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China and India : Brothers at Odds Who Shared the Same Destiny?

The local Gov.is so starved of funds by Indian government that it cannot pay the salary of it's employees.
Let alone provide some decent infrastructure.To travel to the capital of the state/province one has to go through the neighbouring province of Assam as there is no road (permanent or mud) within different regions of the province.
My province (a province in Central China) is responsible for a prefecture at the other side of your place, called 山南地区。A lot of doctors, teachers, engineers go there for 1-2 years for help. To some extent, the village road there is no worse than the village roads in the mountainous regions of my province.

I have never encountered power cut or tap water shortage when I travel there.
Except in EBC, that was in 2011. Now there is 4G and stable electricity there.
屏幕快照 2015-09-25 15.44.14.png
屏幕快照 2015-09-25 15.45.08.png

Medog is the last county in China that finally got concrete highway. It is very difficult to build highway there, and central government tried 3 times over the span of 2 decades.

Hey, man, helping remote region and minorities isn't the job of a responsible government? It is easy for you to point finger at others. Maybe you are born with silver spoon in your month, but others are not that lucky. Do stand on the high moral ground and lecture others.
How can you expect those people to work properly when they have no access to education and electricity?!

That attitude is absurd.
If that's the altitude towards the poor and the underprivileged, no doubt their society is so stagnant.

My father was born in a poor village but now is a professor.
I witness how his village changed from being stuck in abject poverty to a well-being village where people have access to clean tap water, natural gas pipeline, 4G, optic fibre broadband and medical insurance/pension.
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My province (a province in Central China) is responsible for a prefecture at the other side of your place, called 山南地区。A lot of doctors, teachers, engineers go there for 1-2 years for help. To some extent, the village road there is no worse than the village roads in the mountainous regions of my province.

I have never encountered power cut or tap water shortage when I travel there.
Except in EBC, that was in 2011. Now there is 4G and stable electricity there.
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True. How can you expect those people to work properly when they have no access to education and electricity?!
That attitude is absurd.

You mean the government of your province in central China, responsible for building roads in south Tibet, China side of LOC, and provide teachers and doctors?
You mean the government of your province in central China, responsible for building roads in south Tibet, China side of LOC, and provide teachers and doctors?
Yes, every prefecture in Tibet has a brother province.
They help train local teachers and doctors.
Medog is the last county in China that finally got concrete highway. It is very difficult to build highway there, and central government tried 3 times over the span of 2 decades.

Hey, man, helping remote region and minorities isn't the job of a responsible government? It is easy for you to point finger at others. Maybe you are born with silver spoon in your month, but others are not that lucky. Do stand on the high moral ground and lecture others.
After 1962 war Indian Gov did a spectacular job of discouraging any infrastructure build up in the area as a scorched earth policy.It is only recently that they put in some effort,that too to push in more Indians

Most Indians have that mentality.They have this mentality towards lower castes and people of oriental stock.Of course it driven by a sense of misplaced notion that they are more hardworking when in fact they toil so much because they are over populated and compete for scant resources among themselves.The mainland Indians receive far more doles and hand outs than we ever received in history,even per capita wise.But of course facts stand no chance against pre conceived notions of prejudice.Misplaced ones at that
Hey, man, helping remote region and minorities isn't the job of a responsible government? It is easy for you to point finger at others. Maybe you are born with silver spoon in your month, but others are not that lucky. Do stand on the high moral ground and lecture others.

What makes you think remote regions are not being helped out ? Talking about NE in , there is a ministry specifically for that purpose. Are you sure, you are informed enough before you talk ?
Check out the packages.
Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, North East India

Special Packages for NER | Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, North East India
After 1962 war Indian Gov did a spectacular job of discouraging any infrastructure build up in the area as a scorched earth policy.It is only recently that they put in some effort,that too to push in more Indians

Most Indians have that mentality.They have this mentality towards lower castes and people of oriental stock.Of course it driven by a sense of misplaced notion that they are more hardworking when in fact they toil so much because they are over populated and compete for scant resources among themselves.The mainland Indians receive far more doles and hand outs than we ever received in history,even per capita wise.But of course facts stand no chance against pre conceived notions of prejudice.Misplaced ones at that

I think after Brits last, Indians automatically assume the role of their former colonial master. They act like that won the war with Brits and they are supposed to assume all these land they did not own as their trophy, and treat the locals as a new master.

What makes you think remote regions are not being helped out ? Talking about NE in , there is a ministry specifically for that purpose. Are you sure, you are informed enough before you talk ?
Check out the packages.
Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, North East India

Special Packages for NER | Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, North East India

We are talking to a NE local here, you tell me if your government is actually doing a good job in help them or not! He are thousands of miles away in a metropolitan of mainland India, and you are telling me you know better than local people about NE? What makes you think you are in position to judge?
We are talking to a NE local here, you tell me if your government is actually doing a good job in help them or not! He are thousands of miles away in a metropolitan of mainland India, and you are telling me you know better than local people about NE? What makes you think you are in position to judge?

Yes I know better because I know. What makes you think that I don't ?

And that NE local that you have made friends with 2 hours back, belonging to one of the Tani tribes, I know about them too.
You mean the government of your province in central China, responsible for building roads in south Tibet, China side of LOC, and provide teachers and doctors?
Not just in Tibet, my provinces and some cities in the province are responsible for a prefecture in Xinjiang, some counties in Yunnan, and a lot of less developed places. But we are just an average province in Central China. Big cities like Lhasa and Shigatse are responsibility of rich places like Beijing/Jiangsu/Guangdong. For example, Beijing and Jiangsu help Lhasa. The street views above are village roads we built for Shannan Prefecture.
My province (a province in Central China) is responsible for a prefecture at the other side of your place, called 山南地区。A lot of doctors, teachers, engineers go there for 1-2 years for help. To some extent, the village road there is no worse than the village roads in the mountainous regions of my province.

