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Candidates for Mig-21 replacement in Vietnam


Jul 13, 2011
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Vietnam will replace Mig 21 Jas 39 - Defeat the Chengdu's fighter
Saab JAS-39

As you may know, the VPAF is in need of a lightweight all-weather interceptor to replace its aging MiG-21 fleet. The candidate must fulfill certain criterias like high speed, good maneuverability and cheap to replace a large number of MiG-21. So why would we consider the Gripen?

1. It's a lightweight fighter with empty weight of only 6800kg. It's only half the empty weight of the MiG-29M. Even at max take-off way, the Gripen weights at 14000kg, which is only 1 tons heavier than the empty weight of MiG-29M. It allows the VPAF to use older runways which only suit for light fighter. And the ability to take off and landing on short runways or country highway is a big plus for the Gripen.

2. With maximum load of 7 tons, the Gripen can carry 4 medium range missiles (Rb.99 or MICA) or 6 short range missiles (Rb.74). It can also carry guided munitions and anti-ship missile (RBS-15). This is better than the combat load of VPAF's MiG-21 (consists of R-13 and R-60M missiles).

3. Lightweight airframe, along with a powerful engine and the assists of the canard gives the Gripen a good maneuverability.

4. Low maintance cost and easy to maintain processes help keeping the operating cost down as the air force budget is somehow tight.

But there are also many factors that lower the point of the Gripen in this consideration like:

1. Aircraft cost is high. At US$ 60 million, each fighter costs equally to a much heavier and powerful Su-30MK2. Buying a large number to replace the MiG-21 is nigh impossible.

2. One third of the airframe (especially the engine) and components comes from the US, along with NATO standard weapon inventory. This poses a great difficulty in buying weapons and spare parts if the US doesn't lift the weapon embargo.

3. Buying the Gripen means retraining all the pilots and mechanics to safely operate and maintain the fleet.

Conclusion, this article has shown the pros and cons when considering the candidates for the replacement of the MiG-21 fleet. It serves the analytic purpose only and does NOT pose our Ministry of Defense's decision. Thank you for reading.

VS J-10A/B


I thought you gonna say 60 million is cheap. I was wondering since when the Vietnam got this rich...?

By the way which fighter do you mean by saying Chengdu's fighter? J7/Mig21, FC1/JF17, J10 or J20?

The cheapest one to replace Mig 21 could be the FC1/JF17, you can go to the Pakistan Air Force for more information.
I thought you gonna say 60 million is cheap. I was wondering since when the Vietnam got this rich...?

By the way which fighter do you mean by saying Chengdu's fighter? J7/Mig21, FC1/JF17, J10 or J20?

The cheapest one to replace Mig 21 could be the FC1/JF17, you can go to the Pakistan Air Force for more information.

Well I want to say is J-7II/10A/B, JF-17 and even J-20: D

We are not short of money, you rest assured we take money from Chinese investors to purchase weapons.I thank you for your interest
Well I want to say is J-7II/10A/B, JF-17 and even J-20: D

We are not short of money, you rest assured we take money from Chinese investors to purchase weapons.I thank you for your interest

but you military budget is less than 1% of China's,and you don't know how to make them yourselves,you have to buy weapons from other countries.what can you do with this little money?
if Vietnamese airforce dares to take on Chinese airforce,Vietnamese airforce will cease to exist in hours.
Well I want to say is J-7II/10A/B, JF-17 and even J-20: D

We are not short of money, you rest assured we take money from Chinese investors to purchase weapons.I thank you for your interest

last time i checked your defence budget was just around 2.4billion coundt even buy spare parts of european fighters``bare in mind there are millions incompetent vietcong armies' life dependent on those tiny budget

if Vietnamese airforce dares to take on Chinese airforce,Vietnamese airforce will cease to exist in hours.

no no, their 'glorious' vietcong will use AKs to shoot down whatever advanced planes we have, because apparently they 'managed' to shoot down some clumbsy B-52s like 50 years ago``:lol:
The problem for Vietnam to buy Chinese weapons is akin to Pakistan buying US weapons. If China think that their weapons in the hand of Vietnam causing trouble to him or its allies, they will stop the supply of spares. So practically Vietnam is always under control of Chinese hand. I am not sure Vietnam is ready for this for obvious differences in opinion.

