The entire mineral-rich Sub-Sahara Africa (Kenya, Zimbbabwe, Angoloa, Mozambique, Ghana, Uganda, Sudan etc...), Central America (Columbia, Costa Rica, Guyane, Venezuela, etc...), Southern Asia outside of India (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangledesh, Bhutan, Nepal), and land-borne South East Asia outside of Vietnam (Myamar, Cambodia, Laos) are under heavy Chinese influence.
Then there is the Chinese puppet state -- North Korea.
Dual Russo-China influenced countries include Iran and Mongolia.
Regions where heavy Chinese influence do not extend include Europe, North and South America, Oceania outside of pacfic rim states, Japan, Central Asia outside of Taijikstan, and South East Asian island states. These regions are either Western, powerful or allies of the United States.
Indian world influence is far lesser than China, mainly due to the lack of global trade (commercial & military), and UNSC permanent membership. This causes India to be crippled vis-a-vis China, in all three categories of global Economic, Militaristic and Political influence.
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