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Capitalism is in decline

I take my Islam from my Quran and my Prophet first then the guidance of my Ulema second, You take your Islam from your Khamenei and Khomeini solely, Are you trying to tell me that all the great Islamic empires that played a great role in spreading Islam throughout history are not true Muslims ? You're nothing more than a taqiyya practising brainwashed Shiite.

You take your religion from yazid and ibn tayyimia your sect or political sect was invented by banu ummyya and banu al Abbas and Abdul wahhab and al saud ibn al qayyim
No ...Shia Sunni fight here o_O
Share something VALUABLE:tup:
Yeah...even I dont understand of how stock market system can allow many liberal trading rule like, for instant, betting the particular stock price to go down and they get profit from that action
Sir, New concepts are always welcome, I come to know that in some Countries Speculation in basic commodities are not allowed like Wheat......they will device the mean when considering stock market Scenario, Right now no country in the world practicing Islamic System (all islamic world enjoying MONARCH):devil:
I have a honest questions for the ones here who say capitalism ends, which it does not. What system should replace it? And dont say islamic system. Italy is not islamic but rman catholic and so is the big majority of europe. so what should we do. Out of interest. :)
I have a honest questions for the ones here who say capitalism ends, which it does not. What system should replace it? And dont say islamic system. Italy is not islamic but rman catholic and so is the big majority of europe. so what should we do. Out of interest. :)
I think it's a misunderstanding , by capitalism , they mean the western way of life , they just don't dare to use the word western cause it has racist connotations , but obama was a socialist for real , his ideology is that black panthers who incorporated white socialism in their black nationalist doctorine.
I think it's a misunderstanding , by capitalism , they mean the western way of life , they just don't dare to use the word western cause it has racist connotations , but obama was a socialist for real , his ideology is that black panthers who incorporated white socialism in their black nationalist doctorine.

Well then they are quite wrong, since the "western" way of life expands evrywhere.
Such nonsense would butcher your economy. No body would put money in to your nation and the entrepreneurs in your nation will be reluctant to invest and would probably just get the fu** out and put their money into another country
religion and religion is all they care little less they realise it nothing but book of error and lies !
Well then they are quite wrong, since the "western" way of life expands evrywhere.
you're right , it's quite wrong to think of western demise at this stage , although imo western society will weaken not be destryoed because of immigration
Sir, New concepts are always welcome, I come to know that in some Countries Speculation in basic commodities are not allowed like Wheat......they will device the mean when considering stock market Scenario, Right now no country in the world practicing Islamic System (all islamic world enjoying MONARCH):devil:

Have you watched the movie which is made based on real interview of several USA economists ? I forget the movie title, maybe Capitalism : A Love Story (Michael Moore). Based on that movie it is said that some of USA economists that run respected universities in USA has been paid largely by financial institutions. Yeah, understandable act since imposing strict regulation will result the bubble to burst, so they will not get much money anymore. So they need to bribe opinion makers first.

Liberalism Economy is just there to facilitate the financial institution to grow, that sadly just make a bad affect into the real economy by sucking their money into that gamble game. If (a liberal) financial market make one economy collapse after experiencing a burs in their bubble, they will still get helped from the government under "too big to fail scenario" that they play.

The best way to cope this problem is to reduce financial trading transaction by imposing better rule in a step by step process. But the ones who has money will not allow it to happen. USA people has to wake up !!! As I said early, Islamic Capitalism is a controlled Capitalism, and its focused is in a real sector, not the financial sector.
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I think it's a misunderstanding , by capitalism , they mean the western way of life , they just don't dare to use the word western cause it has racist connotations , but obama was a socialist for real , his ideology is that black panthers who incorporated white socialism in their black nationalist doctorine.
A typical brainwash person you are mister america and even china is way more free country then yours ! the persecution of people by name of religion way more high in your country that too by your state ! press tv news had show about anti athiesm related to UK ! such a hater people in your country ! death to america grafity everywhere on street ! death penalty by crane ! radical sharia law !
you're right , it's quite wrong to think of western demise at this stage , although imo western society will weaken not be destryoed because of immigration

the immigrants i know here are by far the most capitalist ones i see.
the immigrants i know here are by far the most capitalist ones i see.
private stake holding of company even in defence and railway ! the idea of EU is killing your country slowly mister !
This system is not implemented in any Muslim country, and even if it is in one or two Muslim countries then it isn't being practiced to the fullest since the economies of all Muslim countries are intertwined with the international financial system which is heavily involved in interest.

The only system that i can think of is Autarky, a great example of which was National Socialist Germany which had achieved complete economic independence from the international financial system and had abolished interest 100% both within the country and without. Within 3 years Germany become the sole Economic Powerhouse of Europe, the world had never witnessed such a phenomena before nor since.

Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.” - Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry

National Socialism and the German Economic Miracle- Asia Times

How Hitler Tackled Unemployment

Autarky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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simple fact is that capitalism is the only working system. It exists since the stone age...you know that era that iran is still stuck in. That article is typical mullah bullshit. I did only read the last 5 sentences amd think its time to reinstall the Shah.

Capitalism is what's destroying the West. Capitalism feeds off of the addictions/weaknesses of the masses. A example of this is the pornographic industry through which the plutocrats make billions of $$ annually from this degenerate filth. Another example is the arms/weapons industry, and so on and so forth.
Well Said, Its impossible to detail out all the Socio-Economic Points
Iam inspired with ZAKAT system of Islamic System, where richer class are taxed 2.5% of whole wealth not Income and that money belongs to Poor suppressed society of the Nation.
Counter to Inflation: ......You can't control WHOLE Commodity by paying only its DOWNPAYMENT
You cant sell Product from Person A to Person B without Purchasing it full,
Manipulation is not allowed in Islamic system, controlling the commodity by its down-payment and acting as intermediary results in speculation & surge in Price (fake Pricing).

This would rip a new asshole for your economy.
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