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Cancelled by Pakistan : Sale of 27 ASW Helicopter for Pakistan Navy

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Indians are asking for mirages and sub because the are afraid of them to be used against them in time of need. "Agar Rafael hottha too mamla faraq hottha" [emoji6]
1. 27 Choppers with 1.5 value are a big thing for PN (where requirements of old replacement and for new frigate helicopter don't exceed 10-15)
2. We have far better defence related relations with Italian than French (so if we go with EU countries than we might go with Augusta Westland, rather than Airbus)
3. France is the only country who vetoed each and every our UNSC resolution and they rejected our many requests in past (like JFT avionics, targeting pod etc) because of their love for Indians , why they would be involved for such a big sale
Don't all of these reasons point out that Pakistan should set up its own Heli industry to cater for all Armed forces and civilian Government requirements.

(and as usual buy engines from a third party/different country).
LoL either you Indians are idiots or think Muslims need to be idiots. The boycotts are symbolic in nature and to show the other side the gravity of certain measures. No where is it required to start purging things already in inventory with French origin. It is upto Pakistanis what they want to boycott and not - and an opinion of a bigotted Indian is they last thing they will care about. Your comments just show the desperate wish you guys carry in your hearts that Muslims and Pakistanis in general just self immolate and disappear - sink French submarines, burn French mirages, etc.
In short any tools Pakistan has that can kill and hurt Indian state will be kept sharp and running, even if it includes buying from Israelis (which Pakistan actually has), let alone a european country.

I happen to agree with you ..this new trend "let's abandon French products.. because they insulted our Prophet" is a sham, a social media trend.

Pakistan will not abandon any of the French product it currently uses..and not only that ..if need or opportunity arises .. Pakistan will aquire more French products.
Shooting down IAF's Rafale will serve the purpose, not abandoning Mirage or Agosta which will be duly replaced.

Well if you could ..but then that will only increase the French coffers ..as India will order replacement.
I happen to agree with you ..this new trend "let's abandon French products.. because they insulted our Prophet" is a sham, a social media trend.

Pakistan will not abandon any of the French product it currently uses..and not only that ..if need or opportunity arises .. Pakistan will aquire more French products.

Well if you could ..but then that will only increase the French coffers ..as India will order replacement.
Nope there is no common ground between a snile hater like you and Muslims. Boycotting products doesnt mean you dump the products already paid for! No one in history has ever done that - even though Nazis were hated but the US never said no to the techs and scientists from Nazi regime.
Anyway Pakistanis are trying to get a message out to the world that they do not agree with the rhetoric propogated by France and, want to impose some penalties by cancellation of certain deals, and you comming back and asking to dump submarines and throw mirages are just a way the bigots of India know how to put salt on the wounds of Muslims, about an issue you know Muslims are sensitive about. I guess the hate and cunningness is just part of your DNA now.
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Nope there is no common ground between a snile hater like you and Muslims. Boycotting products doesnt mean you dump the products already paid for! No one in history has ever done that - even though Nazis were hated but US never said no to the techs and scientists from Nazi regime.
Anyway Pakistanis are trying to get a message out to the world that they do not agree with the rhetoric being propogated by France and want to impose some penalties by cancellation of certain deals, and you comming back and asking to dump submarines and throw mirages are just a way the bigots of India know how to put salt on the wounds of Muslims, about an issue they know Muslims are sensitive about. I guess the hate and cunningness is just part of your DNA now.

Dumping the products, you have already paid for ..takes tremendous amount self sacrafice ..but it also sends a Stern message across.." that we abhor your actions and we will go to any lengths to boycott you"

For example when MK Gandhi launched Satyagraha movement in India against British excesses .

Common Indians came out in streets...and burned all their British made clothes (clothes made in English Mills in England) and switched to khadi (self woven hand loom clothes) as India did not have any Mills of its own.

This was no nonesense message to the British..That Indians will no longer . facilitate the regime of its oppressors

No matter what Pakistanis say ...on how indignant they are on this insult...they lack this kind of conviction in their ideals.

You will be happy to follow the trend and abandon any French products as long as it suits you(there are other alternatives available)...does not lead to any personal or monetory losses...but if the need or the opportunity arises .. Pakistan will surely order even more French products.
Dumping the products, you have already paid for ..takes tremendous amount self sacrafice ..but it also sends a Stern message across.." that we abhor your actions and we will go to any lengths to boycott you"

For example when MK Gandhi launched Satyagraha movement in India against British excesses .

Common Indians came out in streets...and burned all their British made clothes (clothes made in English Mills in England) and switched to khadi (self woven hand loom clothes) as India did not have any Mills of its own.

This was no nonesense message to the British..That Indians will no longer . facilitate the regime of its oppressors

No matter what Pakistanis say ...on how indignant they are on this insult...they lack this kind of conviction in their ideals.

