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Çay Bahçesi

Cries an Armenian:

"Today’s wily Turkish leaders are following the footsteps of their Ottoman predecessors who skillfully pitted one major European power against the others for decades,"

"The United States and other NATO members should not fall for this Turkish trickery."

"As dark clouds gather over Armenia and Artsakh, Armenians have been busy settling internal disputes. The July 17 takeover of a police station in Yerevan by a group of 31 armed men who are veterans of the Artsakh War created considerable concern among Armenians nationwide and worldwide. The group, nicknamed Sasna Dsrer, (Daredevils of Sassoun), demanded President Sarkisian’s resignation, release of political prisoners, formation of an interim government, and new elections."

"To get out of this newly-imposed precarious geo-strategic isolation, the authorities in Armenia and Artsakh have to emulate the long-standing Turkish tactic of “divide and conquer,”."

Russia & Turkey Isolate Armenia, While Protesters Want New Government
Ahahahahahhaa. The tiny rat shit itself when it hears the wolf walking past it
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@500 Can you help in this matter?

Israel is probably not interfering because Hezbollah etc are threat to israel and if Syrian Govt. remain then hezbollah may continue to receive weapons to use against IDF.
IS probably don't attack israel because Israel don't attack them in return and it will be kind of suicidal for IS. (They only have small pocket near Israel)

If you look closely at Syrian war map, Turkish border is main supply route to IS and well only supply route open to them. Also most of flow of foreign jihadists can be traced to turkey.

Kurds seem to be much civil in face of FSA or IS and can be negotiated with easily by west.

You are from Turkey.
Can you give an opinion about Current Turkish government? (Give only if you will be unbiased)

As it seem to me Turkey made mistake itself.
Moved post here since we are going off-topic more and more.

Im asking you whether it is logical to belief for isis, which claims to be muslim, to massacre and destroy muslim countries, weaken them, divide them and cause all those negative consequences (i mentioned previously) without any benefit for themselves, nor the victims and the neighbors of isis. Btw, when Turkey and isis didn't attack each other in the past, some non-Turks on this forum and in some Western media outlets were throwing accusations that Turkey was supporting isis for not attacking them. It's also suicidal for isis to attack Turkey and make even more enemies, but they did nonetheless. isis pops up in Europe, Yemen, Libya, but I have yet to hear of strings of serious attacks in Israel.

Turkey supports fsa in Syria, but if you think all isis supplies go from Turkey into Syria and Iraq, then you have to provide proof for that. Don;t forget that the US also 'mistakenly' dropped ammo etc. in isis areas instead of pyd. Btw, for that matter, pkk rats also cross Turkish borders into Iraq illegally through difficult terrain, are you saying then that Turkey is also supporting the pkk? o_O Hard evidence is needed that Turkey supports isis, but above all, see my previous post for why it makes no sense for Turkey to support isis. you can blame Turkey for supporting fsa, but not isis. Sure, some fsa members join isis, but that is their problem.

'Kurds'... :D Man, you don't seem to realize that Kurds are divided among themselves. Just because they deliberately bring their women into the spotlight doesn't mean they are modern or civil. Among some articles are;



Just because they dont cut heads doesnt mean they dont bring less misery and suffering to the population.

For me, in short, the current govt is generally good (or will i not be unbiased if i say this?:)), despite some mistakes here and there.

Birader diger forum bölumlerinde ABD'lileri öldurmek istedigini filan söyluyorsun.

Söyleme böyle seyler, terörist diye basina bela acarlar kimse kurtaramaz.

Tamam kizda öyle öldurmek istiyorum filan dersen terörist gibi yargilanirsin.

Dikkatli ol, bir forum icin CIA seni kimsenin bilmedigi bir hapishaneye atmasin.
Bir şey olmaz.
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Hükümet'te milletine uygun, daha agresif dış siyaset yapsın artık. Bu yaratıkları bu kadar şımarttılar 60, 70 yıl, hatta Osmanlı'dan beri artık yeter.

Sorun şu ki ülke öyle şeyler yapabilecek konumda değil. Çok büyütüyorsunuz ekonomi 3 kat büyüdü diye, dünya ekonomiside 3 kat büyüdü. Petrol dışında birşey satmayan suudi arabistanın ekonomiside aynı dönemde 3 kat büyüdü.

Geopolitikada en önemli noktalarda biri günümüzde "üretim". Ürün ve servis üretimlerine bakarsan ülkelerin göreceksinki ABD ve AB ile şuanlık iyi geçinmekten başka çaremiz yok. Diğer bazı ülkeleri, Kazakistan, Rusya vs, büyük görebilirsin yüzölçümleri bakımından, lakin nüfus haritalarına baktığında çok başka hikayeler anlatıyorlar, aynı şey üretim kapasiteleri içinde geçerli.

