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Can Pakistan reach out to India’s estranged ally, Russia?

Tuh bada Chakram Hai kya So according to you bollywood speak marathi or bombaiya
Bhai logo ki language kya samja tuh have you been to bombay no 2
its shows you have in complete education thats why you insult other and don't realise till they Fcuk your back side.

Oh, you mean some Bhaiyya lingo? Because Mumbai does not speak Bhaiyya lingo, its the hotbed of Marathi.
Now when did Chicken Littles become a pain? They just become chicken$hit; when they are not getting roasted.
Dude, now dont call Pakistanis BAWASEERS or Piles. Remember you're on PDF. Don't be impolite and insulting. Reflects very badly on your upbringing
So why we were not able to stop RD-93 Engine going to pakistan when we know its so important for PAF and they are going to use it against us for long time Now if you go back @ that time and see we cried too much and Also offer our As**s but they refuse to listen to us.

The RD 93 was a Chinese deal and not a Pakistan deal------China was the one paying not Pakistan. The biggest point is where is Pakistan going to find the money to buy? Your logic about the Russians give away stuff to Pakistan is nothing more than a wet dream and it's high time you go and change your wet underwear.
They already won the Lottery by surviving these hard time and they will come back with new beginning like a phoenix.
No other country i have seen that is so Stubborn and the people are very positive and believe that hard work can improve their life and they can change their destination.
Once they are on right path then they will become our BAWASEER[ PILES] and will be pain in our As*.:omghaha:

Well.............wet dreams again, what I find surprising about you is you are getting wet for someother persons dream. :omghaha:

The least you could do is starting to get wet on your own dreams.
CAn we use Russian relation to build our economy instead of doing military trade..?

Their military technology kina sounds out dated...
Indians neighbors and many citizens of the neighbors are already in "Western Orbit".

Pakistan, BDesh, China are already "dependent heavily on the West for trade or aid or both".

Just FYI>

But not by choice, more by necessity. India is making a choice..
well Russia can't leave India to supply arms to Pakistan coz Indians are largest arm importer and what can Pakistan purchase expect some standard tech of air defence and helis or maybe things like antivtank missiles or AESA???
India is purchasing even forks and spoons for Army bt them and arittary,Naval vessles,subs,hugh quantity of jets,ammunation and muchhh more which simply Pakistan can't match up or if can theycwould buy just some standard instrument which are needed……:coffee:
but Russia is somhow willing to supply some arms,engines,helis and cooperate with Pakistan but they are not going to leave India and till now there are many pro US and anti Russian elements in Pak foreign office who gets their reward of disturbing Pak-Russia relation and making Pak dependant of US but their reward is lowered in some years because of Pakistan depandance on China……
well Russia can't leave India to supply arms to Pakistan coz Indians are largest arm importer and what can Pakistan purchase expect some standard tech of air defence and helis or maybe things like antivtank missiles or AESA???
India is purchasing even forks and spoons for Army bt them and arittary,Naval vessles,subs,hugh quantity of jets,ammunation and muchhh more which simply Pakistan can't match up or if can theycwould buy just some standard instrument which are needed……:coffee:
but Russia is somhow willing to supply some arms,engines,helis and cooperate with Pakistan but they are not going to leave India and till now there are many pro US and anti Russian elements in Pak foreign office who gets their reward of disturbing Pak-Russia relation and making Pak dependant of US but their reward is lowered in some years because of Pakistan depandance on China……

just one question...why the heck it is always a zero sum game?? Why can't you have decent relations with Russia irrespective of their relations with India?? This zero sum game mentality is way too outdated mate!!
First get Pakistan's economy right, then countries will come pouring in for friendship. Just like EU, South Korea, Australia, South East Asian Nations and many others are now doing with India.

Actualyyyyyyyyyyy that is a path I hope we never take again.

We took that once, and it has been a bitter life since.
Actualyyyyyyyyyyy that is a path I hope we never take again.

We took that once, and it has been a bitter life since.

The problem was that Pakistan allowed complete dependency in the past friendship...Unfortunately...I hope they don't do the same with China...
no u cant because you dont have enough money to afford it........m sorry but dats d truth
The problem was that Pakistan allowed complete dependency in the past friendship...Unfortunately...I hope they don't do the same with China...

It is not about dependencies at all at least not willingly.

If some one shakes your hand with velvet covered iron glove what do you do ?

Lastly, never underestimate the power of a green card or a swiss account for that matter.
Yes, Pakistan can reach Russia. First, Pakistan must establish a diplomatic niche. Second, Pakistan must engage Russia outside the Indo-Pak dynamics. Third, once Pakistan has established the economic infrastructure Russia would be interested in dealing with Pakistan because for them it's about business more than politics. Though in the long term we Pakistanis need to aim for self-reliance rather than foreign dependence like our neighbour.
if you give more money than india, then you will be the russia's patner. so its always possible. but that will be the end of china-pak relationship. so it won't happan.
The othet aspect to this is that this is a step towards india moving further away from its neighbours and into western orbit if this trajectory continues.

India seems more inclined on developing its own orbit independent of the Russian, Eastern or Western one, but maintaining links to all. Hence it has rarely stumbled into diplomatic hurdles with either (maybe except China).

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