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Çay Bahçesi


Islamism is the biggest enemy of it's own people. The west freely allows these types of people to grow on their own soil then sends them back to their own country to further spread Islamism all for a big paycheck. Seriously, these people are just brain dead.

in iran when goverment order to close the holy shrine , Islamist break open the holy shrine

in iran when goverment order to close the holy shrine , Islamist break open the holy shrine

Honestly it's just sickening. I remember seeing q video of some guy getting lynched to death and pelted with stones with the attackers screaming "Allah Akbar" over a mere rumour... and this was at a university.

Then people wonder why I converted to Tengrism.
Shia is not the same as Sunni, you should know that. And I don’t mind retards dying of covid19, just stay and sleep in the shrine. I hope IRanian National guard cordones the area and stop them from leaving the shrine.

23 Nisan ulusal egemenlik ve çocuk bayramınız kutlu olsun.

Atamızın özellikle bu tarihi bayram ilan etmesi ayrı bir bilgelik.
Çünkü 24 Nisan safsatasına inat bu tarih.

Biosys sona koymuslar, adamlar biraz akillarini kullansalar daha iyi reklam yapabilmek icin biosys 1. Ve aselsan 2. Koyarlardi cunku o ikisi gelistirdi bioventi
Saat 21'de İstiklal Marşı okumayı kim akıl ettiyse Allah razı olsun... Saat 21'den beridir adeta bu moddayım:


Yıllardır içimizde biriken negatif enerjiyi attık resmen... Sen birlik olunca güzelsin Türkiyem...
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Herkesin ramazan-i serifi mubarek olsun. Sahura kalkmayi, bol bol su icmeyi, iftar vakti gelince tika basa degil hafif yemeyi, dislerinizi fircalamayi, alkolsuz gargara ile calkalamayi, ruhunuzu kotuluklerden, aklinizi kotu dusuncelerden, kufurden, siddetten sakinmayi unutmayin. Ramazan boyunca kimse kimseye satasmasin, kimsenin kalbini kirmasin. Hakaret eden, rencide eden olursa Allah'in emri, Peygamber (SAV)'in sunneti geregi agirdan alsin, duymazdan gelsin, okumamis gibi yapsin. Hayat kisa ve gecici dostlar. Bu mubarek ay boyunca defence.pk Turkleri olarak el ele, kol kola kenetlenelim, tek vucut olalim ve foruma ornek davranalim. Allah ibadetlerimizi kabul etsin, bizleri, devletimizi, milletimizi, vatanimizi her turlu ser'den korusun insallah. Amin.


Since im back time to start off with a meme.


Adamın Ermenistan gezisini izleyin lütfen gerçekten ilginç. NEFRET dolu insanlar. Bunlar ile dostluk kurmak imkansız bir şey.

Sırf yabancıların gözünde iyi gözükmek için bu uluslararası yalanını destekleyen sözde Türk'lerden nefret ediyorum. Şahsen, o günün şartlarına göre ve özellikle Türk topraklarının müdafaası için alınan kararların arkasındayım. Minnettarız.
Worth a watch.

Worth a watch.

Honestly I dont care if the shah or khomeini is ruling. Iran in short regardless who rules is a threat to Turkey and the Turkic World. Persians are the enemies of the Turks just as the Arabs, greeks and Armenians are. Turco-Persian tradition is a mistake because various Turkic rulers patronised Persian culture which allowed the Persians to spread their softpower aka their culture.

Iranian secularists are just as racist and anti turk as their shia islamist counterparts.

Iran needs to be balkanised and Azerbaijani lands liberated. Let them go to hell for all I care.

PS: If anybody watched Ruhi Cennets video in Armenia noticed how the Saudis and Emiratis sent a solidarity tree to armenian genocide memorial.

Arabs are willing to backstab their Non Arab Muslim brothers any chance they got. Talk about the various massacres done by Christians against Muslim Turks in the Balkans, Caucasus and Anatolia they wont give a shit in fact they will justify it or ignore it or even call it bullshit.

Ummah solidarity to the Arabs mean Muslim Non Arabs have to kiss their asses while they try to please Christians and Jews.
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