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China and India : Brothers at Odds Who Shared the Same Destiny?

You are so typical of some Indians posters. Creating lies and even believing in your own lies.

All things changes with time. Even culture. The only constant in this universe is change.
Change for the better.

Caste system and dowry for bride is just not right. Simple as that.

Why indians still accept as good values.
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Ignore them bro.
Thanks to the preservation of ancient Chinese culture by modern China .Traditional clothing style of Chinese is now n the museum and art gallery.From functional attire ,marriage celebration to modern buildings Chinese dont have any problem in imitate European.
Of Course we accepted a lots of good values from around the world .English language was just one from Brits .We have accepted the Persian language ,Persian architecture ,Islam and Christianity and created our own version of peaceful yet powerful,highly valuable Sufi Culture ,Buddhism etc .Mughals came here with their ancient barbaric tradition .Due to their mixing with our tradition later Mughal kings like Akbar gave a lots of to this world .
Nalanda University was a prime destination of ancient Chinese Scholars.

But Chinese members cant understand that.

Sufi culture under no circumstances was created in India, who exactly advocated this particularly factoid to you? The Chinese also have an enrich heritage of Sufism in their country, since the Hui are the direct descendants of a Sufi Saint from the Naqshbandi Order.
Ignore them bro.
Thanks to the preservation of ancient Chinese culture by modern China .Traditional clothing style of Chinese is now n the museum and art gallery.From functional attire ,marriage celebration to modern buildings Chinese dont have any problem in imitate European.
Of Course we accepted a lots of good values from around the world .English language was just one from Brits .We have accepted the Persian language ,Persian architecture ,Islam and Christianity and created our own version of peaceful yet powerful,highly valuable Sufi Culture ,Buddhism etc .Mughals came here with their ancient barbaric tradition .Due to their mixing with our tradition later Mughal kings like Akbar gave a lots of to this world .
Nalanda University was a prime destination of ancient Chinese Scholars.

But Chinese members cant understand that.

lol you wanna talk shit about modern buildings? Here's a top university in my hometown, Wuhan University. Built in the 1950's.

Ignore them bro.
Thanks to the preservation of ancient Chinese culture by modern China .Traditional clothing style of Chinese is now n the museum and art gallery.From functional attire ,marriage celebration to modern buildings Chinese dont have any problem in imitate European.
Of Course we accepted a lots of good values from around the world .English language was just one from Brits .We have accepted the Persian language ,Persian architecture ,Islam and Christianity and created our own version of peaceful yet powerful,highly valuable Sufi Culture ,Buddhism etc .Mughals came here with their ancient barbaric tradition .Due to their mixing with our tradition later Mughal kings like Akbar gave a lots of to this world .
Nalanda University was a prime destination of ancient Chinese Scholars.

But Chinese members cant understand that.

I dont like to see disparaging comments on either side as both China and China are Ancient Civilizations that are Continental-sized Nation States. India or I should say Hindustan is a nation that is one of the most 'ancient' civilizations that have maintained the continuity of Sanskrit , as well as their Hindu faith , which is as old as the old Egyptian and the Greek Hellenistic Faith that are all long gone now. India, however, has maintained their Hindu religion and preserved it for thousands of years for posterity and for their future generations. That is something they should be proud of. India also is a Republic that is centered on a cameral legislature, a judicial system that is independent of the legislative and executive. The country operates a unique representative democracy and one has accomodated for over 1.25 billion citizenry , which is a feat on its own --- being the fact that India is still a developing country with limited capital, yet She is able to maintain and uphold her democracy over these years since independence and through the various exigencies in her modern history.

The Chinese have much to be proud of, as well, since their country has developed greatly these some 70 years since the rise of the People's Republic of China and some 40 years since the introduction of the Open Door Policy and the integration of the Chinese economy into the world market. I believe that China and India, collectively, have much to be proud of since post WWII and post independence. Both have unique challenges respective to their societies, but the potential is high for them both, and one cannot possibly argue that both are the drivers for the economic fulcrum of the world.

India and China are both great contributors to civilization to Asia and the world, that is without a doubt. India and China have a bright future. A stable India and China shall bring stability as well as trickle down growth to the rest of Asia and the world at large.


Caste system and dowry for bride is just not right. Simple as that.

How absurd; their caste system is uniquely part of their religion. And as from i have studied and from my exchanges with Indian academics, the caste system is but a trivial aperture since there are forms wherein people may rise despite their caste. If I may make an example the current Prime Minister of India: Narendra Modi-Ji. He is of the Ghanchi (Vaishyas) caste, definitely not high such as Brahmin, however, he was able to rise as Prime Minister of India; the most powerful position in the land.

In India, one can rise from whatever caste. So long as one has education.

Lastly, why do you put down on India's own unique social order when your own country, Malaysia, has its own version such as the Bumiputra? I believe it is important for you , as a Malaysian, to focus on the problems of your own country, first, before you look at the issues of other peoples' countries.

