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Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

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General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani as Cadet.

I searched but could not find the same so posted.

Getting up to take leave, he handed over a folder to President Obama and told him that the folder contained his analysis of where and why US policy in Afghanistan was in error and why the Pakistan army would not be able to meet American demands.

According to media reports, Mr. Obama was “completely taken aback” (shocked, would have been my choice of adjectives), but he assured General Kayani that this document would receive his personal and most serious attention.

This is the 14-Page Document that was handed over to Obama. It contained a true analysis of the situation and voiced Pakistan's concerned quite vividly. In response Pakistan have received a 16-Page Document.

Had the Pentagon shared this information with GHQ, Pakistani troops could have arrived while the operation was in progress and GHQ (General Kayani/ISI) would not have been as embarrassed as it was. But, if the purpose was to ensure maximum embarrassment, it succeeded beyond US imagination.

A friend can never ever insult you in the way they did.

He has expressed his sense of “personal betrayal”
i can vouch for this.
Xeric: Was not the embarrassment deserved?
Xeric: Was not the embarrassment deserved?
Just because the 'salve' dared to question the 'master'?

BTW, aren't you one of those champions of sovereignty?
Just because the 'salve' dared to question the 'master'?

BTW, aren't you one of those champions of sovereignty?

This is not a question of sovereignty:

The military leadership either need to explain either their treasonous collusion to the world or criminal incompetence to the nation.

Whatever they are guilty of from these two options must draw the necessary and inevitable corrective action and deservedly so, don't you agree?
This is not a question of sovereignty:

The military leadership either need to explain either their treasonous collusion to the world or criminal incompetence to the nation.

Whatever they are guilty of from these two options must draw the necessary and inevitable corrective action and deservedly so, don't you agree?

Nobody is supporting the either. Mistakes should be brought to fore and the offenders punished. But then, as we have already have discussed amply, that was the negligence actually a negligence or just because of superior tech, we were totally incapable of counter the incursion? Now the next question; are we doing something that such things are not repeated or not? If yes, then i think there's no need to go gung ho over this, but if the answer is a no, then you can kill the military (on PDF) at will :)
General Kayani seeks to repair dented army pride
Published: June 20, 2011

ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani is working to repair Pakistan Army’s wounded pride in the bitter aftermath of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, a humiliation that has strained US-Pakistani relations and raised questions about the top general’s own standing.

Retired and serving officers interviewed by The Associated Press spoke of seething anger within army ranks over the May 2 top-secret raid by US Navy SEALS, undetected by Pakistan’s military.

The raid set off a nationalist backlash: The usually untouchable army was sharply criticised in the press and on television talk shows, people demonstrated here in the capital demanding accountability, and open calls were made for the resignation of Gen Kayani.

The army is Pakistan’s strongest institution, and Kayani the nation’s most powerful leader, but he “has to be very careful,” said Lt-Gen (Retd) Talat Masood.

Like others interviewed, he doubted Kayani’s underlings would try to unseat him in an intra-army coup, but he noted occasions in the past when disgruntled officers were found to be plotting against their chief.

These rumblings generally occurred after the army suffered an embarrassing defeat, most notably Pakistan’s 1971 loss of East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, when India took 90,000 Pakistani prisoners of war who weren’t released for a year.

Last month’s raid on the al Qaeda leader’s Abbottabad compound resurrected public comparisons to that Bangladesh debacle.

In one sign of dented military prestige, Pakistan’s Supreme Court ordered the withdrawal of a two-star general after his men were caught on video killing an unarmed youth. The court took the unusual action “in light of the hostile environment in the society toward the military,” said defence analyst Hasan Askari Rizvi.

The public disquiet weighs heavily on the officer corps and down through lower ranks, Masood said.

“It could all result in loose talk,” he said, but he thought it wouldn’t go beyond that. He noted that within days of the Bin Laden raid, Kayani met with key corps commanders in an effort to assure his ranking officers they had not been humiliated.

There’s “quite a lot of anger” within the military, Gen (retd) Jehangir Karamat, a former chief of staff himself, said in a telephone interview from the eastern city of Lahore.

“Maybe there is talk,” he told the AP. “Maybe anti-US feeling has gone up in the army. But actually there is in the country a whole lot of anger over the way it happened and the humiliation suffered, and it is inevitably reflected in the army.”

But, he added that “all this talk of him fighting for his job, his survival, I don’t see any signs of that.”

General Kayani seeks to repair dented army pride – The Express Tribune
Kayani`s statement fabricated, says ISPR


ISLAMABAD: The military`s public affairs wing denied on Monday that Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani had suggested that the country had been mortgaged to the US.

“The entire statement is fabricated with malicious intent. COAS Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani never said that Pakistan had mortgaged itself to the US,” Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Maj-Gen Athar Abbas said while commenting on a New York Times report.

The NYT, in a June 15 report titled `Pakistan`s chief of army fights to keep his job`, had claimed on the basis of notes of a participant of a session at the National Defence University addressed by Gen Kayani that the army chief had acknowledged that the country had mortgaged itself to the US. The participant was not identified in the news report.