I have never encountered power cut or tap water shortage when I travel there.
Except in EBC, that was in 2011. Now there is 4G and stable electricity there.
I doubt any place in whole of NE has roads like that for rural areas let alone my province.:-)
Yes I know better because I know. What makes you think that I don't ?

And that NE local that you have made friends with 2 hours back, belonging to one of the Tani tribes, I know about them too.
Yes I know better because I know. What makes you think that I don't ?

And that NE local that you have made friends with 2 hours back, belonging to one of the Tani tribes, I know about them too.

So are you telling me he is lying about meat ban, about 4k internet, about no road to capital, about no internet access in most part of NE Hill region, about discrimination they suffered by your kind? What do you know?
I think after Brits last, Indians automatically assume the role of their former colonial master. They act like that won the war with Brits and they are supposed to assume all these land they did not own as their trophy, and treat the locals as a new master.
Hitting the nail right where it matters.The Brits left in a hurry when their plans for hillstates and regions of Burma with sea links as a crown colony was refused by us.
The Indian people of course were not as polite and instead resorted to mass killings

Yes I know better because I know. What makes you think that I don't ?

And that NE local that you have made friends with 2 hours back, belonging to one of the Tani tribes, I know about them too.
Fine what is the history of the Tani tribe may you tell me?Apart from the cursory wikipedia look you have.In which decade was the first election held in NEFA(name of south tibet then)
Fine what is the history of the Tani tribe may you tell me?Apart from the cursory wikipedia look you have.In which decade was the first election held in NEFA(name of south tibet then)

Oh no. not going down that line with you. Thats just meaningless waste of time, considering your prejudice. You are free to draw your own conclusions.
BTW, you are free to pack your bags and leave, and see if they spoon feed you just because you happen to belong to some tribe.
So are you telling me he is lying about meat ban, about 4k internet, about no road to capital, about no internet access in most part of NE Hill region, about discrimination they suffered by your kind? What do you know?
Who said anything about lying ? You specifically told me, NE is being given a step brotherly treatment. I gave you sources to prove otherwise. Why dont you go through them ?

What kind of idiot thinks development is uniform across all the territories ? Cities and centers of trade are more developed.
Why do you think, coastal regions of China are more developed than the inner regions or the Western parts ? Answer me that.
Oh no. not going down that line with you. Thats just meaningless waste of time, considering your prejudice. You are free to draw your own conclusions.
BTW, you are free to pack your bags and leave, and see if they spoon feed you just because you happen to belong to some tribe.

Who said anything about lying ? You specifically told me, NE is being given a step brotherly treatment. I gave you sources to prove otherwise. Why dont you go through them ?

What kind of idiot thinks development is uniform across all the territories ? Cities and centers of trade are more developed.
Why do you think, coastal regions of China are more developed than the inner regions or the Western parts ? Answer me that.

So you admit your government is doing a lousy in providing basic service to NE Hill region? There is no any region as primitive as NE hill region in China. You saw the photos above, and that is the other side of LOC. Now you tell me, if you were tribal people, which side of LOC you want to live in?
So you admit your government is doing a lousy in providing basic service to NE Hill region? There is no any region as primitive as NE hill region in China. You saw the photos above, and that is the other side of LOC. Now you tell me, if you were tribal people, which side of LOC you want to live in?

So, do you admit your govt is lousy in developing Western and inner regions of China ?
What makes you think remote regions are not being helped out ? Talking about NE in , there is a ministry specifically for that purpose. Are you sure, you are informed enough before you talk ?
Check out the packages.
Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, North East India

Special Packages for NER | Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, North East India
How dare you bring facts into the discussion :angry:

Funny thing is despite India's specific policy to keep NE backward, NE states have higher quality of life than India average of 0.575 for 2005. :lol:

And this is not something India inherited considering the backward HDI values of these states in 1981.

Here 2005 HDI values for NE states

Arunachal Pradesh : 0.617
Assam : 0.534
Manipur : 0.707
Meghalaya : 0.585
Mizoram : 0.790
Nagaland: 0.770
Sikkim : 0.684

With the exception of Assam every other NE state has higher HDI than India avarge.

Some other interesting fun facts.
Urban Arunchal Pradesh highest HDI all over urban India at 0.877
Urban Mizoram 2nd highest HDI all over urban India at 0.872
Rural Nagaland 4th highest HDI all over rural India at 0.750

Certainly good level of development for rural NE region will make NE people have highest standards of living on an average


All of this despite Chinese supported armed insurgency in the region.

In another thread when i proved 2 Muslim majority regions in India have higher HDI than Tibet

The Chinese on this thread have been engaging in complete blatant lies to intellectual dishonesty, it nice to see Pakistani engaging in the same for change:lol:

As a think tank the least one would expect from you to do a basic google search, before mouthing false hood off.:D

Lakshdweep a Union territory with 93% Muslim majority HDI of 0.796 for 2005 which is greater than that entire China's at 0.719 and far greater than that of Tibet's HDI of 0.569.

Lakshadweep - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The other only Muslim Majority State Jammu and Kashmir has HDI of 0.626 as of 2012 greater than Tibet's HDI of 0.569, despite state sponsored terrorism from your state for more than a decade.:azn:


List of administrative divisions of Greater China by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was the Chinese response I got :lol:

This data was published by the Indian Government.
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