The old adage of, "Tend to your village first before you look at the next village over," comes to mind.

They are very different countries. China has a lot more similarity with say Japan then it does with India.

Also, China is currently very ahead of India in economic development. To reach first world, it will take India another century. Coastal China is pretty much first world already.
In terms of hardware, first tier cities are first world but even there the average person's education level is at least one generation behind.
Ya right .From the Alexander to Brits spanning around more than 1000 years we faced foreign invasion.
But Chinese one and only true enemy was Mangol that always plucked feather and hair of Chinese .
And great Chinese always faced genocide from Chenghis Khan .Then came the Japanese .They also did the same .They won
Means way better than Chinese CCP. :sarcastic:

Then the Mughals with 1/100th the power of the Mongols turned you into their perpetual slave, even today you must prostrate before Mughals, that enly ended when you got hundreds of millions starved to death by British.

But you admit, that's simply Indian on Indian violence. You must be proud.
A country that practice caste system will forever be a barbaric third world country.
Half english/Jewish and half Chinese !!!
Gosh, online name in PDF.
Do u really think this name is on my ID?
Sorry to disappoint u that we don't use languages of invaders in daily life and mix English words in Hindi.
US woman on first India trip gang-raped in Dharamsala,fresh news.

Says a guys who come from a country that are obsessed by English people and imitate them in their marriages, life style, etc...etc...

And their leaders has to go public and instruct Chinese youth to not to follow western guys.

And your name is Andrew Jin !!

Half english/Jewish and half Chinese !!!
If we dont post the English name I am afraid most Indians cant understand the meaning of the name,the name here is just ID,for us ,Do you really think china just is slave cause we talked here in English?Unlike some Oxen country,we teached the kids in chinese and translated the hig-tec into chinese words.
US woman on first India trip gang-raped in Dharamsala,fresh news.

If we dont post the English name I am afraid most Indians cant understand the meaning of the name,the name here is just ID,for us ,Do you really think china just is slave cause we talked here in English?Unlike some Oxen country,we teached the kids in chinese and translated the hig-tec into chinese words.

As if the whole world is a safe heaven for women. Many atrocities and shootings happen in USA.

According to the West lead by USA

1) China is violator of human rights, a fascist regime. Chinese people do not care of IP rights and are very aggressive with their neighbors. They are a threat to the peace and stability in Asia.

2) Suddenly India is not safe for women.


I do not care for what western media agencies say and what their organizations report.

Regarding ID and all, How many chinese are giving up their own culture and embracing Jewish names/ converting to christianity as we speak?

Asian men and women are after English people and imitate their life style.

Gosh, online name in PDF.
Do u really think this name is on my ID?
Sorry to disappoint u that we don't use languages of invaders in daily life and mix English words in Hindi.

Yet here you are talking in English and interacting in English.

What is the equivalent name of Computer and inspector in Chinese? tell me in 2 mins?

Technologies we use today come from west, reason why most of the english words got mixed up in our languages. No harm when India does technology and innovation people will also mix Indian words in their Native languages.
As I see it, the problems between China and India can easily be solved and they seem very superficial.
I think so,under the premise that we are white.:cool:

Nepal is part of south Asia get it ?

I do wonder why oldest surviving civilization is worshiping an south Asian Info Aryan God.
What is the equivalent name of Computer and inspector in Chinese? tell me in 2 mins?
Computer = 电脑(dian nao)
inspector= 检查员 (jian cha yuan)
Carbon dioxide= 二氧化碳(er yang hua tan)
satellite= 卫星(wei sing)
high-speed railway= 高铁(ago tie)
laser=激光(ji guang)
Endomyocardial fibrosis= 心内膜纤维化(xin nei mo xian wei hua)
CPR = 心肺复苏 (xin fei fu su)
NATO = 北约 (bei yue)
Mahayana = 大乘佛教 (da cheng fo jiao)

Sorry to disappoint you, we don't call computer "computer" in China.
I don't use any English in my daily life except here in PDF.

I think so,under the premise that we are white.:cool:

U see, someone in PDF thinks Chinese call computer as "computer".
U are now in high school, have u used any English words when u are learning chemistry/physics/maths?
U see there is some difference between India and East Asia.
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2) Suddenly India is not safe for women.
...Can u tell me the 'truth'?
What is the equivalent name of Computer and inspector in Chinese?
Maybe I misread what u said..?:sad:
...Can u tell me the 'truth'?

Maybe I misread what u said..?:sad:
He means in India, they call computer/inspector the same way as English words
...Can u tell me the 'truth'?

Maybe I misread what u said..?:sad:
He thinks we use English words in Chinese, especially those technical words.
U see, someone in PDF thinks Chinese call computer as "computer".
U are now in high school, have u used any English words when u are learning chemistry/physics/maths?
U see there is some difference between India and East Asia.
Never a whole word.
Maybe...mg/kg,mol,etc.. are used
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