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Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

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No PR177/2011-ISPR
Rawalpindi - August 8, 2011:

141st Corps Commanders’ Conference was held at General Headquarters today. Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani chaired the meeting.
The participants were briefed in detail regarding ongoing law enforcement operations in Kurram and Mohmand agencies within the perspective of evolving security dynamic.
The participants also discussed the security situation in the Country in general and Karachi in particular.
The Forum expressed concern over the law and order situation in Karachi and its ramifications / implications on National economy and expected that the measures recently undertaken by the Government would help redress the situation.


Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani presiding over the 141st Corps Commander’s Conference held at General Headquarters Rawalpindi today. (08-08-2011) – Photo ISPR
Gen Kayani's visit of Kurram is in Order to boost the morale of the troops and give some backing to the locals that have been besieged by the Taliban for years.
This agency has been the training ground of the sectarian terrorists who used to come to kill the minority shias with virtual impunity but thanks to Pakistan army, at last got the taste of their own medicine.
No PR177/2011-ISPR
Rawalpindi - August 8, 2011:

141st Corps Commanders’ Conference was held at General Headquarters today. Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani chaired the meeting.
The participants were briefed in detail regarding ongoing law enforcement operations in Kurram and Mohmand agencies within the perspective of evolving security dynamic.
The participants also discussed the security situation in the Country in general and Karachi in particular.
The Forum expressed concern over the law and order situation in Karachi and its ramifications / implications on National economy and expected that the measures recently undertaken by the Government would help redress the situation.


Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani presiding over the 141st Corps Commander’s Conference held at General Headquarters Rawalpindi today. (08-08-2011) – Photo ISPR

The corps commander of V Corps on the right looks a pathan or northener, very upright sitting, looks he is afraid of Kayani!!!

Who takes these photographs??,,,does the photographer stay in there for the whole duration of the meeting?
i've written extensively on the situation in Kurram....'

yes, it is a commendable move.
COAS rejects US demand for NWA operation

By: Maqbool Malik | Published: August 11, 2011

ISLAMABAD - US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter Wednesday called on the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kiyani and exchanged views on the strained US-Pakistan relations, sources said.
The ISPR said that it had no knowledge of the meeting. However, diplomatic sources told The Nation that the US envoy who met with General Kiyani on his request discussed the challenges both the countries are facing in improving the bilateral relations.
According the sources, the Army Chief ostensibly rejected the ambassador’s demand for military action against militants in North Waziristan on the plea that any military action has to be decided by the government.
General Kiyani, the sources said, also took serious exception of the CIA operated drone strikes in Waziristan as it was counter productive and was promoting anti-US sentiments among the tribesmen.
Confirming the meeting the US Embassy spokesman said it was a private meeting and “The embassy normally does not share private meetings’ details with media”, adding that the Ambassador normally meets different members of the society while being strategic partner with Pakistan.
COAS inaugurates Musakhel Minerals Development Project in Zhob:

Aug 12: Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani inaugurated Musakhel Minerals Development Project in Zhob district of Balochistan province on Friday.Addressing on the occasion, he said that peace and unity were the key elements to take benefits of natural resources and added, the Musakhel Minerals Development project was a gift for the people of Balochistan on Independence Day. He informed that the project was completed in five months during which the geological survey of this area rather phase of lease agreement and mining were completed.
Gen. Kayani said all the tribes of Musakhel not only took keen interest in the project but also extended complete cooperation to FC and resolve their all difference through negotiations.
Congratulating the people, he said that according to initial estimates, there were two to five million tons of coal deposits besides marble and gypsum which could create employment opportunities for the locals for next 12 to 15 years.
The Army Chief said that initial survey for exploration of gas has been completed in Musakhel last month, adding, these natural resources would open doors for employment for thousands of people.
The large portion of the income to be generated through this project would be spent for welfare of people and foundation laying of a high school in Musakhel was its evidence.
He said this project would open avenues for the development of Musakhel district as well as the adjoining areas.
Gen Kayani said that Musakhel project was continuity of the efforts which Pakistan Army and the Frontier Corps (FC) were carrying out for the people of Balochistan in education, health and employment.
He referred to Sui Education City where Military College Sui has started its educational activities from April this year, Balochistan Institute of Technical Education where 4,480 students have completed their education, Gawadar Institute of Technical Education, Chamalong Education Programme and Garrison Sports Complex ad Medical College in Quetta.
The Army Chief said that 6,000 soldiers would be recruited in the Army from Balochistan province this year adding, this number would reach 12,000 in two years.
He said that development and progress of people could guarantee defence of the country and said Pak Army and FC would continue to assist people in development projects in Balochistan.
He also felicitated people of Loralai district and Tehsil Dukki who alongwith FC carried out an agreement of coal project which doubled the production of coal and helped maintain peace in the areas.

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Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen!

1. Please accept my heartiest felicitations on 64th anniversary of the Independence Day of Pakistan. I thank our distinguished guests for joining us tonight. Your presence has added to the grace and spirit of the Azadi Parade.