"American Exceptionalism" tahminen duyduğun bir kalıp. Ve gerçek aynı zamanda. Dünya rezer para birimine sahip olma, Bir kıtaya neredeyse tamamen tek başına sahip olma, dünyanın öbür taraflarından okyanuslarla ayrılma, küresel bir kültür ve millete sahip olma ABD'yi vazgeçilmez bir ülke haline geçiriyor tüm dünyada.

Zamanla etkisi kaybolacak tabi, dolar rezerv para birimi olmaktan çıkacak, üretimsel kıyaslamada Çin ve Hindistan ABD'yi katlayacak küresel güç dengeleri çok değişecek.

Biz 80 milyonluk nüfusumuz ve kişi başına düşen $10.000 dolarımızla şuan fazla birşey yapacak konumda değiliz maalesef.

İstediklerininde zamanı gelecektir, lakin daha çok var o zamanlara. Şuan darbeyi yapan ABD yönetimine bak dil bile uzatamıyoruz. Gözlerinin içine bakarak hala ilişkilerimizi koruyoruz.

Çünkü günümüz dünyasında bir alternatifi yok ABD'nin şuanda.
Sorun şu ki ülke öyle şeyler yapabilecek konumda değil.
Benden alıntı yapma bir daha, ama madem yaptın bir yerlerden başlamak lazım geleceğe yatırım olarak. Bu yatırım daha önceden yapılmış olabilir mesela...

İstediklerininde zamanı gelecektir, lakin daha çok var o zamanlara.
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Cocuk dedigin YUCE BIR TURK, senin gibi kurt bozuntusu deyil.

Warning issued for insulting our loyal Kurd citizen.

Warning issued for your other posts, repeated seperetist and racist statements which serves the purpose of PKK terrorist organisation.

It is time to have a rest for you to make some self criticizm. You are a total failure about the citizen of uour own country and act as if a PKK member hiding under the flag of Turkey serving to feed the seperetism seeds among your public for a civil war. I will never let the people like you...
Warning issued for insulting our loyal Kurd citizen.

Warning issued for your other posts, repeated seperetist and racist statements which serves the purpose of PKK terrorist organisation.

It is time to have a rest for your self criticizm. You are a total failure about the citizen of uour own country and act as if a PKK member hiding under the flag of Turkey serving to feed the seperetism seeds among your public for a civil war. I will never let the people like you...

- Everyone bound to the Turkish state through the bond of citizenship is a Turk. Article 66.

You are issuing warning to someone by saying he serves purpose of pkk terrorists organisation with the words he writes in here; However, you are actually the one doing it by crossing the Turkish constitution. What an Irony!

There is no ''KURD'' citizen, it is Turkish citizen with ethnic background.

Will you issue a warning to yourself, or take the warning back for Turkeyforever?
- Everyone bound to the Turkish state through the bond of citizenship is a Turk. Article 66.

You are issuing warning to someone by saying he serves purpose of pkk terrorists organisation with the words he writes in here; However, you are actually the one doing it by crossing the Turkish constitution. What an Irony!

There is no ''KURD'' citizen, it is Turkish citizen with ethnic background.

Will you issue a warning to yourself, or take the warning back for Turkeyforever?

Don't try to twist his words, you know exactly what he meant.
- Everyone bound to the Turkish state through the bond of citizenship is a Turk. Article 66.

You are issuing warning to someone by saying he serves purpose of pkk terrorists organisation with the words he writes in here; However, you are actually the one doing it by crossing the Turkish constitution. What an Irony!

There is no ''KURD'' citizen, it is Turkish citizen with ethnic background.

Will you issue a warning to yourself, or take the warning back for Turkeyforever?

