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Çay Bahçesi

So you mean Iraqis have no dignity and self respect?

Ok, then what you call yourself as a nation that all you do is bow to the west for business and some hardware do you know that your country it is not more than a lackey to the west you never had the ball to attack syria or Iraq until the west and Arab stepped in.

Once you downed the Russian plane you ran fast to the nato asking for protection where is your dignity or self respect.

Now your regime try to polish it's ugly face by trying to fight isis in Iraq guess what the Iraqis refused any foreign forces in Iraq including you.

You are cowards hiding behind either sectarianism the Iraqis keep silence because of that they don't make it islamic-islamic war or behind the west as a dog hide behind his master.

Now about the american we never invited them nor we fought with them but you since you are a dog you gave them your incerlik to bomb Iraq where is your dignity or your self respect??!!!.

Russian if we go to Russia we don't go there asking like you did for protection we are men not cicis like you pussies if you like to call it if we go to Russia we go for air support since we don't have 240 f-16 like you.

Advice to you a whore like you should never ever talk about honor.
typical arab :lol:

Thinks Iraq is a country :lol:
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Women and their blond moments:tsk:
Men and their blonde moments :moil:

I meant my teacher from India,living in the UAE.:sarcastic:
What did I do to you??? :(

I always maintain a safe distance from students who are taller than me- saves from harm you know. :yes4:

Damn i didnt see the red part:azn:
And yes she did.:cray:
Turk, time to visit an ophthalmologist. :alcoholic:

I saw a lot of names in pink on this thread. What happened here????? :what:
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typical arab :lol:

Thinks Iraq is a country :lol:
Iraq is more country than yours for one good reason Iraq is a democratic country while yours left that to become a dictatorship one so enjoy your new state of terror remember the 3 journalist whom arrested for exposing erdogan policy of supporting terrorism.
Iraq is more country than yours for one good reason Iraq is a democratic country while yours left that to become a dictatorship one so enjoy your new state of terror remember the 3 journalist whom arrested for exposing erdogan policy of supporting terrorism.
says the people who went back to killing each other the minute after saddam fell :D

we draw the borders of our country not the british... and tomorrow those borders may include you
The word"south"you use and other donkeys use to call iranian lands it doesn't exist in history
Oh, i get it now. You can forge fake history as many as you want. Bark as much as you want Azeris are Turk, and they live in South Azerbaijan.
Iraq is more country than yours for one good reason Iraq is a democratic country while yours left that to become a dictatorship one so enjoy your new state of terror remember the 3 journalist whom arrested for exposing erdogan policy of supporting terrorism.

I dont believe you are may be An iraqi Arab... Possibly An irani member pretend as an Iraqi Arab to slander Turkey..

If you really an Shiite Iraqi arab dont talk about democracy....cause you prefered to became slave of Iran which worst model to be chosen and most brutal regime after North Korea in the world.....Every year Hundrends politic prisoners executed, poisoned, disappeared after have been arrested or assasinated outside by regime in Iran.....
Just take a look at Irani Arabs To see how regime dealing with them...
A country took Iran as a govermental model cant be a democratic country..Also never will have the chance of to be a democratic country in ahead....

Despite PKK an Stalinist-Marxist terror organization it has many legal parties, associations, TV-Radio channels, papers, full freedom speech and opinions in Turkey....they have 60 parlimanterians in national assembly and running 110 municipalities...
If you didnt know these, then correct your words about Turkey if you want to be a honest man..
Yes there are news about turkish forces around mosul.

Now there is some agitation in the iraqi street because they think turkey want to annex mosul!.

I think that's not bad let turkey help iraqis to kick isis out of mosul that will help us save our soldiers life plus no country can take a piece of another counntry just like that other wise turk will taste iraqis rage.
İnteresting development. I don't think we would invade but maybe give it to KRG like what happened in Kerkuk.
So you mean Iraqis have no dignity and self respect?

Ok, then what you call yourself as a nation that all you do is bow to the west for business and some hardware do you know that your country it is not more than a lackey to the west you never had the ball to attack syria or Iraq until the west and Arab stepped in.

Once you downed the Russian plane you ran fast to the nato asking for protection where is your dignity or self respect.

Now your regime try to polish it's ugly face by trying to fight isis in Iraq guess what the Iraqis refused any foreign forces in Iraq including you.

You are cowards hiding behind either sectarianism the Iraqis keep silence because of that they don't make it islamic-islamic war or behind the west as a dog hide behind his master.

Now about the american we never invited them nor we fought with them but you since you are a dog you gave them your incerlik to bomb Iraq where is your dignity or your self respect??!!!.

Russian if we go to Russia we don't go there asking like you did for protection we are men not cicis like you pussies if you like to call it if we go to Russia we go for air support since we don't have 240 f-16 like you.

Advice to you a whore like you should never ever talk about honor.

Ahahaha, iraqi refused foreign forces in iraq. No, that was how it was going on. The west have refused to sent army againg to save your ***. They have sent ther fighters for helping you out. They have bombed with several arab contries, remember how you country was and sill is a shit hole. Your women wher sold out as a whore.

