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What do you mean by ''no luck''?:what:
Well, in terms of life where you need a life partner....No luck
Where you need financial stability - Alhamdulillah just ok
Where u need a job - Well that will come once I finish or something but today's world societies are not happy about expats and visa laws have become horrible.

I should be finishing my 2nd and 3rd project end of this year then it will be publishing and writing up my thesis...I estimated 6 mths but it seems my supervisor is slow and critical of petty things so a 6 mths thing can take 10 mths EASILY!

I have not stayed in 1 country for more than 2 yrs since 2012....and I have spent 8 mths in this country now and I feel agitated....Not sure what kind of life I can afford when I dont like staying in 1 country too long :(

On top of that I dont see a suitable man for a stable life so that is annoying.
I cant plan much coz I dont know the timeline of finishing this PhD...and I have almost lost interest in research which means I am at a stage where I am confused of the future....
Well, in terms of life where you need a life partner....No luck
That will come on its own,no rush.
I have not stayed in 1 country for more than 2 yrs since 2012....and I have spent 8 mths in this country now and I feel agitated....Not sure what kind of life I can afford when I dont like staying in 1 country too long :(
You worry to much,life is full of surprises,you never know what will happen after studies,so dont worry,all will be good.
Just keep smiling.:agree:

.and I have almost lost interest in research which means I am at a stage where I am confused of the future....
You didnt write this.:pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed:
You worry to much,life is full of surprises,you never know what will happen after studies,so dont worry,all will be good.
Just keep smiling.:agree:
Yea alot of people have told me and recently I read research shows that it is linked to childhood / how a child is brought up :(
You didnt write this.:pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed:
Unfortunately the research area isnt deprived of politics....I have to face a bit and then there is some really bad competition in which a research can get exhausted just to have the upper hand...I dont like this unhealthy behaviours...

I may not fully drop out but I am open to other options :) I will wait till I get a PhD ...you never know I may change my mind again.... :)

I am on a roller coaster of emotions :p:

Anyway I have to go back to lab ....

Nice catching up though you didnt talk much about yourself ...Sorry about that :)

Just keep smiling.:agree:
I think I really needed that... Thank you!! :D
Operasyon nasil gidiyor, su andaki hedefimiz ne? Al-Bab? Su anda kimin ne dedigi ve ne yaptigimiz tam belli degil gibi. YPG hala firatin batisinda nasil olacak?
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Size basit bir soru sorayım, fırat'ın doğusu batısı gözetmeden, YPG'nin bulunduğu tüm bölgeye top atışı, hava saldırısı yapsak, daha sonra ÖSÖ Birlikleri ile girsek, En kötü ihtimalde ne olur? Bunları tarışabilecek CESUR VE İRADELİ Pplitikacı ve CESUR ASKERLER hala var mı bu ülkede, soruyorum? YOK... ARTIK Kendi ırkımdan tiksinmeye başlıyorum.
Biri milleti cahil görür kendini bir bok sanır, öteki korkak... Bir bitmediniz amk :disagree:
Yalnız değilsin o yüzden genel olarak söylüyorum.
hic zeki değilsiniz utandırıyosunuz beni
Bana yazdığını gördüm, neden sildin? Korktun mu? :D
Bu millet kedi gibi korkak dediğini de gördüm, şu forum'da bile bir gazimiz var iken söylediğin ayıp. Bu forum'da okuduğun o füzeleri, gemileri, uyduları yapan bu cahil milletin, şehit olan da bu korkak milletin çocukları.
Bana yazdığını gördüm, neden sildin? Korktun mu? :D
Bu millet kedi gibi korkak dediğini de gördüm, şu forum'da bile bir gazimiz var iken söylediğin ayıp. Bu forum'da okuduğun o füzeleri, gemileri, uyduları yapan bu cahil milletin, şehit olan da bu korkak milletin çocukları.

Hocam hiç uğraşmaya değmez, sanırım psikolojik sorunları var bu yüzden millete küfür hakaret edip duruyor, çıldırıyor Türk askeri YPG ve Işid'i gömdükçe.


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