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China and India must cooperatenot fight each other

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Hmm... this tread was fine so far..
Now, seems its on the way going downhill, as usually happens with such Indo-China threads.
he is just angry that indians have the audacity to compare the IT industry of india with our manufacturing. there is no comparison, indian IT industry can't even beat our textile industry alone. compare your IT industry with ours (we have higher revenue from that btw).
What past historical event has made you think this way???

Kissing the rich countries???? Well there is no kissing or anything every country has relations with west and China is also working with west in trade and all.

Make India slave like brits??

Dude if i say the same against any nation,I will be facing a ban in this forum and i don't think its sensible for a man even with a little brain to ever say something stupid like that against any nation.

Events of past have been forgotten by most countries ( for example world wars, regional conflicts etc). If u are stuck with enmity for no whatsoever reason, only god can save you.

I am so ashamed at the level of thought u have. Dude this is an international forum, i can't reply to utter BS like these.

once again each time when some one mentioned abt master and slavery they all get very emotional .llol calm down calm down dis a just a discusiion why u get so uptight?
ii m just telling the truth here , am i not allow to speak de truth?and u know wht truth always hurt.
just to prove my point , if america or uk said india is a backward country i can assure u no one will say anything. but if it were coming from china or pakistan, u can bet yr mortage dat it will be headline in all newspapers and tv channels and a round of china bashing for nothing less den one week will begin
see this is wht i meam , how can u cooeprate with india? , if a person cannt take critisims how can u work with dat person??????

i doubted very much any one in asia can cooperate with india, de paste history told us india look down on de poor and kissing dem rich white countries. the only way to working with india is make her yr slave , just like the brits used to and now de americans.
India never had any good intention with her neighbors, and always pokes her nose into others business,they also think they r superior den all other race except white ofcos( typical slavery attitude once u set dem free ).countries dat i been to , malaysia indonosisa, vietnam taiwan, singapore, thailand and cambodia all of whom had nothing good to say abt india, this is particular so in thailand , there is a well known saying in thailand " even a hooker dun wanna sit next to an indian in de bus".


I'm thankful china and India's leadership is more level headed than some of our members here. it would be better for both nations to evolve in to allies.

an other fine example india just cant take crictisms
just to prove another of my point, can india name one country dat had de kind of relationship we china and pakistan had, time tested all weather, equal partnership, equal self respect, stick with each others all de times, looking out for not only self interests but for each others...hmmm just dunn want to embarress our indian buddy further, let me give u one easy question just name me one non white country u can say is yr ally and whom will come to yr aid when u in trouble , dun tell me is it japan or south korea cos dem 2 countries had nothing to do with india in de pass.
an other fine example india just cant take crictisms
just to prove another of my point, can india name one country dat had de kind of relationship we china and pakistan had, time tested all weather, equal partnership, equal self respect, stick with each others all de times, looking out for not only self interests but for each others...hmmm just dunn want to embarress our indian buddy further, let me give u one easy question just name me one non white country u can say is yr ally and whom will come to yr aid when u in trouble , dun tell me is it japan or south korea cos dem 2 countries had nothing to do with india in de pass.

c'mon dude you're spoiling the whole point of this thread, when the leaders of our nations are trying to build bridges and move past the thorny issues, why do you keep living in the past? I (and most others) have great respect for what your nation has achieved and frankly we try to emulate china's good qualities (there are many).
How about you move beyond the obvious flame baits and discuss something constructive.
Its good that china and pak are allies, but instead of sowing seeds of hatred, why cant you try sowing friendship instead? anyway, things are moving forward for china and india which is what counts in the end.
btw in today's world, nobody (not even china pak) is an all weather friend. Business and economics rule today, ideological alliances are a thing of the past so i suggest you stop living in the past. be thankful that you have a intelligent leadership which to this day is sensible enough to stay away from Indo-pak issues (even u.s. stays away). when was the last time china intervened in an Indo-pak war? this is how mature nations behave, and i'm glad china is governed by thoughtful people.
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agreed. for strategic purpose better to make peace with india so we can focus on managing issues with USA and their big pals SK and jap an.
agreed. for strategic purpose better to make peace with india so we can focus on managing issues with USA and their big pals SK and jap an.

thanks, alliances are exactly what will bring prosperity to our people. I'm sure you and I agree we are working to the best of our abilities to progress and prosper. Both our nations have seen poverty, and hopelessness in the past. lets not allow petty issues get in the way of our people's happiness
he is just angry that indians have the audacity to compare the IT industry of india with our manufacturing. there is no comparison, indian IT industry can't even beat our textile industry alone. compare your IT industry with ours (we have higher revenue from that btw).