2. Azadi Parade by Pakistan Army has become a landmark event on our National Calendar, which further strengthens our bondage with our beloved motherland. This parade reminds us of the sacrifices that made the dream of Pakistan a possibility. It also gives us a chance to renew the pledge of our commitment to Pakistan.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

3. 14th August 1947 was a historic day for the Muslims of the Subcontinent. This day is testimony to the indomitable will of the Muslims to establish a separate homeland under the inspiring leadership of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

4. Let us, on this day, humbly thank Allah Almighty. Let us pray together that He gives us strength and wisdom to preserve and protect the ideology, solidarity, integrity and a bright future for Pakistan. We must stay committed to the ideals of Pakistan and remain ever ready to protect our motherland. I have no doubt that the challenges we face today, will only strengthen our resolve.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

5. The basis of our existence is the ‘Ideology of Pakistan’. Therefore, each one of us must endeavour to pass it on to our future generations. We have a firm belief that by following the golden principles of Islam, we shall progress and win a respectable place in the comity of nations. We should never forget that Islam is the religion of peace. This great religion is the bond that binds us together and not a force that divides us.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

6. For past Sixty Four years, the Armed Forces of Pakistan have performed their sacred duty to defend Pakistan. Our officers and soldiers have displayed great courage, determination and professional excellence in discharging their duties. The rank and file of Pakistan Army draw strength from the contributions of Pakistan Air Force, Navy, civilian law enforcement agencies and especially the people of Pakistan. We could not have achieved this success without the resolve, commitment and perseverance displayed by the people of Pakistan.

7. Let us acknowledge and honour the sacrifices of our brave soldiers and citizens and pay tribute to their families. Their sacrifices, undoubtedly, underscore the nation’s ability and commitment to deal with any threat to the integrity, sovereignty and well being of Pakistan.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

8. Today, our challenges are far greater and complex than ever before. We have to put Pakistan firmly on the path to prosperity.

9. I have no doubt that given our National resilience, abundance of resources and above all the huge reservoir of highly talented youth; we will overcome all difficulties – We will INSHALLAH.

10. May Allah bless and protect our beloved motherland Pakistan.

Thank You and Azadi Mubarak

Pakistan Army Zindabad

Pakistan Paindabad

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Nation to overcome all difficulties with national resilience, abundance of resources: COAS

KAKUL, (Abbottabad) Aug 14 (APP) - Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said that he had no doubt that with the national resilience, abundance of resources and the huge reservoir of highly talented youth, the nation will overcome all the difficulties. Addressing the participants of Azadi Parade and Flag Hoisting Ceremony held to mark anniversary of ‘Independence Day’ here at Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) on late Saturday, he said today, challenges being faced by nation were far greater and complex than ever before. “We have to put Pakistan firmly on the path to prosperity”.
He said that 14th August 1947 was a historic day for the Muslims of the Subcontinent. This day is testimony to the indomitable will of the Muslims to establish a separate homeland under the inspiring leadership of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
“Let us, on this day, humbly thank Allah Almighty. Let us pray together that He gives us strength and wisdom to preserve and protect the ideology, solidarity, integrity and a bright future for Pakistan”, he added.
Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said, “we must stay committed to the ideals of Pakistan and remain ever ready to protect our motherland. I have no doubt that the challenges we face today, will only strengthen our resolve”.
He said the basis of our existence is the “Ideology of Pakistan”.
Therefore, each one of us must endeavour to pass it on to our future generations.
He expressed his firm belief that by following the golden principles of Islam, the nation will progress and win a respectable place in the comity of nations.
“We should never forget that Islam is the religion of peace. This great religion is the bond that binds us together and not a force that divides us”, he added.
Gen. Kayani said that for past 64 years, the Armed Forces of Pakistan have performed their sacred duty to defend Pakistan.
“Our officers and soldiers have displayed great courage, determination and professional excellence in discharging their duties. The rank and file of Pakistan Army draw strength from the contributions of Pakistan Air Force, Navy, civilian law enforcement agencies and especially the people of Pakistan.
“We could not have achieved this success without the resolve, commitment and perseverance displayed by the people of Pakistan”, he added.
Acknowledging the sacrifices of brave soldiers and citizens, he paid tribute to their families.
Their sacrifices, undoubtedly, underscore the nation’s ability and commitment to deal with any threat to the integrity, sovereignty and well being of Pakistan, he added.
He said that Azadi Parade by Pakistan Army has become a landmark event on the national calendar, which further strengthens our bondage with our beloved motherland.
This parade reminds the nation of the sacrifices that made the dream of Pakistan a possibility and also gives us a chance to renew the pledge of our commitment to Pakistan.
Earlier, when Gen. Kayani arrived at the saluting dais, the parade presented the General Salute. The COAS moved down the dais and hoisted the national flag at midnight.
After the march past, school children presented national songs, which were followed by fireworks display.

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Rawalpindi - August 18, 2011:
Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Kurram Agency today. His visit was in the backdrop of successful culmination of Operation Koh-e-Sufaid. The operation was launched under strong demand of local population and political administration of the area, against terrorists and miscreants involved in suicide bombings, sectarian killing, kidnapping for ransom and other extortions.
Clearance of Central Kurram will ensure opening of road Thal-Parachinar, and help to create conditions for implementation of Murree Accord for long term peace in the Agency.
COAS also interacted with the troops at Mandan and Manato who displayed firm resolve and rendered supreme sacrifices to end the reign of terror in the area. He also lauded the efforts of Political Administration for efficiently managing around thirteen thousand displaced families.
Earlier on arrival at Kohat COAS was received by Corps Commander Lieutenant General Asif Yasin Malik.
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