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China and Russia flex muscle at the West

Oh this is going to be good.:flame:

To throw the dog a bone, i'm not even going to argue your accusations against the US.

Russia does this, China does this

Russia does this, China does this

Russia does this, China does this

Russia does this, the general public's opinion doesn't matter period.

China has attempted to do this (yea South Korea was a newly emerged democracy at that time but that is not a plus) but failed, mostly do to their lack of capability at the time. The general public's opinion doesn't matter period.

According to your criteria Russia and China are too.

Do you have any other accusations that are uniquely American in nature?

The US does all those wicked things the so-called 'undemocratic and immoral' Russia and China do and after all that the US and its freedom loving citizens like you have no problem calling themselves the 'champions of democracy and human rights'. Now, that is the big difference between Russia and China on one side and the 'venerable' uncle sam on the other side. At least, those other two do not keep screaming that they are the champions of democracy and human rights!
Say what before?

So you are calling me names, "bugs"? Why if I may ask? what is it about my posts that makes you upset?

Where do I stand?

And how am I fooling the world again?

Doesn't this post look nicer and more well behaved without the bold letters?

Did I not quote what you didn't say earlier or is it that you conveniently have comprehension problem at times? You may pretend that you're very fair and unbiased but if one analyses your statements it becomes clear that you blame those opposing the US more for the troubles of this world. Now that tells on which side you are but you don't want to be seen as one of those ugly zionazi supporters, hence you come up with statements like "I am on everyone's side" crap. In this world of oppressors and oppressed only the impostors like you can have the luxury to to remain neutral. As for the bold letters, you have the choice to ignore my posts, nobody's stopping you! I don't feel like listening to your lecture about the aesthetic side of life.
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