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Rajasthan: Hajj pilgrims attacked by Hindus share accounts of the harrowing mob violence

They can only think of Lahore, since nobody has taught them anything further.
Are they even taught? Moneky can only copy what they see

And you have that as your signature? Just wow
After all the Chennai dude said that very proudly Aptly - It would be insulting to not put tat in signature
And the source is WhatsApp University. BC British ne bhi itni lambi nai chorri thi 🤡🤡
Read history from authentic sources , not from naseem hijaji novels .
Akbar killed 30000 hindus in single day at chittor garh rajsthan in cold blood after he captured the fort , this data is recorded by court historian of Akbar his name was abdul qadir badayuni , this is quantity of a single capture of a fort of hindu king Rana Pratap . There are thousands of such accounts where columns of heads of dead hindus was made as a mughal traditions . We are talking about killings which spread over a period of 800 years .Aurangjeb fought war with marathas for 25 years in south India , every year more than 10 lakh hindus died , these are all accounted in history of mughal empire . If you go through the history of India in muslim invasion era muslims tried their best to kill hindus or convert them but hindus after great sacrifice over 800 years saved hindu dharma and uprooted muslim rule from India .
Where would they have gotten all the wood/fuel to cremate all those dead hindus? It's physically impossible? At least with Muslim victims, you could just bury the dead in mass graves, not so with Hindus...
Hindus shit didnt do shit in 1857 - it ws british - Infact hindu sucked British balls to side with them - again where do you study the histry from Whstasp Sanghi Ttai university ?

Hindu rajput and brahmins were the backbone of east India army of bengal , majority of hindus fought against muslims and demolished muslim ruler of delhi.

Where would they have gotten all the wood/fuel to cremate all those dead hindus? It's physically impossible? At least with Muslim victims, you could just bury the dead in mass graves, not so with Hindus...
Muslim armies killed hindus and dead were left on the mercy of animals or thrown in the rivers . No proper rights were allowed .
And the source is WhatsApp University. BC British ne bhi itni lambi nai chorri thi 🤡🤡
Please do your homework, rather than resorting to smart answers.

These figures are usually based on extrapolations of estimated populations and their growth rate.

So, the argument goes, in the town of Sabzimandi, there were 100 people in the year 1005. By natural growth, the number should have been 350 in the year 1025. However, the figure, according to revenue records, was 125.


I hope you understand how hollow these claims are. I hope you also understand that there was a lot of bloodshed during the whole process of acquisition of sovereignty by new claimants to sovereignty, and have the grace not to mock the loss of human life.

Understanding and rational refutation is a thousand times better than a cheeky answer.

Where would they have gotten all the wood/fuel to cremate all those dead hindus? It's physically impossible? At least with Muslim victims, you could just bury the dead in mass graves, not so with Hindus...
Please avoid facetious answers.

Hindu rajput and brahmins were the backbone of east India army of bengal , majority of hindus fought against muslims and demolished muslim ruler of delhi.
What on earth does this refer to?

It may apply to the period prior to 1857.

It certainly does not apply to the period of the Indian Mutiny, or of the First War of Indian Independence. The mutineers were Hindu for the infantry, Muslim, for the most part, for the cavalry, and they declared the Mughal Emperor the titular head of their mutiny.

Muslim armies killed hindus and dead were left on the mercy of animals or thrown in the rivers . No proper rights were allowed .
Not impossible.

On a minor point, not to distract attention, it should read '.....proper rites were allowed....'

There are thousands of such accounts where columns of heads of dead hindus was made as a mughal traditions .
Where did this happen? Can you name any instances of this, in India? I am genuinely curious. You seem to be uncovering new chapters of history.
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We are talking about killings which spread over a period of 800 years .
Are you telling the reader that there were killings every day, according to a fixed quota, for 800 x 365 days?

Are you saying that there were massacres other than those by invaders such as Tamerlane and Nadir Shah, who defeated Muslim rulers and killed their subjects, Muslim and Hindu alike?

Aurangjeb fought war with marathas for 25 years in south India , every year more than 10 lakh hindus died , these are all accounted in history of mughal empire .
Where did you get this figure? There is not a single reference to this kind of slaughter in any history of the Mughals.

If you go through the history of India in muslim invasion era muslims tried their best to kill hindus or convert them but hindus after great sacrifice over 800 years saved hindu dharma and uprooted muslim rule from India .
Factually incorrect, on two counts.

It is doubtful that Muslim kings gave up huge revenues due to them on account of Jizya by killing those subjects required to pay jizya.

It is also totally false to say that Hindus uprooted Muslim rule from India. The British uprooted Muslim rule in India, the Indian independence movement, WITHOUT ANY INVOLVEMENT - WITH ZERO INVOLVEMENT - FROM THE SANGH PARIVAR, AND MARGINAL INVOLVEMENT OF THE HINDU MAHASABHA.

