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When our republic was newborn, even then was Aya Sophia registered as a mosque. Maybe Atatürk saw all this coming and had it registered as a mosque, until our nation was strong and educated enough to figure out what to do. My personal stance is. I don’t care whatever it is. But any fuxking insult to Atatürk or insinuation is not acceptable. Any state leader who thinks he can insult Atatürk is a no go.
Well I'm very curious about Kemals involvement with Young Turks and their part in demolishing Ottoman Empire as main target set by UK and France at that time. I've read few intresting things about but in TR it's a kind of tabu to read anything negative about Kemal. I wonder why?
Well I'm very curious about Kemals involvement with Young Turks and their part in demolishing Ottoman Empire as main target set by UK and France at that time. I've read few intresting things about but in TR it's a kind of tabu to read anything negative about Kemal. I wonder why?
You have to be more specifik about that mate. What years are we talking about.

It's no secret that the Ottomans were not able to reform and that is their demise, and how Turkey got raped after ww1. Look at the map showing how western allies divided Turkey to see their emnity.

So when Ataturk and his companions renewed the resistance and war of independance, it was at the same time a reason to get rid of the sick old ottoman rule.
You have to be more specifik about that mate. What years are we talking about.

It's no secret that the Ottomans were not able to reform and that is their demise, and how Turkey got raped after ww1. Look at the map showing how western allies divided Turkey to see their emnity.

So when Ataturk and his companions renewed the resistance and war of independance, it was at the same time a reason to get rid of the sick old ottoman rule.
Sure, very intressting topic. My perception is YT were used by British and French to destroy Ottoman Empire but then in last moment they noticed that they have ben used and then they rresissted and saved what could be saved. I know it's complicated and importand but due to so many obstacles to find the truth it's not easy to be sure what really happened and whats the pure truth so I think Turks should investigate that as much as poosible and share the info as it's important to know what once happened to prevet its reppetition.
Sure, very intressting topic. My perception is YT were used by British and French to destroy Ottoman Empire but then in last moment they noticed that they have ben used and then they rresissted and saved what could be saved. I know it's complicated and importand but due to so many obstacles to find the truth it's not easy to be sure what really happened and whats the pure truth so I think Turks should investigate that as much as poosible and share the info as it's important to know what once happened to prevet its reppetition.

Considering that MKA was a military genius, and a great stateman, do you really think he was used unknowingly ?

Remember this, for very long the Ottoman rulers were incompetent. And that just kept going on. Our navy was commanded by foreigners, all important statehood positions were filled with foreigners. Considering all this and more the Ottoman was a sick empire just slowly dying. That is also why we ended up getting dragged into the war on the wrong side in WW1.

Pure incompetence and lack of diplomatic finesse had us thoroughly raped, look at how the west divided Turkey after ww1.

Maras bir yenilensin ve turizme acilsin, ucuz olsun turistler alisana tek. 2-3 million seviyelerini gecince fiyatlari biraz arttirirsin.

Kafadan hesap 3 mio. turist, 5 ay yaz, 7 gunluk tatil, 150.000 kisi, 4'lu aile, 37.500 konut gibi bir ihtiyac var. Marasa vardir bu kadari :)

Her aile 1000 euro birakiyor diyelim 37,5 mio. euro her hafta. 5 ay icin 750 mio. euro ediyor.

ben biraz salladim, marasi hic bilmiyorum, ama kapanmadan önce 39-40 bin kisi yasiyormus orada. Kesin olabilir.

Bence yapmali, yunanlardan bir bok olmaz, ama önce turk düsmanlarini KKTC silmek lazim.
Considering that MKA was a military genius, and a great stateman, do you really think he was used unknowingly ?

Remember this, for very long the Ottoman rulers were incompetent. And that just kept going on. Our navy was commanded by foreigners, all important statehood positions were filled with foreigners. Considering all this and more the Ottoman was a sick empire just slowly dying. That is also why we ended up getting dragged into the war on the wrong side in WW1.

Pure incompetence and lack of diplomatic finesse had us thoroughly raped, look at how the west divided Turkey after ww1.

Dont forget we couldnt even tax our own people, it was done by foreign debt institutions which were imposed on us. The worst crime of all, which fanatical historical revisionist conveniently tend to leave out of their "western puppet" narrative that they force on Ataturk.
Dont forget we couldnt even tax our own people, it was done by foreign debt institutions which were imposed on us. The worst crime of all, which fanatical historical revisionist conveniently tend to leave out of their "western puppet" narrative that they force on Ataturk.
The greatest crime is not narrating our history in english and publishing it. Turkey has been so stuck up recovering that our PR is literally non existing. We’re writing books in turkish to tell our people of the past, but that’s the duty of schools and tv series and such. We need better PR. After Ertugrul we should make a movie starting from war of independence. Fully R rated movie with blood and gore.
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Ahmet Davutoglu: Turkey has a problem with the Corona pandemic, with economic freedom, with media freedoms, with polarization, and Hagia Sophia should not be used to cover all these issues. We must not forget that Turkey has an international dimension. The Hagia Sophia case should have been explained in a logical way, not to make it an Islamic Christian war.

Good words from Davutoglu, that's what I was trying to talk about.

Maras bir yenilensin ve turizme acilsin, ucuz olsun turistler alisana tek. 2-3 million seviyelerini gecince fiyatlari biraz arttirirsin.

Kafadan hesap 3 mio. turist, 5 ay yaz, 7 gunluk tatil, 150.000 kisi, 4'lu aile, 37.500 konut gibi bir ihtiyac var. Marasa vardir bu kadari :)

Her aile 1000 euro birakiyor diyelim 37,5 mio. euro her hafta. 5 ay icin 750 mio. euro ediyor.

ben biraz salladim, marasi hic bilmiyorum, ama kapanmadan önce 39-40 bin kisi yasiyormus orada. Kesin olabilir.

