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Changing Bengali attitudes towards Bangladesh


Jul 30, 2012
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Hi there. I'm an American-born Bengali. I've noticed that a lot of Bengali people tend not to know a lot about their country and consistently bash Bangladesh in public forums. Let me provide a few examples to explain what I mean:

/watch?v=MoMifNO4w6s This video on youtube talks about how Dhaka is the fastest growing megacity in the world. A commenter posted:

"and despite all this they continue to **** like rabbits
reckless irresponsible lowlives"

That's a pretty bleak statement to make, especially considering that Bangladesh is a unique poor country that managed to decreased its population growth BEFORE achieving economic growth.
Hans Rosling explains it much better in this Gapcast video than I ever could (from youtube): (/watch?v=jAJC2YAJw_A)

Here's another comment from the Dhaka-megacity video: growing megacity ? what the **** is wrong with these people , its corrupt and poor , god bless and help the poor and **** the bangladeshi goverment and theyre dhaka its a **** hole !

Poverty in Bangladesh has dropped by 8.5% in the last 5yrs - that's pretty good.
Bangladesh has climbed from the bottom of the Corruption Perception Index for 5yrs in a row (2001-2005) to rank 120 in the world (2011). Corruption Perception Index is rated out of 10 & Bangladesh has current rating of 2.7 < very bad but better than rating of 1.0 it had in 2001-2005.

Here's one possible reason why Bengalis bash Bangladesh so consistently: Bengali people have high (unrealistic) expectations from Bangladesh & when they don't get that perfection, they complain. This isn't very pragmatic or smart. Bangladesh isn't going to turn into Sweden overnight - the important thing is to show improvement. Also important, perception about how a country is doing plays a significant role in attracting foreign investment so it makes ZERO sense for Bengalis to bash Bangladesh in a public forum needlessly.

So Bengalis: keep it real. Don't say Bangladesh is pooping rainbows but don't make it out to be a total gutter when it's actually showing significant improvement.

Also: INVEST in BANGLADESH :) It's the fiscally intelligent thing to do!
Very nice my dear, but this should go in member club, or Central & South Asia section, Bangladeshi section is already cramped as it is, with useless topics.
Nice article dear... But what do u expect from ur brothers, who see RAW hand even for local murders, kidnapping, and hell even rape....
The govt brings some good policy changes, and they yet they blame india and govt... If they cannot answer a question, they turn to bash religion.... But in reality, many BD do actually like India, but not in this forum !!
BD is a developing country, but here they wont accept.
. .
Very nice my dear, but this should go in member club, or Central & South Asia section, Bangladeshi section is already cramped as it is, with useless topics.

heh ^^ either you called my topic useless or you called other topics useless. Either way - negativity without any real input means I have nothing to add

Nice article dear... But what do u expect from ur brothers, who see RAW hand even for local murders, kidnapping, and hell even rape....
The govt brings some good policy changes, and they yet they blame india and govt... If they cannot answer a question, they turn to bash religion.... But in reality, many BD do actually like India, but not in this forum !!
BD is a developing country, but here they wont accept.

I don't know - maybe it's because I'm really Americanized that I expect people to show country pride. Maybe it's not a South-Asian thing to show pride in country because I've noticed Pakistanis and Indians doing it too.
And another thing that's completely a mystery to me: why would any Bengali want India to do badly? India is a big trading partner for Bangladesh, Bengalis should be cheering India onto success. Fiscal sense must prevail!
heh ^^ either you called my topic useless or you called other topics useless. Either way - negativity without any real input means I have nothing to add

I don't know - maybe it's because I'm really Americanized that I expect people to show country pride. Maybe it's not a South-Asian thing to show pride in country because I've noticed Pakistanis and Indians doing it too.
And another thing that's completely a mystery to me: why would any Bengali want India to do badly? India is Bangladesh's biggest importer so really, Bengalis should be cheering India onto success :) Fiscal sense must prevail!

I welcome ur conscience... But many here are religious centered... That they join with pakistanis to bash India, just cos, majority are hindus.... They dont know the laws of economics,.. But only religion and RAW..
heh ^^ either you called my topic useless or you called other topics useless. Either way - negativity without any real input means I have nothing to add

I don't know - maybe it's because I'm really Americanized that I expect people to show country pride. Maybe it's not a South-Asian thing to show pride in country because I've noticed Pakistanis and Indians doing it too.
And another thing that's completely a mystery to me: why would any Bengali want India to do badly? India is a big trading partner for Bangladesh, Bengalis should be cheering India onto success. Fiscal sense must prevail!

I'm puzzled: do you mean Bengali or Bangladeshi? You are Bangladeshi; we are Bengali. Every time I've supported Bangladesh, or Bangladeshis, against others making offensive remarks, the instant Bangladeshi response has been a tight, public slap in the face. Usually from a weird bunch who are ten times more Islamic than any other group on the forum, and about a million times more permanently enraged about India, Indians, Indian history, Indian cultural heritage, Bengali Hindus, and, of course, Bangladeshis who are not part of their little group of toxic fanatics.

Now I keep quiet, and look at Bangladeshi topics, and try not to respond in public if avoidable.