Are they even taught? Moneky can only copy what they see

After all the Chennai dude said that very proudly Aptly - It would be insulting to not put tat in signature
Better to let this smart alecky reply pass. 8-)
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Elections before indepedence were not conducted on the basis of adult franchise. Only elites and those having property were allowed to vote. and those voted for league, majority of them left.
Was that an issue back then , did the muslims who were not included object to it. If not why is it a issue now.
Muslim armies killed hindus and dead were left on the mercy of animals or thrown in the rivers . No proper rights were allowed .
Again, very difficult to fathom as that would have contaminated the water/food supplies and would have created breeding grounds for disease, making the life very difficult even for the evil Muslim invader...

Are there any contemporaneous accounts, besides that one massacre committed by Akbar, who by his own accounts was not a Muslim, that would tally the number into 25 crore, i.e. hundreds of million, even though that would have left a very depleted population in South Asia, certainly not enough to have formed the basis for a billion and a half to still exist.

Lastly, we are still finding archeological remains for massacres committed thousands of years ago all over the world, why no similar evidence for the supposed massacres in India?
If you are suggesting that formula be applied, where will all those RSS members go?

They are the ones talking separation, and repeat on every occasion when they run out of arguments that the opponent should go to Pakistan. They are supported by the entire Sangh Parivar.

As far as the rest of us who want to live in peace, and don't want to resolve hidden feelings of emasculation, like the Sangh Parivar does, we are happy to let the whole bloody lot of trouble-making scoundrels go. As far as they want to go.

Look up the records. Your ignorance is appalling. What is frightening is that based on these fundamental errors, people like you take political positions.
Any TDH talking about separation will have the same fate ,dosent matter if he is a Muslim, Hindu, or anyone else.

Regarding me looking up records. Please provide any source as to what I should look up.
Any TDH talking about separation will have the same fate ,dosent matter if he is a Muslim, Hindu, or anyone else.

Regarding me looking up records. Please provide any source as to what I should look up.
Stop talking bigoted shit and do your necessary homework, and then ask what to look up.

Nobody is here to offer you a free education. You should picked up all that in school, with your parents, and in society. It's too late now to look around and ask for help.
Pagans had perverted the concept beyond recognition.

It was created to not fall prey to exploitation from pagans.
And then betrayed by their own...
And then betrayed by their own...

Its suffice to say we shall be the judge of that not outsiders or Indians
Read history from authentic sources , not from naseem hijaji novels .
that's the point. i tried to search the so called massacre of 250 mil hindus at the hands of Muslims but couldn't find anything. even naseem hijazi never mentioned anything of that sort in his novels :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Please do your homework, rather than resorting to smart answers.

These figures are usually based on extrapolations of estimated populations and their growth rate.

So, the argument goes, in the town of Sabzimandi, there were 100 people in the year 1005. By natural growth, the number should have been 350 in the year 1025. However, the figure, according to revenue records, was 125.


I hope you understand how hollow these claims are. I hope you also understand that there was a lot of bloodshed during the whole process of acquisition of sovereignty by new claimants to sovereignty, and have the grace not to mock the loss of human life.

Understanding and rational refutation is a thousand times better than a cheeky answer.
i have done my homework and you know what not even a single reliable source was found which proves that Muslims killed 250 mil hindus in india. and don't quote some random hypothetical scenario. if you are sure that this so called massacre took place than show me some concrete evidence. i have been waiting for days and not a single evidence has been provided to me by the graduates of whatsapp university instead i get only one answer "do your homework, google it, do your own research etc"
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Please do your homework, rather than resorting to smart answers.

These figures are usually based on extrapolations of estimated populations and their growth rate.

So, the argument goes, in the town of Sabzimandi, there were 100 people in the year 1005. By natural growth, the number should have been 350 in the year 1025. However, the figure, according to revenue records, was 125.


I hope you understand how hollow these claims are. I hope you also understand that there was a lot of bloodshed during the whole process of acquisition of sovereignty by new claimants to sovereignty, and have the grace not to mock the loss of human life.

Understanding and rational refutation is

Where did this happen? Can you name any instances of this, in India? I am genuinely curious. You seem to be uncovering new
I am replying for your comments #81 #82 in short
1. This was mughal tradition to build columns or heeps of heads of kafirs , Babar ordered to build heads of hindus killed by him at battle of Khanwa in which Rana Sanga was defeated by babar. Babar has described this in his Babarnama . There are other instances where Bairam khan and Tardi Begh did make columns of Kafir heads.
2. Regarding hindus killed during 26 years long battles of Aurangjeb , i gave just an estimation of hindus killed because of muslim armies attacking hindus or hindu kings , you will find reference in Storia da Mogore written by Niccolo Manucci an Italian gunner of Aurangjebs army , he gave an estimation of roughly one lakh soldiers of mughal army died every year in south marhatta wars . If one lakh mughal soldiers were dying per year due to war you can estimate the hindu fighters plus poor subjects who died from the war, killing , loot , famine and pandemic due to constant attack and movement of armies . I read one more reference to the same tune of ten lakh people dying every year in sir Jadu Nath Sarkars book named Aurangjeb , but since i dont have the book with me right now so i can not say it with confidence. But i believe it was ten lakh per year.
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