Same people are lecturing us about dignity, look boy really i have no intention to rubbit it al in your face! And neither i want to make time for you.

We are using our strategic card against russian, same did we do for nato countries. We helped ther *** in korean was against chinese. And that is not the same when foreign forces come to your country and bomb the shit out, and another country comes and bomb. And that is your hero(russia) for now. Tommorow if they do something against your will they are bad like the americans.
Oh, i get it now. You can forge fake history as many as you want. Bark as much as you want Azeris are Turk, and they live in South Azerbaijan.
well you are who is barking and faking history if they are turk then their homeland is mongolia why the live on iranian land and barking about it???

azerbaijan is persian name anyway and thats show how stupid you are just like i said you people fake and invent your own history
well you are who is barking and faking history if they are turk then their homeland is mongolia why the live on iranian land and barking about it???

azerbaijan is persian name anyway and thats show how stupid you are just like i said you people fake and invent your own history
It was Iranian land, we claimed it by conquest, like what we did in Anatolia. Keep barking farsi lap dog.
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Bakan Çavuşoğlu, Alanya'da yerleşik Ruslarla bir araya geldi


ANTALYA'nın Alanya İlçesi'nde yerleşik Ruslarla bir araya gelen Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, "Bu gerginliği en kısa sürede gideririz. Rusya sadece dostumuz değil, aynı zamanda ticari ortağımız" dedi.
Türkiye ile Rusya arasında yaşanan uçak krizin ardından Alanya Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası (ALTSO) ilçede yerleşik yaşayan Ruslarla dostluk kahvaltısı düzenledi. Kahvaltıya, Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, ilçe protokolü, yerleşik Ruslar ve iki ülke vatandaşlarının kurduğu derneklerin temsilcileri katıldı.


Burada konuşan Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Rusya ile hiç arzu edilmeyen bir gerginlik yaşandığını söyledi. Çavuşoğlu, "Ama biz bu gerginliği aşacağımıza ve ilişkimizi daha ileriye götüreceğimize inanıyorum. Tabi bunun için her şeyden önce aramızdaki diyaloğun devam etmesi lazım. Lavrov ile Belgrat'ta faydalı bir görüşme yaptım. Tüm konuları pozitif atmosferde medeni bir şekilde konuştuk. Farklılıkları azaltmak için konuşmaya devam etmek lazım. Bunu yaparken de samimi ve dürüst olmamız gerekiyor. Her şeyden önce gerçek olmayan şeyleri Rus ve Türk halkına söylememek lazım. Yalan söylememek lazım. Bugün Rusya'ya baktığınızda gerçek olmayan söylemler ve haberler var" dedi.


Yaşanan krizin ardından Türkiye'deki yöneticiler ve medyanın karalama kampanyası yapmadığını belirten Bakan Çavuşoğlu, "Bugün ne Türkiye'yi yönetenler ne de Türk medyası Rusya'ya karşı karalama kampanyası başlatmamıştır, ama gerekli cevabı vermek de görevimiz. Tabi ki bu gerginlik halklarımıza yansımamalı. Dostum Lavrov'a da söylediğim gibi Rusya'daki Türk vatandaşları kötü muamelelere maruz kaldı. Lavrov da bunu kabul etti ve bunların olmaması için tedbir alacağını söyledi. Bu gerginliği en kısa sürede gideririz. Rusya sadece dostumuz değil, aynı zamanda ticari ortağımız" diye konuştu.


Alanya Rus Dili Konuşanlar İşbirliği ve Dayanışma Derneği (ARDİD) Başkanı Anjelika Anzhela da konuşmasında, "Rusya ve Türkiye arasındaki gerginlikte bir mesaj vermek bize düşüyor. Yıllardır Alanya'da eski Sovyet milletleri için mücadele ediyorum. Sayın kaymakam, sayın belediye başkanı bize çok destek verdi. Sayın bakanımız Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu da dini özgürlüğümüz için elinden geleni yaptı. Şunu söylemek istiyorum; biz kardeşiz, biz dostuz. Hükümete güvenelim. Her şey çok güzel olacak. Bizi kimse ayıramaz" şeklinde konuştu.


ALTSO Başkanı Mehmet Şahin ise Türkiye'nin dünyaya açılan kapısı konumundaki Alanya'nın dünyanın her yerinden gelenlerin memleketi haline geldiğini söyledi. Yüzlerce yıldır süregelen kardeşliğin söz konusu olduğunu aktaran Başkan Şahin, "Müttefikimiz Rusya ile Türkiye arasındaki kriz sizleri olduğu gibi bizleri de derinden yaraladı. İki ülkenin yöneticileri bu sorunu çözmek için çalışıyor. Yaşanan krize rağmen halklar, arasındaki dostluk, kardeşlik ve huzuru bozmayacağına inancımız tam. Bu iki ülke arasındaki ilişkiler yine normale dönecek. Bu kriz sonsuza kadar devam edemez" dedi.
Engin ANAK/ALANYA (Antalya), (DHA)

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