Dude, u talk about India master-slave, the biggest slaves are you people of United States, the day US stops the imports from China your industry will fall like deck of cards.

Have you ever seen working conditions of Chinese laborers? Just Youtube it, they have to work 7 days a week whole year, some have not even taken a day off from their work in years? You are jumping on excitement on the working conditions of these people at least IT people in India are living in 1000 times better working conditions. Also how much they earn is $100 per month. Shame on your 60$ billion industry when those who are working are not getting benefits.

Now it's common these chinese trollers will bring toilets and poverty issue but who cares??
c'mon dude you're spoiling the whole point of this thread, when the leaders of our nations are trying to build bridges and move past the thorny issues, why do you keep living in the past? I (and most others) have great respect for what your nation has achieved and frankly we try to emulate china's good qualities (there are many).
How about you move beyond the obvious flame baits and discuss something constructive.
Its good that china and pak are allies, but instead of sowing seeds of hatred, why cant you try sowing friendship instead? anyway, things are moving forward for china and india which is what counts in the end.
btw in today's world, nobody (not even china pak) is an all weather friend. Business and economics rule today, ideological alliances are a thing of the past so i suggest you stop living in the past. be thankful that you have a intelligent leadership which to this day is sensible enough to stay away from Indo-pak issues (even u.s. stays away). when was the last time china intervened in an Indo-pak war? this is how mature nations behave, and i'm glad china is governed by thoughtful people.

see another typical indian mentality , u seem to blame or think we chinese were the one dat generate hatred or we dun want friendship with india
why cannt u indian for once admitted u r on de wrong in dis issue?????
ever heard of india bashing in de chinese media???????
i dun blame u for not understanding china pak friendship cos u india never had friendship like us, u india think friendship is abt $$$$$$ no wonder u never tolk abt poorer countries as friend(now i know why india think america uk are her friends lol)
as for yr last point dis thread is not indo-pak issue so no point for me to answer yr question , but just to say china is well know for its non intererence with other country internal policy.

see another typical indian mentality , u seem to blame or think we chinese were the one dat generate hatred or we dun want friendship with india

the comment was specifically for you (not chinese people in general). anyway, I have enough Chinese friends to know (and hope) that china and india will resolve their issues amicably in the coming future. a few haters on pdf aren't going to change the future. and yes i'm aware there's very little (if any) india bashing in chinese media. one this note I agree that Indian media is a bit childish, although that may have something to do with them being corporate owned (instead of state owned) and their tendency to exaggerate and sensationalize everything.
I personally don't think India considers USA and UK as friends, they are more business partners and economic allies. And I expect India to make policies that benefit her, we are (and every country is) completely justified in putting our own interests first, lets not be hypocritical/childish on such issues.
Dude, u talk about India master-slave, the biggest slaves are you people of United States, the day US stops the imports from China your industry will fall like deck of cards.

Have you ever seen working conditions of Chinese laborers? Just Youtube it, they have to work 7 days a week whole year, some have not even taken a day off from their work in years? You are jumping on excitement on the working conditions of these people at least IT people in India are living in 1000 times better working conditions. Also how much they earn is $100 per month. Shame on your 60$ billion industry when those who are working are not getting benefits.

Now it's common these chinese trollers will bring toilets and poverty issue but who cares??

lol see dis is de kind of argument india called constructive
lol see dis is de kind of argument india called constructive

Seeing your past comments you were trolling as usual. Take out the hate or get out of this India Defense thread!! do all this in China Defense and make it dirty.
the comment was specifically for you (not chinese people in general). anyway, I have enough Chinese friends to know (and hope) that china and india will resolve their issues amicably in the coming future. a few haters on pdf aren't going to change the future. and yes i'm aware there's very little (if any) india bashing in chinese media. one this note I agree that Indian media is a bit childish, although that may have something to do with them being corporate owned (instead of state owned) and their tendency to exaggerate and sensationalize everything.
I personally don't think India considers USA and UK as friends, they are more business partners and economic allies. And I expect India to make policies that benefit her, we are (and every country is) completely justified in putting our own interests first, lets not be hypocritical/childish on such issues.

all i want to say is yr media is telling the things the people of yr nation want to see or hear, china bashing will help tv rating and sell newspapers, in economic terms dis is call supply and demand yr country hatred for china is well know , how can we have friendship with some one who doesnt like us??????
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