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China and India decrease oil-imports from Iran

I think Oil embargo might seem terrible and difficult . they certainly bring difficult days for poor people in Iran which can suffer the ones don't have a good Financial condition in these days BUT it can be a start for the government and all the Iranians to build both economy and industry . to farm instead of importing fruits , rice and even tea from abroad , to focus on Livestock instead of importing meat from Brazil and many other things .

I think this is the best chance for Iran as our government is kinda forced to stop counting on oil and has to concentrate on industry and other ways to earn money or will collapse . Fortunately in the last 2 years the government has tried to replace the culture of using homemade products in people's head instead of buying foreign products . Hope our factories and producers try to improve the quality of their products to earn people's trust because we first need to take the control of trade inside then can make plan for competing with rivals outside . while most people use south Korean , Japanese , Chinese products in Iran its stupid to think about outside . I think Iran has the potential of advancing double faster than even the 2nd world countries . You can find best talents of the world in our universities like Sharif , Tehran , sanati Esfehan , shahid beheshti , khaje nasir and ... who are just wasted or bought by the US to work for them only because of lack of attention and lack of support from the government . In fact , these people are our wealth not oil or other resources . we Just need a powerful management to use them , to connect the universities with factories and companies which is not happening in Iran right now . We just need to improve our educational system to educate the Technicians , experts and engineers that have the latest knowledge and can help the country advance , we don't need to focus on quantity we must work on quality which is barely found in most of our universities like azad or payam e noor . Sorry for writing this long story but they're kinda a pain .

Long Live Iran
Who cares? Would you prefer to be like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, they have money but no dignity and no independent foreign policy.

Your ignorant black-and-white image of the world is abhorrent. So you want to tell me that Iranians only have the choice between an Iran-like government (dictatorial and brutal) and a Saudi/Qatar-like government, which is dictatorial and brutal too? The only difference is that the latter has more welfare, and international openness. There a lot more examples of countries Iran could be like.
Who cares? Would you prefer to be like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, they have money but no dignity and no independent foreign policy.

Well Saudi Arabia and Qatar are playing it smart. Face sanctions too?

By the way most people in the Saudi government despise USA, but also the know the reality that to have messed up relations with USA, can mess up your country.

Like technological development, education, etc.

USA is the Superpower, and unfortunately as long as the technological innovation is happening in USA, its difficult to fight them.

There is no alternative to USA.

The alternative to USA is China + Russia + Brazil. But even they are not strong enough.

Don't worry, in 15 years the world will be a different place.

Even American are realizing that the wars a were a mistake.
Who cares? Would you prefer to be like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, they have money but no dignity and no independent foreign policy.

they even don't have the control of themselves because if they want to go another way they'll be treated like Saddam or the Iranian king .
Your ignorant black-and-white image of the world is abhorrent. So you want to tell me that Iranians only have the choice between an Iran-like government (dictatorial and brutal) and a Saudi/Qatar-like government, which is dictatorial and brutal too? The only difference is that the latter has more welfare, and international openness. There a lot more examples of countries Iran could be like.

Hey Surenas , You don't deserve to be replied but ask yourself why the current government has been attacked since the revolution while They could shake hands with Americans and do what the previous king did ? why aren't they accepting the westerns term in negotiations ? Although I know you don't get the answer as there is no sign of Iranian blood in you but let the others reply it .

Yes I agree , some religious Extremists in the government have caused some problems and we certainly need some changes in our law and policy but it doesn't mean that we deny the truth . This government is trying to stay on it's feet and end slavery of the westerns specially Americans in our country . Don't forget what they did to Iran before the revolution ( read the history of our country in the last 200 years ) , Don't forget what they did to us during imposed war and since then .

I've seen lots of people like you in Tehran . They are just jabbering while they even haven't taken 1 step for the country , just expect a high salary and holiday with the least time of working . whenever you see them complaining and insulting the governors .

You also said that :
There a lot more examples of countries Iran could be like
. I ensure you nuclear program , Israel , Hezbollah and our policy is just an excuse to force Iran . As long as Iran stays independent and doesn't knee for them and doesn't give them it's oil and resources like what our king was doing before the revolution by buying their weapons , giving loan to their bankrupt factories and companies and ******* off the money of 6.5 millions oil barrels instead of building the country they will treat us like this . Independence can't be reached easily , we're paying it's price . you'd better to do something and be useful for the country instead of attacking it .
Hey Surenas , You don't deserve to be replied.