Bence yapmali, yunanlardan bir bok olmaz, ama önce turk düsmanlarini KKTC silmek lazim.
I passed near by Marash in 1988.
Maraş like dead city consists of abandoned and destroyed 50 year old hotels. Cyprus tourism has enough good new luxury resorts. However Marash is said to have great beaches which need investment. I don't think somebody invest money on restricted place under European sanctions.
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What a potential can those casinos and hotels have when for 45 years they are uninhabited and are just decaying. I am not an architect or and engineer but for sure it will be cheaper and safer to just bulldoze them all down and rebuilt from scratch. The time and money you spend on fixing all the damage time and nature did will be way too big.

Plus those buildings probably have their owners too who still have the documents and everything for their property- you can’t just seize it like that... You can but it’s not worth the risk for a ghost town that is part of a place nobody recognizes and that has no potential for making big money.
KKTC can do whatever they want with it. Sanction or not, they can and should go for international recognition. They’re being ignored enough as it is.
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O tarihi fotoğraf ortaya çıktı! Atatürk’ün 10 yaşındaki Amerikalıya gönderdiği imzalı fotoğrafı bir Türk satın aldı
Atatürk’ün 1923 yılında Amerikalı 10 yaşındaki bir çocuğa, talebi üzerine gönderdiği imzalı fotoğrafı ve bu olayı anlatan o dönemin gazetelerini bir Türk vatandaşı ABD’de yapılan bir müzayededen satın aldı. Bu değerli eşyaları satın alan kişi organizatörlük yapan ve başkent Washington’da yaşayan Gürkan Us. Us, Washington’da yapılan müzayede satışa çıkarılan fotoğraf ve gazeteler için 20 bin dolar verdi.
14 Temmuz 2020 10:17Güncellendi: 14 Temmuz 2020 10:20



İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından geçen haftalarda satın alınan Fatih Sultan Mehmet’in İtalyan ressam Gentile Bellini tarafından yapılan portresinin ardından dikkat çeken bir müzayede daha yapıldı.

Bu kez adres Amerika Birleşik Devletleri oldu.

Veryansın Tv’nin edindiği bilgilere göre, ABD’nin başkenti Washington’da bir müzayede yapıldı. Müzayedede Atatürk’ün 1923 yılında 10 yaşında bir Amerikalı olan Curtis LaFrance’e gönderdiği imzalı fotoğraf ve konuyu anlatan gazeteler satışa sunuldu.


ABD’nin başkenti Washington D.C.’de yaşayan ve organizatörlük yapan Türk vatandaşı Gürkan Us, Atatürk’ün bir Amerikalı çocuğa armağan ettiği imzalı fotoğrafa 20 bin dolara sahip oldu.

Fotoğrafın hikayesi ise oldukça ilginç.

Atatürk’ün Cumhurbaşkanlığı koltuğuna oturduğu ilk günlerde, 28 Ekim 1923 tarihinde ABD’nin New York eyaletine bağlı Elmira kentinde yaşayan Curtis LaFrance Atatürk’e bir mektup yazmış ve mektubu Ankara’ya postalamıştı.


Mektupta şunlar yazılmıştı:

Sayın efendim, ben 10 yaşında Amerikalı bir çocuğum, Türkiye ve yeni hükümetine büyük ilgi duyuyorum. Siz ve bayan Kemal hakkında bir röportaj okudum. Türkiye hakkında bir defterim var. Şimdiden siz ve bayan Kemal hakkında birçok yazı ve resim topladım. Lütfen bir Amerikalı çocuğa küçük bir not ve imzalı fotoğrafınızı gönderin. Bir gün Türkiye'yi görebileceğimi umut ediyorum, saygılarımla, Curtis LaFrance.”

Atatürk, 27 Kasım’da eline ulaşan mektuba ise şu yanıtı vermişti:

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Riyaseti, hususi…

Mister Curtis LaFrans'a, Ankara…

Mektubunuzu aldım. Türk vatanı hakkındaki alaka ve temenniyatınıza (iyi dileklerinize) teşekkür ederim. Arzunuz vechiyle bir adet fotoğrafımı leffen (ilişikte) gönderiyorum. Amerika'nın zeki ve çalışkan çocuklarına yegane tavsiyem, Türkler hakkında her işittiklerine hakikat nazarıyla bakmayıp, kanaatlarini mutlaka ilm ve esaslı tedkikata (hakkıyla anlayıp, araştırmaya) isnad ettirmeye (dayandırmaya) bilhassa atf-ı ehemmiyet (önem) eylemeleridir. Hayatta nail-i muvaffakiyet ve saadet olmanızı temenni eylerim.

Türkiye Reisicumhuru Gazi Mustafa Kemal”


Bu mektup, Atatürk’ün Cumhurbaşkanlığı koltuğuna oturduktan sonra yurtdışına gönderilen ilk resmi mektup olarak kayda geçmişti.

Mektubun ortaya çıkması ise 1998 yılında oldu. Mektuplar Curtis La France tarafından Anıtkabir müzesine bağışlandı.

Ancak Atatürk’ün Curtis La France’a gönderdiği imzalı fotoğraf ortaya çıkmamıştı.

İşte o fotoğrafa Gürkan Us sahip oldu. Gürkan Us tarafından kazanılan müzayedede konuyu anlatan gazeteler ve Curtis La France’nin 10 yaşındaki fotoğrafı da bulunuyor.



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