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Canada & Quebec to divorce ?

Well, crash a few airplanes in Toronto and Ottawa and see how long their "niceness" lasts! ;)

They will still be nice.

9/11 was a drama. Just dont trust American media and the frenzy they whip.

You will be surprised to meet common Americans. Very, very nice, warm and generous people and in sharp contrast to the meanness and cruelty their government displays around the world. In fact American government that we see is not all representative of American people's attitude.
the fact is .. Canada has never been that involved in international affairs nor do they achieve the notoriety of the US to be targets for such attacks.
there's probably an al-qaeda cell in canada that has to moonlight at Starbucks since they have no work.

Thats pretty much BS when history as shown that Canada has been involved in international affairs before.
Quebec separatist party set to win poll AFP

A gunman was arrested after shooting two people, one of them fatally, at the victory speech of Quebec's Pauline Marois, whose separatist party is projected to win polls in the Canadian province.

Another person was seriously wounded in the incident late Tuesday, as Marois was hustled offstage by bodyguards. She later returned to the podium, visibly shaken but unharmed, and quickly concluded her remarks.

The shooting came as media projections showed Marois's Parti Quebecois (PQ) ousting Premier Jean Charest's Liberals from power, which would make Marois, 63, the French-speaking Canadian province's first female prime minister.

The alleged gunman was quickly arrested after firing a rifle into the crowded concert hall in the provincial capital Montreal, police said.

"This is a homicide investigation. The death was confirmed at the scene. The motive is unknown at this time," the Montreal police said on Twitter.

Caught on camera during the arrest, the alleged gunman shouted "the English are waking up," apparently referring to fears of Francophone domination of the English-speaking minority in an independent Quebec.

The Parti Quebecois favors independence from mostly English-speaking Canada, but is not expected to immediately pursue secession.

Shortly before the shooting, however, Marois had said that "the future of Quebec is to be a sovereign country."

The party's victory came after allegations of corruption and months of nightly student protests over a planned tuition hike, with polls showing widespread dissatisfaction with nine years of Liberal rule.

Several polling stations were still reporting, but it appeared that Marois's party will lead a minority government, having secured around 32 percent of the vote, only narrowly ahead of the Liberals.

But Charest's career appeared to be in ruins after he was beaten in his hometown of Sherbrooke by PQ candidate Serge Cardin, who secured 42.41 percent of votes to the incumbent's 34.7 percent.

Despite a strong record on the economy Charest, only the second Quebec leader since the 1950s to have served three terms, failed to excite voters. Turnout was strong, with nearly 6 million voters casting ballots for 125 lawmakers.

Quebec twice rejected independence in 1980 and 1995, but federalists only narrowly won the last referendum.

Marois has said she will only hold a third referendum on independence if a win is assured, which is unlikely, given that barely one in three Quebecers currently support secession.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper congratulated Marois, but urged Quebecers not to "revisit the old constitutional battles of the past."

Quebec separatist party set to win poll - Globaltimes.cn
" A recent poll showed support for independence under 30 percent, but analysts say voters are weary of the Liberals after three terms in office. "

This might give an approximation of how likely they are to divorce.

The chances are slim to none, Canada has gone down this road several times in the past and then the Quebecois realize just how stupid this would be.

They would have to start printing their own currency
They would have to establish trade treaties with well every nation on earth
they would no longer be a member of the North American Free trade agreement

They know better than to actually do this, their economy would turn into a giant black hole and they know this. Unfortunately that doesn't stop politicians from using it to get votes.
Thats pretty much BS when history as shown that Canada has been involved in international affairs before.

How much?
Did the Canadians ever start a war other than those under the crown?
Wherever they contributed, they never were the aggressors.. never the ones leading a coalition or whatsover.
So whatever involvement there was, it was ALWAYS under the shadow of a greater power.. be it Britan then or today the US.
Hence.. the Canadian can go today and bomb an afghan village to smithereens.. but the only hate that will grow will be that for the USA.
Canadians are not Americans at all. They are very different people.

It's hilarious how Canadian backpackers always have a HUGE Canadian flag on their backpack to dispel any confusion in people's minds, eh? ;)
So revolution is now coming to Canada...French Canada that is?
So revolution is now coming to Canada...French Canada that is?

Seems like a political stunt to me. Where will they go if they part with Canada?

They're not different people but just different in language. Quebec is not a French colony so France cannot have any say in it.

Unfortunately, some here think that democracy means a free license to start separatism.

It is not.
The most likely thing to happen is that the PQ would try to turn Quebec into another Hong Kong. Separation on its own wouldn't protect their French culture from diminishing because the place is surrounded on 3 sides by English speaking people....that is unless they turn into North Korea and close off the border and immigration completely.

It's not like Europe where none of the countries are big enough to influence other countries' language and culture.

The reason why Hong Kong can maintain its language and culture is because it has complete control over its immigration and language policies.

The problem with Quebec in the past is that you have English only speakers migrating easily into Quebec, but refuse to integrate themselves into the province. Instead they just setup their own little community where they go to English schools, go to shop at big American stores where English services or Bilingual services are always available, etc. The big American business also hire executives who only speak English to run their operation, who then hire workers who don't speak a word of French as well...

You also had politicians in Quebec who spoke English only but expect the French speaking Quebec politicians to go along with them...etc. Just look at how much the current Quebec premier Pauline Marois is being mocked for her bad English.

Its why these heavy handed language laws like "Signs must have bigger French letters" exist in Quebec.
I don't think anything much will come of it. This is an issue more well known for political jokes abroad than anything substantial really.

I hope to visit Canada one day though for vacation :D
It's hilarious how Canadian backpackers always have a HUGE Canadian flag on their backpack to dispel any confusion in people's minds, eh? ;)
I know a TON of Canadians (yes...mostly white)...95% hold similar views as Americans (we do have the occasional arguement...but no more than with other Americans).
It's hilarious how Canadian backpackers always have a HUGE Canadian flag on their backpack to dispel any confusion in people's minds, eh? ;)
That they have to do that mean the impression that Canada is no different than any other US state is quite firm in people's minds. Like I said: Our 52nd state.
Wait a second...

Canada is our 52nd state, we do not want to lose even a hectare of land back the Frenchies.

Would you be a less moron for a second, Canada spanked US in 1812 You lost your First International Battle to Canada. These are all predictions Quebec is to stay as it is.

Neighbourly influence..

Or rather.. Canadians have trouble admitting that they are just Americans that havent gotten over Europe yet.

Aha I thought Pakistanis have that trouble admitting...

Makes sense - Canada is not a superpower, but USA is. Simple.

Canada will involve itself where needed, now that is smart. It is not about superpower.
That they have to do that mean the impression that Canada is no different than any other US state is quite firm in people's minds. Like I said: Our 52nd state.

what's that? Canada is vietnam's 52nd state??

gambit, there is no shame in being fromm Vietnam.

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