So why bothering than? One step for the country? What have you guys done, besides ruining Iran's economy in the long-term, creating an image of Iranians being fanatical muslims, terrorists and attacking foreign embassies? You guys have made Iran a pariah-state, while I continuously in the west have to explain that Iranians aren't fanatical idiots. Don't forget what they did to us? No, we won't forget those events, but we have to look forward. Do you still see the Japanese mocking about those 2 nuclear weapons US fired on them?

Now look at Iran! A bunch of illiterate, uncivilized mullahs and pasdars who can't even speak elegant Farsi, are ruling Iran!
So why bothering than? One step for the country? What have you guys done, besides ruining Iran's economy in the long-term, creating an image of Iranians being fanatical muslims, terrorists and attacking foreign embassies? You guys have made Iran a pariah-state, while I continuously in the west have to explain that Iranians aren't fanatical idiots. Don't forget what they did to us? No, we won't forget those events, but we have to look forward. Do you still see the Japanese mocking about those 2 nuclear weapons US fired on them?

Now look at Iran! A bunch of illiterate, uncivilized mullahs and pasdars who can't even speak elegant Farsi, are ruling Iran!

Firstly I agree there are some problems in Iran as if they weren't we were a 1st world country .

What have you guys done, besides ruining Iran's economy ? You need to compare Iran today with 30 years ago . before the revolution the oil production was 6.5 mil with 30 millions pop and now its 2.5 mil with 78 millions pop . You just need to open your eyes ( if living in Iran ) to see the advancement in science , industry , military and etc altough the sanctions have been like a dam . You cannot expect a country that was a real user before the revolution and had an 8 year war that made it get behind for 20 years and also has been boycotted for 30 years to advance in 1 night . our economy is at the beginning of it's way and the government programs gonna improve that however we first should learn to support home made products . ( you can't expect our economy advance when people worshiping foreign brands )

creating an image of Iranians being fanatical muslims. Yes in the Westerns and American Eyes these people are just crazy , complex , fanatical , brain washed and ... . they called these people their friends before the revolution and everything changed after a few years however I do believe most of them have been influenced by pro western , Israeli and American media cos I'm in touch with lots of them living in north European countries , they had the same idea about Iranians and when I told what Iranians , their religion and culture said they completely changed their mind and Confessed they'd been influenced by their media .

You guys have made Iran a pariah-state!!?

Iran is a pariah-state because the US and some European leaders don't like it and see Iran as a dam on their way , policy and benefits . If Iran knee for them and gives up in negotiations we'll be called their friends , civilized and respectable people . Funny

You wrote about looking forward which I agree , but how ? how can a country advance while its not independent and is an absolute puppet and user ??? How can a country advance when doesn't have control on it's zone ??

The Japanese war was totally different with ours . they started the war by attacking soviet union , china and the US however they didn't deserve to be attacked like that but our wars were imposed to loot our oil , resources and money . never compare Iran with Japan as its unfair and unacceptable . None of the people lost their youth during that war forget that . and again never forget that Shia is based on standing and working hard .

Now look at Iran! A bunch of illiterate, uncivilized mullahs and pasdars who can't even speak elegant Farsi, are ruling Iran!

I again agree with you that there are some people in positions that they don't deserve . but counting all of them in same team is unfair and illogical . mullahs are educated in Islamic majors , if you call them ... its your opinion .

Don't forget , these pasdars you are insulting were the ones lost their lives in Iran - Iraq war and In Kurdistan . they are the ones trying to protect the country from the enemies you call civilized and if they weren't here Iran had been attacked and you couldn't see no sign of Iranians right now .

I myself don't agree with lots of things in this government but do believe that the governors will solve them as they're honestly trying to help the country to advance .

You'd better drink your beer there and have fun .

I suggest you to read the European and American history to know what kind of monster they are and what they've done to the world . All they want is money and resources . they don't care if millions die .

In American and Western ideology people's life have different prices . An American or European life is much more important and expensive than and African , Asian and specially middle eastern life . If 1 person dies in their countries specially if a Muslim causes that there will be a hell and disaster while they or their puppets killing thousands of people in Palestine , Iraq , Iran , Afghanistan , Pakistan and ... but you see silence there . Iranians are one of the fewest people that have dealt with various issues for thousands of years , from Roman , Greek , Arabian invasions till mongols invasions , from the Ottomans and the Russians Invasion till the British and Portuguese invasion , from Saddam's invasion till the American cultural and economical invasions . nowadays people know who is on their side and who is their enemy and that's why bearing against these brutal sanctions

Long live Iran and Iran's lovers .
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