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Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

The GDP per capita of Sri Lankans is over 3 times that of India.

You should be more concerned with those Tamils dying of starvation in India, than with Sri Lanka.

GDP is not important buddy, people here are not dying out of starvation, but you have to think about Humanity. ho I forgot Chinese Government knew nothing about Humanity. will you accept the rapes of innocent Tamils for being born as a Tamil.
Do not lecture on what one should think.
The GDP per capita of Sri Lankans is over 3 times that of India.

You should be more concerned with those Tamils dying of starvation in India, than with Sri Lanka.

Who told you that Tamils are starving in India... Do you know food is distributed in all temples, mosques and churches 3 times a day? You know a person with ration card in TN can get 20 Kg rice free every month? Have you ever heard of Amma & KK's vote for TV, Fan, Mixie, Grinder news? Buddy don't poke your nose where you have no knowledge.
well, you respect, how many of your ethnic people are ready to recognize, did your army not distribute a book in the title "Why Tamils should killed" by your late minister Sirial Mathieves to all Sinhalease. That is the one that is troubling me. and what are you going to do the wrongs of your Armys action on rape and murder, to write the future of SL correct what are you or your government planning to do for the ones involved in rapes. I hope your government will not even contribute a commision to find the officers and jawans responible for un-ethical behavior in war.

I haven't heard about such a book. I'll check about that. If someone has written such a book he simply a racist. I'm no supporter for terrorists or racists! I hate Tamil tigers coz they spread terror among all sri lankans, also I hate sinhala extremist group called JVP spreading the violence.
40,000 deaths are fake, there were 11000 LTTE carders who surrendered to army, now over 7000 back to their society after the rehabilitation programs. If army wanted to kill and rape Tamils then they don't need to keep those LTTE carders rights?
Grab a rifle Jethro and do something about it or shut your complaining.

China is capable of grabbing a rifle and doing that.

And they they complain as they are doing in South China Sea.

If grabbing a rifle was that simple a matter, it would have surely be done.

And if India wanted to establish a hegemony as China is trying to do, it would be very easy.

Thank you for your tip/\ /\.
I haven't heard about such a book. I'll check about that. If someone has written such a book he simply a racist. I'm no supporter for terrorists or racists! I hate Tamil tigers coz they spread terror among all sri lankans, also I hate sinhala extremist group called JVP spreading the violence.
40,000 deaths are fake, there were 11000 LTTE carders who surrendered to army, now over 7000 back to their society after the rehabilitation programs. If army wanted to kill and rape Tamils then they don't need to keep those LTTE carders rights?

I don't know what your Goverment is advertising there, but those advertisements have not reached any other part of the world on the living conditions of the Tamils now in SL. and there is no eloborate discussion that has taken place in your House of Representatives regarding the Himan Rights Violations. The entire world is saying that the C4 footage examined are true and its not fake but your Government is rejecting saying that its fake.
why do it for the sake of upholding your countries pride, why kill humanity when you say every thing was done as per the laws of war.
Who told you that Tamils are starving in India... Do you know food is distributed in all temples, mosques and churches 3 times a day? You know a person with ration card in TN can get 20 Kg rice free every month? Have you ever heard of Amma & KK's vote for TV, Fan, Mixie, Grinder news? Buddy don't poke your nose where you have no knowledge.

What will Godless people understand about the historical precedence of free food and lodging in Temples and Sikh Gurudwaras.

And anyway, they were under Famine recently. I don't know if they have surfaced as yet.

One could read this:


Walter H. Mallory

Article first published online: 8 FEB 2011

Situated downstream from the dam, Dongting Lake is the second largest fresh water lake in China. But record low rainfall this year has caused sharp drops in water levels in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, causing the drought to spread throughout Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. The region has suffered from 40 to 60 percent less rainfall than usual. Millions lack adequate drinking water......

Farmer He Shishun agrees. Usually the 49-year-old slowly works his modest plot of land with his aging water buffalo to reap two rice harvests per year along with a variety of fruits and vegetables. This year, due to the water shortage, he will ration his resources and plant just enough for one rice harvest. Unable to grow fresh produce at home, He has been forced to purchase fresh produce for his family at a local market, for high prices that stretch his meager income. ....

Back at Dongting Lake, fisherwoman Hong and farmer He have checked the weather forecast which predicts rainfall in the coming weeks. But ironically heavy rain may worsen their situation before improving it. Officials say the hardened cracked earth may be unable to absorb heavy rains quickly, potentially causing floods during the summer rainy season.

Tamil separatism was not formed in a vacuum in SL and it will rise again unless and until Sinhalese treat their Tamil brothers as equal. History is testament to the fact that military solution to any conflict will only act as a quick fix unless and until it is followed up by a political solution.
I don't know what your Goverment is advertising there, but those advertisements have not reached any other part of the world on the living conditions of the Tamils now in SL. and there is no eloborate discussion that has taken place in your House of Representatives regarding the Himan Rights Violations. The entire world is saying that the C4 footage examined are true and its not fake but your Government is rejecting saying that its fake.
why do it for the sake of upholding your countries pride, why kill humanity when you say every thing was done as per the laws of war.

Yep, watch C4 video, then watch the reply video from Sri Lanka with real faces, real LTTE members and stats.

with the end of the terrorist issue what those people got?
Sri Lanka’s Northern province has recorded the highest GDP growth rate of 22.9 per cent last year >Sri Lanka

what does it sounds like?
After the genocide by Sri Lanka, there being no protection, what will the civilians say?

That SLankans caused a genocide?
is there not a possiblity to forge these numbers.

Most poorest area in Sri Lanka is located in southern part.
btw, you can travel any part of sri lanka now. if you get any chance for a holiday visit here, you'll get answers for most of your doubts!
Why do we need to care so much about Sri Lankan Tamils?!:what:

It is not so much of care, it is the worry that they will come over and cause problems in Tamilnadu. They have many supporters in Tamilandu.

India does not want to get into an issue with SL on SL Tamils coming over to Tamilnadu and creating an internal security problem.

India is concerned that the SL Tamils are rehabilitated and given whatever the SL Govt feels is the SL Tamil's due and ensure that they do not come over to Tamilnadu.
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