Good luck with your campaign to tone down the levels of hate which radiate from that bunch of your countryfolk.
I'm puzzled: do you mean Bengali or Bangladeshi? You are Bangladeshi; we are Bengali. Every time I've supported Bangladesh, or Bangladeshis, against others making offensive remarks, the instant Bangladeshi response has been a tight, public slap in the face. Usually from a weird bunch who are ten times more Islamic than any other group on the forum, and about a million times more permanently enraged about India, Indians, Indian history, Indian cultural heritage, Bengali Hindus, and, of course, Bangladeshis who are not part of their little group of toxic fanatics.

Now I keep quiet, and look at Bangladeshi topics, and try not to respond in public if avoidable.

Good luck with your campaign to tone down the levels of hate which radiate from that bunch of your countryfolk.

Couldn't have agreed more with you Sir. When I first came to this forum, I was amazed when some motley crew of Bangladeshis told people not to call themselves Bengali because they don't want to be associated with Bengalis in general. Well, now I take offense if someone refers to Bangladeshis as Bengali.
I'm puzzled: do you mean Bengali or Bangladeshi? You are Bangladeshi; we are Bengali. Every time I've supported Bangladesh, or Bangladeshis, against others making offensive remarks, the instant Bangladeshi response has been a tight, public slap in the face. Usually from a weird bunch who are ten times more Islamic than any other group on the forum, and about a million times more permanently enraged about India, Indians, Indian history, Indian cultural heritage, Bengali Hindus, and, of course, Bangladeshis who are not part of their little group of toxic fanatics.

Now I keep quiet, and look at Bangladeshi topics, and try not to respond in public if avoidable.

Good luck with your campaign to tone down the levels of hate which radiate from that bunch of your countryfolk.

My parents are Bangladeshi - which to me means Bengali. If you have a different vernacular, that's fine. But the point of my thread isn't "Bengalis cheer on India", which I do think makes good fiscal sense but still not what the thread is about or "Lets bash religious fanatic Bengalis" - pointless, IMHO.

The point is to encourage Bengali people to learn about current affairs in Bangladesh, & to make well-informed comments when they post about Bangladesh. So back on topic! Here's another useful bit of information for Bengali people: JICA is currently investing >$400M to build a metro-rail in Dhaka.
Couldn't have agreed more with you Sir. When I first came to this forum, I was amazed when some motley crew of Bangladeshis told people not to call themselves Bengali because they don't want to be associated with Bengalis in general. Well, now I take offense if someone refers to Bangladeshis as Bengali.
Many Bangladeshi members in PDF are biharis.
Don't think that just because they know Bengali language they are Bengalis.
. .
My parents are Bangladeshi - which to me means Bengali. If you have a different vernacular, that's fine. But the point of my thread isn't "Bengalis cheer on India", which I do think makes good fiscal sense but still not what the thread is about or "Lets bash religious fanatic Bengalis" - pointless, IMHO.

The point is to encourage Bengali people to learn about current affairs in Bangladesh, & to make well-informed comments when they post about Bangladesh. So back on topic! Here's another useful bit of information for Bengali people: JICA is currently investing >$400M to build a metro-rail in Dhaka.

Not to extend an argument or a statement beyond its natural value, but the difference was thrust down our throats by those who insisted on it. Not our vernacular; the vernacular currently in the process of invention by your countryfolk. Ironically, many of them, as you may have read above, clearly Bihari immigrants with a knowledge of Bengali, and chips on their shoulders with which you can build a canoe.

And for the record, I come from Dhaka and Barisal stock. How different am I, that you fling the difference in my face, and insult me at every opportunity?

I won't disturb your patriotic initiative any further.
Nice job OP in starting this well meaning thread. Let bangladeshi members answer it.
But you hinted at the problem yourself, they have high expectation from bangladesh.

I can defend Indians bashing India sometimes, because we need it. Too many Indians are too nationalistic and blindly believe in every nationalistic propaganda, and somebody needs to bring balance.
Not to extend an argument or a statement beyond its natural value, but the difference was thrust down our throats by those who insisted on it. Not our vernacular; the vernacular currently in the process of invention by your countryfolk. Ironically, many of them, as you may have read above, clearly Bihari immigrants with a knowledge of Bengali, and chips on their shoulders with which you can build a canoe.

And for the record, I come from Dhaka and Barisal stock. How different am I, that you fling the difference in my face, and insult me at every opportunity?

... I'm confused ... Who is insulting? How were you trying to be insulting? How was I trying to be insulting? How did angry-Biharis come into a discussion about learning current-affairs in Bangladesh? Although angry-Biharis... Angry-birds! ^_^ We can talk about all that elsewhere if you like but thanks for this bit:
I won't disturb your patriotic initiative any further.

I'd like this thread to stay on topic.
... I'm confused ... Who is insulting? How were you trying to be insulting? How was I trying to be insulting? How did angry-Biharis come into a discussion about learning current-affairs in Bangladesh? Although angry-Biharis... Angry-birds! ^_^ We can talk about all that elsewhere if you like but thanks for this bit:

I'd like this thread to stay on topic.

I think the confusion could have been avoided of you used Bangladeshi or Bangladeshi bengali instead of the generic term bengali, as clearly Bangladeshis don't themselves to be called bengali nor Bangladeshis and Indian bengalis want to be associated with each other.
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