“In making the analogy to Pakistan as a mortgaged house, Gen Kayani said that if a person gave his house against a loan and was unable to pay back the loan, the mortgage holder would intervene,” the report said.

It went on to quote Gen Kayani as having said: “We are helpless… Can we fight America?”

After the May 2 US raid in Abbottabad, Gen Kayani held a number of town-hall style meetings with army officers in garrisons, trying to allay their concerns about the country`s alliance with the United States in the fight against militancy. His address at the NDU was the last of such meetings.

There has been a flurry of reports in US media casting the military in a negative light by questioning its sincerity in the fight against militancy. The NYT story, which sought to project Gen Kayani as a weakened commander struggling to keep control over his ranks, is seen by ISPR as a continuation of the campaign against the army.
Kayani`s statement fabricated, says ISPR | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

Propaganda against pakistan at its height. :angry:
I think Washington want's General Kayani and General Pasha to go.This propaganda is similar the propaganda about Musharraf which was all over US media during late 2007/2008 as Bush wanted Regime change.
I think Washington want's General Kayani and General Pasha to go.This propaganda is similar the propaganda about Musharraf which was all over US media during late 2007/2008 as Bush wanted Regime change.

Yes, bcaz both of them are acting on 'do as directed'.
I am a victim of free speech suppression on this forum.

Anyway, I wonder what will happen to aid that US gives when Obama pulls the troops out? I mean they are planning on complete troop out by 2014, which is not far. Then America won't given any aid....no more P3 Orions or f-16s. What will the army do then?

BTW Obama's troop pullout plan is due by Wednesday. Watch out.
ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani will meet retired generals and ex-servicemen on Friday (June 24) to discus the prevailing situation in the backdrop of Abbottabad Operation and PNS Mehran Base Attack and the role of the armed forces.

Former DG Inter Services Intelligence Gen (R) Hameed Gul confirmed to The News that many ex-servicemen, including him, had been invited to attend a meeting with the COAS on June 24 When asked about the agenda of the meeting, he said that it would be better, if all the experienced people sat down and discussed the situation of the country.

He said that consultation with the ex-servicemen would help the Pakistan Army get out of current crisis and overcome the shortcomings. Hameed Gul said that his doctor had advised him complete rest, therefore, he had come to Murree and would not attend the meeting.

However, a few ex-servicemen think that Gen Kayani wants to get the support of retired officers because just a few weeks ago a forum of retired officers, Thinkers Forum Pakistan, had demanded that all the “responsible persons” of the Abbottabad Operation and PNS Mehran Base Attack should go on leave till the completion of independent inquiry and the role of ISI should be replaced by the Intelligence Bureau under civilian control.

The think-tank had also demanded fresh election in the country, saying giving two more years to present political set-up would further deteriorate the situation.
Kayani to consult ex-generals
I am a victim of free speech suppression on this forum.

Anyway, I wonder what will happen to aid that US gives when Obama pulls the troops out? I mean they are planning on complete troop out by 2014, which is not far. Then America won't given any aid....no more P3 Orions or f-16s. What will the army do then?

BTW Obama's troop pullout plan is due by Wednesday. Watch out.

It's regrettable that you feel victimized in any way.

What will happen after the draw down? There will be reasons manufactured to ensure that the US secures the SOFA agreement and that the US maintain thousands of troops and multiple bases with runways that can accommodate heavy aircraft.

So how will they be disposed toward Pakistan? Hostile, is how they intend to be disposed towards Pakistan, the argument will be that it's entirely up to Pakistan how the US is disposed towards it, however the substance of US policy toward Pakistan will be hostile and it's protagonists of pressure will be India and it's vehicle to carry the policy forward will be so called "peace" talks with India. The US realize the Indian wasn't born yesterday and is in no hurry top burn for the US or the West, however, it will take genuinely mature and secure leadership in Indian and in Pakistan, to be able to hold the US at bay, nevertheless, to my understanding, other countries, either as a constructive block or as two partners, will have to come forward to help Pakistanis and Indians to see self interest and to ensure the evacuation of US forces from the Central and South Asia.

So what about US aid?? Yeah, what about it?? Whom do you know, who has benefited directly from US aid? I'm not talking about politicians and bureaucrats or their families (read NGO types), do you know any ordinary persons who has benefited from US aid?? And really, be honest, why does any US or any other person who actually has paid taxes, owe any Pakistani, anything?? And also consider, if the US was serious, would it have spent an average of US$100 Billion per year on sustaining a relatively small force or invest that in real trade in the region and in doing so raise the entire region??

So what of Pakistan? The Pakistan army has to demonstrate whether it has the will to save itself, because friends, while arrests of HT related persons is distressing, there are others (Jamaatis) who are the real threat, who have infiltrated and are holding the doors open for "others" -- so how can we know that he Pakistan army is serious about helping the government of Pakistan to save Pakistan? Look for large scale operations and look for arrests and convictions of Islamist officers....Friends, US policy types have prescriptions for COIN policy and procedures, but we can all hope that the Pakistan army realizes that the only prescription for the insurgent, regardless of where that insurgent is, s a swift death delivered courtesy of the Pakistan armed forces.
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