Ben seninle burada Kürt yokturu arka planını Anayasal kimliği tartışacak değilim fakat İlgili üyenin ardı ardına birçok yerde yaptığı birleştiricilikten öte, anayasal kimlikle ilgisi olmayan, alenen ırkçı, Kürtlerden nefret ettiğini açıkça beyan eden, kimse bana sevdiremez vb yorumlarla niyetini ortaya koyan, söylemleriyle ayrıştırıcı, değerleri aşağılayıcı, iğrenç ve bölücü yorumları savunmak, saçmasapan fotolar üzerinden Kürt kökenli vatandaşların sözde iddia ettiği görünümüyle dalga geçip hayvan gibi ortaya sunan birini savunmak sana mı düştü ? veya şöyle söyliyim okudun mu sen ilgili üyenin warning'e konu olan yorumlarını silinmeden önce, bana böyle bir ileti yazmadan önce? Veya gündem yaratmak için mi yazıyorsun alıntı yaptığım " Kürt bozuntusu" tabiriyle sunduğu tek bir iletisi üzerinden?
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Ben seninle burada Kürt yokturu arka planını Anayasal kimliği tartışacak değilim fakat İlgili üyenin ardı ardına birçok yerde yaptığı birleştiricilikten öte, anayasal kimlikle ilgisi olmayan, alenen ırkçı, Kürtlerden nefret ettiğini açıkça beyan eden, kimse bana sevdiremez vb yorumlarla niyetini ortaya koyan, söylemleriyle ayrıştırıcı, değerleri aşağılayıcı, iğrenç ve bölücü yorumları savunmak, saçmasapan fotolar üzerinden Kürt kökenli vatandaşların sözde iddia ettiği görünümüyle dalga geçip hayvan gibi ortaya sunan birini savunmak sana mı düştü ? veya şöyle söyliyim okudun mu sen ilgili üyenin warning'e konu olan yorumlarını silinmeden önce, bana böyle bir ileti yazmadan önce? Veya gündem yaratmak için mi yazıyorsun alıntı yaptığım " Kürt bozuntusu" tabiriyle sunduğu tek bir iletisi üzerinden?

It seems He is a young member, but you are the Turkish moderator with respnsibilty, knowledge and experience. However, you stormed on him with all negative words in your mouth even though you issued a warning for his controversial posts. I have not acted like you so far, not promise for this if you keep acting like this. After all, I have informed you with the legal term (Citizen) and the law(Article 66), therefore official perception of other international members here, but you stormed on me instead of fixing your mistake, apologize,and move on like a grown up person with average intelligence, self-respect would do. You are braveheart to criticize and storm on others in English and in a very negative attitude, but if it comes to you, asap you turn in Turkish to defend yourself, i mean attempt to get away from your mistake by bringing up ''accusations with the same negative words'' on me to cover your mistake or normalize it by showing the worse in your monologue against me by questioning me with what i had no part in.

So my question stands :

Will you issue a warning to yourself, or take the warning back for Turkeyforever?

Because i see no difference bwtween you and him, Actually your post is the problematic one as explained in the first paragrapgh.After your respond to me, I am convinced that you are the main problem here.

In the end of the day, Your accusations on me hold no serious moment in the minds of readers; however, my post will do, for it does not come from emotions, but rock solid facts basen on legat terms and laws.

My first post implies very heavy things, but you did not understand it, instead you kept messing it up more. I remind you that I have not acted like you so far.
Your accusations on me hold no serious moment in the minds of readers
It does, a week or two after "Foreign Policy" published a possible coup scenario on Turkey. You after a very long time appeared here and exactly started posting accordingly with their scenario.

Turkey's Next Military Coup

I was going to respond your posts back then but in respect of our very few talk, I did not and people already would get me wrong back then as there was no coup or a sign of it. I don't know If anybody read the article but your posts were sadly, exactly, accordingly. I don't accuse you of anything here but @TurkeyForever's posts are not defendable that you should see. Besides, as it all started with @KediKesenFare 's thread, he speak almost like @TurkeyForever towards Arab's. I have told him that before, he can not deny. If "everyone bound to the Turkish state through the bond of citizenship is a Turk. Article 66." then nobody can say such thing towards a group of people of this country or see them less in the first place.
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Tartışma baştan aşağı mantıksız geliyor bana. bir taraf diyor "Kürt ırkını sevmemeliyiz", öteki diyor "Kürt ırkını sevmeliyiz". Kimse de demiyor ki "Kürt ırkı ne?". Kürt diye bir ırk yoktur. Irk denen şey biyolojik bir kavramdır ve İnsan Irkı vardır. İnsan Irkı'nın altında uydurulmuş ırkların gerçeklik ile alakaları yoktur. İnsan Irkı, Orangutan Irkı ile neredeyse %99 ortak genetik yapıya sahip.

Dünyanın neresinden alırsak alalım, rastgele alınan iki İnsan Irkı mensubunun genetik yapısı %99,99999 ortaktır. Ve bu insanlar çiftleştiklerinde verimli döllenme verebileceklerdir eğer ki kısırlık yoksa. Bu da demektir ki, bu canlı formları aynı ırktandır.

Özet olarak; Kürt ırkı diye bir ırk yok ki sevelim veya nefret edelim. Aynı şekilde Arap Irkı diye bir ırk da yok, Fransız Irkı diye bir ırk da yok, Hint Irkı diye bir ırk da yok. Bunlar uydurulmuş kavramlardır. Hakiki olan İnsan Irkı'dır. Afrikada ikamet eden bir İnsan Irkı mensubu ile mukayese edildiğinde bile, aynı mahallende oturan biriyle olan genetik yapından daha yakın gene sahip olabilirsin. O açıdan bu ırk tartışmaları ziyadesiyle anlamsız.
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