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Indians had always worshiped Brits (white people) as Gods, ever since the days of colonization. Why you do think they never put up a fight? They would also never bad mouth a Brit because to them, Brits are of the highest caste and Indians at any level are below Brits and other "white" people.


Please just stop and try to have a civil discussion.
so that makes you peaceful neighbor ???

What a joke

Look at your history full of violence and war with every neighbor

Why don't you take a look at your colonial masters? History full of violence and war with the ENTIRE WORLD. India should know this 1st hand!:rolleyes:
America was (and still remains) the biggest source of external funding for the Pakistan Army. Yet there are no scaremongering articles about them in the Indian media.

This goes back to the same trend, that India's greatest enemies are fellow developing countries in Asia, who were also exploited by the colonial powers. China and Pakistan went through all the same hardships that India did at the hands of the colonial powers, you would think that they would empathize with us.

Instead, we're their greatest enemies, while they look up to the West... i.e. the formal colonialists.

You do realize that we have no outstanding dispute with the US....
So you're saying that we should attribute the ill effects of colonialism to all western countries irrespective of whether they actually harmed us or not?

I mentioned this before.....We live in the NOW and what matters in NOW....in the present day scenario, the US has not done anything to harm us....
Even the F-16s provided to Pakistan are to keep parity NOT one up India....
and just like the Chinese...who althought being aginst the colonialist still do business with them, we Indians consider this Business only....not personal....

Though you do claim that Indians are aggressive towards China when China is the reason why Pakistan has the bomb that is being used to blackmail us....

I hope you see why we find trouble in our relationship.....It not about Asia vs the west, its about who benefits our position more....
"There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests"
Indians had always worshiped Brits (white people) as Gods, ever since the days of colonization. Why you do think they never put up a fight? They would also never bad mouth a Brit because to them, Brits are of the highest caste and Indians at any level are below Brits and other "white" people.

Not even Indians will try to deny this.


ur condition is like ur avatar.........when did indians worshipped brits as god??
even the same brits are now bragging abt relationship with india as most important...
ur condition is like ur avatar.........when did indians worshipped brits as god??
even the same brits are now bragging abt relationship with india as most important...

rehne de bhai. in jaiso ka koi ilaaj nahi
We are certainly both behind the Western countries, but there is still a fairly large disparity between China and India.

I don't attribute any success to violence in our past. However, I am pretty sure that going for non-violent resistance in front of the highly racist Imperial Japanese Army would have been a disaster.

Have you heard of Unit 731? Unit 731 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Around 20 million innocent Chinese civilians were butched by the Imperial Japanese army. Imagine how much worse it would have been if we didn't try to stop them.

Your struggle was obviously required.....Non violence is not always the answer....sometimes bloodshed is required...maybe even call it a way of nature to maintain balance...

My intention was to not undermine each others struggles.....Your statement earlier about "We at least fought" was wrong because a fight is not always bloody and bloody wars arent always the popular ones either....
It all depends on what you have to wield when you fight....we had our will and strength of mind....you had your arms....we both used it to achieve the goal...
Both with advantages and disadvantages
Just amazing how a thread posted today could grow to 17 pages, do everyone who posts actually read all the previous posts?

Are we discussing the thread topic?
If your tech is so good why hack a pentagon network to see f 35 blueprint to help with j20

If the tech is so amazing why make the j 11 a blatant copy if the sukhoi

If your tech is so good why use us tech in the form of isreali Protoype to build the j 10

Why is your ws-10 a rip off GE engine


1. F-35 isn't Russian.

2. J-11B is not a copy of the Sukhoi, and it nears performance of the Su-35BM.

3. J-10 was developed from J-9, genius. I bet you don't even know what that is.

4. The "rip off" of the GE engine performs better than the actual GE engine. Go figure.

Seems like somebody has some researching to do, boy.
Those aircraft are more likely to defend against japan than China.........does China still have any territorial dispute with Russia??i thought everything has been settled not too long ago
Since when China is an enemy of Russia. The latter is supplying military equipment to China since the 1070's. Of course now China is no more procuring Russian equipment due to the following reasons:

So it is a cover-up?

Chinese military equipment has surpassed Russian weapons

What engines are in the JF-17 again?

- Russia's technology is outdated

Vague statment just like the the one above, but if that is true than much of China's technology is also outdated since China still uses Russian components, in, example, the PL-12 and infact still purchases Russian equipment, example, anti submarine helicopters.

Russia can no more mass produce heavy military hardware and moreover lack of reliability, service [/B]etc while China is a bigger economy and its industrial and technological capacities have long surpassed Russia's own capacities. Russia is dependent on natural resources for its survival.

Yet Russia still produces 'heavy military hardware' unless submarines, ships, and tanks are light? Are they? And funny you mention reliability and service, the most complex military systems are generally regarded as aircraft engines, since when did China produce more reliable aircraft engines?

the SU 35 is still a prototype [/B]

Wrong, again.

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