You will be happy to follow the trend and abandon any French products as long as it suits you(there are other alternatives available)...does not lead to any personal or monetory losses...but if the need or the opportunity arises .. Pakistan will surely order even more French products.
How about instead of throwing in ur IFs and BUTs...
...first prove ur tall claims...that Pakistan is paying the french for maintenance of Mirages and Agostas

Unless u prefer avoiding the topic bcuz u have no proof to back up ur claims...and are here speculating on things that have not occured...to score some brownie points...in ur fantasy dreamland.
Dumping the products, you have already paid for ..takes tremendous amount self sacrafice ..but it also sends a Stern message across.." that we abhor your actions and we will go to any lengths to boycott you"

For example when MK Gandhi launched Satyagraha movement in India against British excesses .

Common Indians came out in streets...and burned all their British made clothes (clothes made in English Mills in England) and switched to khadi (self woven hand loom clothes) as India did not have any Mills of its own.

This was no nonesense message to the British..That Indians will no longer . facilitate the regime of its oppressors

No matter what Pakistanis say ...on how indignant they are on this insult...they lack this kind of conviction in their ideals.

You will be happy to follow the trend and abandon any French products as long as it suits you(there are other alternatives available)...does not lead to any personal or monetory losses...but if the need or the opportunity arises .. Pakistan will surely order even more French products.
Well your fore fathers burning their UK made chadis is not equivalent to Agosta 90b submarines - those are defence articles of importance against a much bigger bigoted threat on the east.
Yes there is a lack of conviction because of disunity in Muslims, maybe as a start Muslims of subcontinent should work in unison to impose certain penalties - like Bangladeshi, Indian and Pakistani Muslims bycotting French products to show their conviction and impose penalties that have a meaningful impact on French interests. As a next step Muslim communities can exert pressure on their respective govts to take it to the next level - I like this idea thanks for the suggestion, if it materializes I would definitely not mind giving due credit to your Babu.
How about instead of throwing in ur IFs and BUTs...
...first prove ur tall claims...that Pakistan is paying the french for maintenance of Mirages and Agostas

Unless u prefer avoiding the topic bcuz u have no proof to back up ur claims...and are here speculating on things that have not occured...to score some brownie points...in ur fantasy dreamland.

I tried avoiding answering your post..since you were extremely obtuse to basic logic of maitainance.

However since you insist.
Pakistan imported $28 million worth of aircraft spares from France in 2019 alone.


Understand this ..these spare parts are not government to government deals for ..the order can directly placed by PAF or PN .. to the private French companies producing them. Hence they are not a news worthy item.
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Well your fore fathers burning their UK made chadis is not equivalent to Agosta 90b submarines - those are defence articles of importance against a much bigger bigoted threat on the east.
Yes there is a lack of conviction because of disunity in Muslims, maybe as a start Muslims of subcontinent should work in unison to impose certain penalties - like Bangladeshi, Indian and Pakistani Muslims bycotting French products to show their conviction and impose penalties that have a meaningful impact on French interests. As a next step Muslim communities can exert pressure on their respective govts to take it to the next level - I like this idea thanks for the suggestion, if it materializes I would definitely not mind giving due credit to your Babu.
It is thought that counts ..a poor man ..who has just a pair clothes to cover himself..throws it in fire .. because conviction of his beliefs..that is a real boycott.

A entire Nation retiring a 50 year old aircraft..or any other product for that matter...does not even compare to that sacrifice.
Let us agree on one thing
Twitter = Fake story hub

Quoting a Twitter link is good as quoting a Indian Spy's intelligence test where he claims he aced the IQ test

Stories should be quoted from reliable media sources
I tried avoiding answering your post..since you were extremely obtuse to basic logic of maitainance.

However since you insist.
Pakistan imported $28 million worth of aircraft spares from France in 2019 alone.


Understand this ..these spare parts are not government to government deals for ..the order can directly placed by PAF or PN .. to the private French companies producing them. Hence they are not a news worthy item.
The first link in ur post...is not working...takes me to a page that says "invalid url".

...the second one is a database showing Pakistan's EXPORTS to France...one of those entries of "aircraft, spacecraft" shows ~$28 million dollars in 2019...

Is this the $28 million dollars of aircraft parts u were referring to as "imports" here?
Pakistan imported $28 million worth of aircraft spares from France in 2019 alone.
Bcuz if so...that is extremely embarrassing. Imagine axing ur own foot while trying to prove a made up argument...and inadvertently getting it completely opposite with the very evidence u provided urself :lol:
...if I were u I would quit the forum red faced...but I'm pretty sure u have no shame.

I'm impatiently waiting for a response...it would be so much fun to watch u bend logic in all kinds of ways to get out of this one :pop:

lets invite others to have some fun too...
@Areesh @Dalit @Avicenna @masterchief_mirza @peagle @doorstar tag others
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Many companies approach the Armed forces for their products and offers.
A marketing proposal or offer is not CANCELLED, it is simply not considered.

So even it such an offer existed, this report just made a story out of nothing to excite the public. I am sure this was a fake news in relation to what is happening between Muslims and France.

PN was never considering French helo's anyway.

As per my knowledge the only ASW helo's being considered were the AW-101 & NH90.
Z20 is to pre-mature to even consider for specialized operations like ASW.
. .
So when Pakistan is going to dump MIRAGES and AGOSTA submarine?
. .
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