contribute to the discourse of economic development of Korea, Taiwan. LOL.

PS. Cool pictures tho. Kougeki o Kaishisuru!!! Ike !!!:lol::D

What you afraid ? Okinawa is the second Taiwan,remeber that.:coffee:
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