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China and India must cooperatenot fight each other

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bbc.co.uk / iplayer / console / b00s92p9

bbc.co.uk / iplayer / console / b00schhj

There are many take aways from here, but majorly my observations:

1. China has a lot of tangible infra, while India has a lot of intangible infra.
2. China has focused on primary & secondary education, while India has focused on higher education in line with Nehru's idea of Oxford/Cambridge.
3. China has 200 million poor living on less than $2 a day, which is more poor people than in India in the same earning bracket.
4. China has 800 million living in rural areas and as such prosperity has not begun to sink into the interior - a satellite picture of night time China reveals only east China along the coast has developed.
5. Just 30 years back India had better infra and they had same Income per Capita, but since then China has constructed some 30,000 miles of multi laned highways, and today per capita is 3x India's.
6. Chinese students don't ask qs in class, such is their culture! They are poor at abstract/logical thinking. Individualism is discouraged.
7. China wants the world to believe it is generous and has no expansionist policies in the string of pearls.
8. ZTE is an example of a Communist Party owned company that made merry in the telecom opportunity as it came up. The radio show host was driven around in a golf cart!
9. China believes this is pentagon inspired paranoia- string of pearls - a term coined by pentagon to create trouble in Asia.
10. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Srilanka- all peripheral states in the great battle stand to gain a lot from Indo China rivalry.
11. China contests India's assertion that Indian ocean is it's private back yard and talks of interdependence- being accustomed to each other- ie even as American and Indian navies reign supreme today in this region that may change with time. Indian Navy ships may take up responsibilities in sea of China.
12. The solution to the boundary question will come when both nations are powerful and mature enough to believe in give and take- rather than arousing passionate nationalistic sentiments in their people which is typical of growing nations.
13. India is only slightly behind China and by all indicators will close the gap. The listeners are implored into not believing what they outwardly see in China.
14. Government has zero accountability in China. People have no say in Government. Some Chinese professor though said he pities the Indian system of chaos where opposition opposes for the sake of opposing and has no financial stake in the protest.
15. Chinese elites are realizing that a lot of the prosperity has come through peace, and since it is a top down approach in China, the common man is somewhat alienated- fancy toys like maglevs dont appeal to him, he wants clean safe drinking water which is yet to reach many Chinese villages.
17. There are NIIT teachers teaching HTML to Chinese in China!
18. China's biggest mistake in 3 decades is the one child policy. They will run out of people to take care of their old. The Govt of China will give it a quiet burial as it cannot make a public admission of its mistake.
19. Chinese are pragmatic. They dont want to make enemies.
20. India and China are not pally, but they may not be as estranged as the media sometimes makes them out to be. Elites in both countries know the other possesses the capability for some serious damage infliction should things come to such a pass.
21. Chinese policy makers believe the west is ahead because of their infra, if you have caught up with their infra catching up with their economies shan't take too long.
22. In Nandigram India has shown it can be as brutal as China on its citizens when it comes to.

Where did you get the 800 million number?

Demographics of the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Urban-rural ratio

* Urban: 42.3% (2007) — 562,000,000
* Rural: 57.7% (2007) — 767,000,000

0.577*1.3 = 0.75 = 750 million, in 2007. Currently China's rural/urban divide is 50/50. Inaccurate statement by the BBC.

As of 2003, the distribution of urban household income:

* Average per capita disposable income by quintile: Y 9,061 [U.S.$1,095]
o first quintile: Y 3,285
o second quintile: Y 5,377
o third quintile: Y 7,279
o fourth quintile: Y 9,763
o fifth quintile: Y 17,431

Do note that even the first quintile, the poorest 20% of our population, have average incomes of 1.38 USD per day at prevailing exchange rates. This is in 2003 as well, 7 years earlier.

India Watch :: Poverty Line

"The World Bank's definition of the poverty line**, for under developed countries, like India, is US$ 1/day/person or US $365 per year. As per this definition, more than 75% of all Indians are, probably, below the poverty line!"

75% of india is poorer than our lowest 20%!

So please before spewing out BBC crap, fact-check. If you think the BBC is an extremely reliable source of news, i have some more news from the BBC that you might find interesting.

I also could not help but laugh at some of your assertions with no facts to back them up. There's no "Chinese mentality", china's population is larger than the whole world population in 1850, was there a "world mentality" in 1850? is this how all indians behave? take 1 source and then extrapolate completely unrelated data from that source? no wonder india is at least a century behind us.
How Indian are good at software !
I understand this part of program, thank you !
Dalian is a new city in the northeast of China, the main industry of this city is software estate, this city is the software production central of China, but it's very smaller than India's.

China's software industry is not smaler india's.

The role of India's software industry is like China's toys-making industry, it is export oriented and has little help to country's development except providing employment.
China's software industry is not smaler india's.

The role of India's software industry is like China's toys-making industry, it is export oriented and has little help to country's development except providing employment.

Things are more than providing employment, taxes are big thing plus I would compare China's Manufacturing industry including electronics to be compared with Indian software industry.:cheers::cheers:
Things are more than providing employment, taxes are big thing plus I would compare China's Manufacturing industry including electronics to be compared with Indian software industry.:cheers::cheers:

LOL. China's Manufacturing industry?