Only option Vietnam left with either Russian, European or American weapons. Gripen is good platform albeit very expensive and therefore Mig-29 or F-16's are one of the good options Vietnam has.
The problem for Vietnam to buy Chinese weapons is akin to Pakistan buying US weapons. If China think that their weapons in the hand of Vietnam causing trouble to him or its allies, they will stop the supply of spares. So practically Vietnam is always under control of Chinese hand. I am not sure Vietnam is ready for this for obvious differences in opinion.

Only option Vietnam left with either Russian, European or American weapons. Gripen is good platform albeit very expensive and therefore Mig-29 or F-16's are one of the good options Vietnam has.
What you forgot to mention here is that operating cost of Mig29 will be atleast 2.5 times of Grippen so in long term Mig29 will be alot more costly then Grippen....As far as F 16 is concern i don't think procurment cost of F-16 will be less then grippen untill unless you are talking about second hand F-16 with MLU......Not to forget F-16 will use only American weapons so at the end Vietnam will have to shell out alot more then we can think off.....

To be frank as far as i see Vietnam has only two options for replacing their Mig 21's....

A}KAI T-50 Golden Eagle's Fighter version ....

B}HAL LCA Tejas the best part of lca will be that it can use russian weapons....
good buy.. Jas 39 is fine fighter a/c with modern avionics..
if Vietnamese airforce dares to take on Chinese airforce,Vietnamese airforce will cease to exist in hours.

Hey Joker :D

last time i checked your defence budget was just around 2.4billion coundt even buy spare parts of european fighters``bare in mind there are millions incompetent vietcong armies' life dependent on those tiny budget

no no, their 'glorious' vietcong will use AKs to shoot down whatever advanced planes we have, because apparently they 'managed' to shoot down some clumbsy B-52s like 50 years ago``:lol:

Oh, our budget is just "floating ice". Ah you should know you are the Republic of Vietnam called Trung Cong = Viet Cong (Trung Cộng - Trung Hoa Cộng Sản -Communist China - there is discrimination), You are also communist, but you despise me ! So I do not have to respect you
if Vietnamese airforce dares to take on Chinese airforce,Vietnamese airforce will cease to exist in hours.

Are you really serious? I was talking to a local conflict, and J-1A / B's you are not a competitor with our Jas-39.RCS small, EU electronic system, maneuverable large ranged weapon meteor for BVR > PL-12, SD-10 of you, F-18 engine, U.S. engine always better engine made in China, bye bye J :D




good buy.. Jas 39 is fine fighter a/c with modern avionics..

Well welcome to the Electronic Combat Unit of our

What you forgot to mention here is that operating cost of Mig29 will be atleast 2.5 times of Grippen so in long term Mig29 will be alot more costly then Grippen....As far as F 16 is concern i don't think procurment cost of F-16 will be less then grippen untill unless you are talking about second hand F-16 with MLU......Not to forget F-16 will use only American weapons so at the end Vietnam will have to shell out alot more then we can think off.....

To be frank as far as i see Vietnam has only two options for replacing their Mig 21's....

A}T-50 Golden Eagle's Fighter version main advantage Vietnam is already using its Trainer version....

B}LCA Tejas the best part of lca will be that it can use russian weapons.....

I wanted to add Tejas in the discussion, however we still have to induct it and also the engine dependency to US make it less attractive. As a matter of fact if we can see there is clearly a need for a 4th gen single engine light weight fighter. If we can get LCA up and running and sort out the engine problems, we are in game.
So the JF-17 is even being considered ? :what:

Its what was supposed to replace the Mig-21s & other 3rd Generation aircraft as a platform that provides more value-for-money than any other aircraft in its class !
Given the relationship of Vietnam and China, I expect US to offload some of its earlier generation (block 52 or so) F 16s here.
I wanted to add Tejas in the discussion, however we still have to induct it and also the engine dependency to US make it less attractive. As a matter of fact if we can see there is clearly a need for a 4th gen single engine light weight fighter. If we can get LCA up and running and sort out the engine problems, we are in game.
Buddy can you fly Gripen,KAI T-50 or F16 without American Engine.....So at the end if Vietnam is realy interested in buying single engine plane which can replace their Mig 21's then they will have to go for jet powered by American Engine.....
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