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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

i will agree with u to some extent few days back i heard a news that PAKISTAN has coal reserves of nearly 15 trillion man its lot of worth equal to the total US reserves but our leaders are corrupt even corruption is a little word for them According to experts if work isnt done on these reserves and if they cant b utilize in next 60 years thn it will b a huge blunder on the part of govt coz after 60-70 years they will b useless

YES we have the 4th pargest coal reserve in the world!!! but we are just Di*ks!!!!! our leaders are like leeches sucking our nations blood dry!!!


sorry timikhan back to the topic just had to say it :coffee:
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i will agree with u to some extent few days back i heard a news that PAKISTAN has coal reserves of nearly 15 trillion man its lot of worth equal to the total US reserves but our leaders are corrupt even corruption is a little word for them According to experts if work isnt done on these reserves and if they cant b utilize in next 60 years thn it will b a huge blunder on the part of govt coz after 60-70 years they will b useless

be open and honest when criticizing.....millitary itself is not free of curruption.....just look at the top brass. there are a lot of scandals coming every now and then in the millitary....the generals admirals and air marshals, all got their hands filled with riches didn't they what we can say is that "aaway ka aaaawa bigra hua hay"
JF-17 is delayed even by PAF's own schedule. Whatever internet theories we might come up with regarding PAF not liking J-10A and requesting for J-10B, the J-10A has the West scared, comparing it to an early block F-16 which is currently going even further upgrades to be comparable to Block 52. Pakistan jumped on the wrong horse.
I agree with you, PAF might get a cost-effective replacement for older J7 an Mirage fighters, but was that enough foresight?

If they had joined the J10 development (if it was proposed from China, donno about it), they might get a fighter with a bit more operational and unit costs, but also a fighter that is in the F16 class and as capable, maybe even better!

Some say JF cost only around $20 millions, but J10 around 40, but they forget, that this is the export price of J10! If PAF had joined the development, with the same ammount of investment and production in Pakistan...like they do with JF 17 development, J10 would be cheaper too.
It still would be costlier than JF to procure and to operate, but that means only that you can buy less. Instead of the first 2 batches of JF (50 + 100 if I'm not wrong), PAF might only be able to procure and operate 100 J10A. So instead of the 250(+) JF in total, maybe only 170(+) J10 right?
Although in numbers they would be slighty less, wouldn't the benefits in quality be worth it?
Instead of a high/low mix of around 120 J10/F16 and 250(+) JF17, PAF could also have one level of 290(+) J10/F16 right? J10 in these high numbers for air superiority and 60 F16MLU/B52 with the advantages of the US weapon pack in the strike role, would be (imo) the cleary more capable and better combo for PAF.

I am not saying JF is a bad fighter, but there is a reason why many Pakistani members still hope for J11B, or even foreign fighters like Gripen NG, or even Rafale. Because as good as JF might be, it will remain only a low end fighter, while J10 could have been a cost-effective medium, or high end fighter!
PAF wanted to collaborate in the J-10 project initially but China was reluctant to share its most sensitive technology with anyone. This was quite understandable to PAF and we respect their decision. Another reason was the time period as even Chinese were not sure when will J-10 be inducted until the late 90s. However, things changed after the induction in 2004 as Chinese eventually agreed to sell it to us. Joint Collaboration was out of equation for J-10 also because it was an expensive project to begin with. Chinese promised to deliver the Thunder on time and with all specifications required by PAF.
The bottom line is that J-10 project was as ambitious for China as the JF-17 is for Pakistan.

brother PAF also have to consider the factor of maintenance too.. jf-17 is suitable in every way cos it provides us with multi-role fighter at very low cast and also its matter of fact that those in PAF command know batter they would have evaluated both jf-17 and j-10 than they would have taken that step. so in my piont of view jf-17 is very capable and can be improved with time .... and still even at that time it is really capable fighter
i thnk we are getting diverted from the topic the topic is about fc-20 so we should discuss about fc-20 here rather than jf-17 ,for jf-17 there is seprate thread
hope u dun mind it

Please read my post again as it was all about J-10 except the last line.
J-10 having an SD-10 on board, what will the effective range of engagement against flankers?
enjoy some J-10's stunning and Crazy Maneuvers

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I hope the original one can do the same maneuvers as well.
@ All

Stop defending Military Airforce ... better to finish currption we will buy anything!

simple! dont blame money.. money is not a problem problem is BS leaders !

we can buy anything we have enough money to make or buy anything thats totally BS a country full of resources and we are always beegging and crying over we dont have money we dont have money bla bla! seem soo BS!

first of all, its our people who brought these theives into power!
so dont blame those theives they r just doing their job!(which is making $$$)
enjoy some J-10's stunning and Crazy Maneuvers

I was just doing many of those maneuvers in Battlefield 2 with a J10, and that is one hell of maneuverable plane even in the game its portrayed as such, i shot down a total of 9 f-18s and F-35s in one go lol
I was just doing many of those maneuvers in Battlefield 2 with a J10, and that is one hell of maneuverable plane even in the game its portrayed as such, i shot down a total of 9 f-18s and F-35s in one go lol

I ve heard a lot about it.....but yet i not not able to come out of Novalogic series and Lock on.......whats the sys req for BF2?
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