Revenues of Indian software industry to top $60 billion

From January to December of 2008, the total export value of China´s textile industry stood at 65.406 billion USD
Research Report of China's Textile Industry, 2009 - new market report just published

China's export of textile rival the whole revenue of Indian software industry . This is enough.
There is no major dispute between China and India the only dispute is India desperately want world to recognize as a power in Asia so India started Anti-China campaign through media Chinese people are very sensible and peace loving their response is simple "Jaa Bheta Moh doh k aa". :chilli:
heavystorm, that was a great post... I will not argue about petty difference of opinion which I have with one point of your article... The tone and the message conveyed was great... you know what... when I visited China ( Shenzen) on a bussiness trip... a lot of Chinese people took photos with me... all of them were so kind... even though I did not know your language.... with the friendly nature of your people... going around tourist spots in Shenzen was never a problem for me... that time I was really wondering are we really hostile to each other... a big no... Infact if common people from both the countries visit each others country more than they do now... then we will have a great friendship...

One more important thing is people would not even passthrough b/w me and the image/some scenary which I photograph... wow, people have got so much of patience...

More such articles are welcome from all the Chinese members and my fellow country men as well... :tup:

Hope we do not fight with each other... (I mean the military of both our countries)....
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wow, gajju, below_freezing and masterofsea, chinapakistan, harrymohan and fox we have to make every thread as China vs India vs Pakistan ... WTF... :hitwall:

Mainly Gajju who started this... Can't you see the first post... it is mainly meant as a peacful message... You could have posted the differences you have in some other thread... :hitwall: :hitwall:
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heavystorm, that was a great post... I will not argue about petty difference of opinion which I have with one point of your article... The tone and the message conveyed was great... you know what... when I visited China ( Shenzen) on a bussiness trip... a lot of Chinese people took photos with me... all of them were so kind... even though I did not know your language.... with the friendly nature of your people... going around tourist spots in Shenzen was never a problem for me... that time I was really wondering are we really hostile to each other... a big no... Infact if common people from both the countries visit each others country more than they do now... then we will have a great friendship...

One more important thing is people would not even passthrough b/w me and the image/some scenary which I photograph... wow, people have got so much of patience...

More such articles are welcome from all the Chinese members and my fellow country men as well... :tup:

Hope we do not fight with each other... (I mean the military of both our countries)....

Wonderful reply! I want to say a lot of things, but my English is too poor to do like that. The truth is that I can write less than 1500 words, I can write simple sentences only, and there are a lot of grammar error in them.
To sum up, just like what you said, China and India must communicate and visit each other more, only by this way, we can understand each other and then the friendship would appear.
:welcome: to China and India
^^^We need more people with your kind of attitude. :china: :cheers:
i am suprised to see people like heavystorm in china who show good gestures towards india,thanks,keep it up
Well china is much ahead in the game of development there is no denying about the fact!

I have been to china myself and stayed there for few months - its a lovely country and people are friendly most of them are! and guess what they are big fan of bollywood movie songs atleast the cabs i travelled in played hindi songs!.

Having said that china and india have been centre of ancient power structures and the best part about china and india is they respect the value of family system and their family values are mostly the same! if china made a gesture of giving up pakistan i think then all the disputes will be settled and come century china and india will be the joint superpowers of the world! with yeah visa free travel to both countries.
Well china is much ahead in the game of development there is no denying about the fact!

I have been to china myself and stayed there for few months - its a lovely country and people are friendly most of them are! and guess what they are big fan of bollywood movie songs atleast the cabs i travelled in played hindi songs!.

Having said that china and india have been centre of ancient power structures and the best part about china and india is they respect the value of family system and their family values are mostly the same! if china made a gesture of giving up pakistan i think then all the disputes will be settled and come century china and india will be the joint superpowers of the world! with yeah visa free travel to both countries.

the bollywood things a surprise to me, hardly ever hear it in chinese cabs

also shouldnt be asking china to give up on its time tested friend maybe india should work on its issues with pakistan as a gesture instead.
i doubted very much any one in asia can cooperate with india, de paste history told us india look down on de poor and kissing dem rich white countries. the only way to working with india is make her yr slave , just like the brits used to and now de americans.
India never had any good intention with her neighbors, and always pokes her nose into others business,they also think they r superior den all other race except white ofcos( typical slavery attitude once u set dem free ).countries dat i been to , malaysia indonosisa, vietnam taiwan, singapore, thailand and cambodia all of whom had nothing good to say abt india, this is particular so in thailand , there is a well known saying in thailand " even a hooker dun wanna sit next to an indian in de bus".

i doubted very much any one in asia can cooperate with india, de paste history told us india look down on de poor and kissing dem rich white countries. the only way to working with india is make her yr slave , just like the brits used to and now de americans.

What past historical event has made you think this way???

Kissing the rich countries???? Well there is no kissing or anything every country has relations with west and China is also working with west in trade and all.

Make India slave like brits??

Dude if i say the same against any nation,I will be facing a ban in this forum and i don't think its sensible for a man even with a little brain to ever say something stupid like that against any nation.

Events of past have been forgotten by most countries ( for example world wars, regional conflicts etc). If u are stuck with enmity for no whatsoever reason, only god can save you.

India never had any good intention with her neighbors, and always pokes her nose into others business,they also think they r superior den all other race except white ofcos( typical slavery attitude once u set dem free ).countries dat i been to , malaysia indonosisa, vietnam taiwan, singapore, thailand and cambodia all of whom had nothing good to say abt india, this is particular so in thailand , there is a well known saying in thailand " even a hooker dun wanna sit next to an indian in de bus"

I am so ashamed at the level of thought u have. Dude this is an international forum, i can't reply to utter BS like these.
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