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Cantonese more civilized than Mandarin northerners

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Are you trying to defend Mandarin speaker because Taiwanese are also Mandarin speaker?
I have a feeling Taiwanese are not like them since I rarely read any bad things about them.

I don't think sitting down on the floor and blocking on the shops window everywhere is civilized, I never see that anywhere by other people.

The fact that you think Chinese consist of Mandarin and Cantonese only shows that you know jack about Chinese language. Do us a favor and stop posting. Since you are from India, can you tell me how many languages are there in India?
that is some great arguments that you put up here, you have exactly refuted nothing of what I posted.

I don't care about politics just speaking truth about your citizens behavior. You will only end up with the world having deep racism against your people if you don'stop.

The fact that you think Chinese consist of Mandarin and Cantonese only shows that you know jack about Chinese language. Do us a favor and stop posting. Since you are from India, can you tell me how many languages are there in India?

Thousands but only a few have the prestige
Are you trying to defend Mandarin speaker because Taiwanese are also Mandarin speaker?
I have a feeling Taiwanese are not like them since I rarely read any bad things about them.

I don't think sitting down on the floor and blocking on the shops window everywhere is civilized, I never see that anywhere by other people.

Yup, Taiwan media who love to publish or arrange a show about mainlander barbarism. It gave a bit sense of superiority for Taiwanese because we are democracy, while mainland is not. It also happened in South Korea and Japan. Part of the democracy propaganda.

I can understand about blocking on the shop window, I experienced many times as well when during a shopping for entire day. I sit where I can found a place to sit, so tired, it's like killing me.
I don't care about politics just speaking truth about your citizens behavior. You will only end up with the world having deep racism against your people if you don'stop.

Thousands but only a few have the prestige

What is? That your indian decent makes you superior? lol, look in the mirror.

Well even the lowest caste of India are more well mannered than your rich and powerful mainlander but the difference is you're spreading hate everywhere and they are not.
Well even the lowest caste of India are more well mannered than your rich and powerful mainlander but the difference is you're spreading hate everywhere.

well there you have it. lol, done with this thread, don't reply.
Hong Kong and Macau = Cantonese speakers
China, Taiwan, Singapore = Mandarin speakers

I'm against discrimination and I do not believe northern Indian are better than southern Indian. Being a HK of Indian origin who often faced discrimination by racist Hong Kong Cantonese even I must admit Mandarin are barbaric human beings and deserves every discrimination thrown at them.

The mandarin speakers are rude, loud and annoying. I've never seen such arrogant and uncivilized human beings.

I have never though I see the day someone shits inside McDonald. Why do they keep letting their kids shit and piss on the park and sometimes even in front of the public? some of them even look too old to still be doing that.

Also their trolleys had rolled on my foot so many times and they never say sorry.
Aren't you over generalizing a bit ? Calling an entire people "barbaric" because of the behaviour of a few shows you who the barbarian is here.
Both Cantanese and Mandarins are different in many aspects, Southern Chinese are close to Vietnamese and Northerners are close to Koreans because of geographic proximity.
Aren't you over generalizing a bit ? Calling an entire people "barbaric" because of the behaviour of a few shows you who the barbarian is here.

A few too many. Too many had spit and too many children had pissed.

Almost all of them carry luggage's and sit on the ground some of them even sit in weird way even when they were waiting for the buses they look more like animals.
Both Cantanese and Mandarins are different in many aspects, Southern Chinese are close to Vietnamese and Northerners are close to Koreans because of geographic proximity.

They are both ugly. HK people are generally ugly but mandarin speakers are also ugly. The only time they look good is when have plastic surgery just like Koreans/Japanese.
An Indian talking about being ugly...and about shitting on the floor...
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