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Can Pakistan reach out to India’s estranged ally, Russia?

Ground realities have not changed but Medium to long term prospects look better since pakistan now has more avenues for weapons procurement. Am sure pak military are already thinking of ways they can leverage this.

The question is how still? How much can Pakistan Military order? Pakistan is already receiving cloned copies cheaply from China, and why will it change it to Russia by paying more?
More avenues for weapon procurement doesnt mean, Pakistan can match the strategic balance of Russia by ordering billions n billions of order worth of weapons.
Russians are unforgiving. I doubt they will forget Afghanistan .
i can see frustrated and obsessive Indians here. just count above comments.

is it burning :chilli::chilli:

cheers :smokin:

You are day dreaming ..why will it burn us...in fact India Russia relation is burning your....
The othet aspect to this is that this is a step towards india moving further away from its neighbours and into western orbit if this trajectory continues.

Indians neighbors and many citizens of the neighbors are already in "Western Orbit".

Pakistan, BDesh, China are already "dependent heavily on the West for trade or aid or both".

Just FYI>
Only way I see Pakistan getting close is if they win a really big, big lottery.
If you see my comment i said just to prove a point just to pretend that they are ready to sell then see what happen to our babus.

F-16 came with condition attacked for helping America in Soviet-Afghan war. Russia don't have any urgency and Pakistsn surely couldn't replace India's massive shopping in Russia's arm market because of small defence budget and huge dependence of Chinese arm market.
If you see my comment i said just to prove a point just to pretend that they are ready to sell then see what happen to our babus.

There is not even the tiny'st of chances it is going to happen, so....... no point in even thinking about it.
Moscow has been moving in this direction for some time. In 2007, then-Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov’s visit to Pakistan saw Moscow clear the sale of RD-93 engines for the joint Sino-Pakistani JF-17 fighter aircraft, which is set to become the Pakistani air force’s mainstay heading into the 2020s. Moscow has also allowed Uzbekistan to sell four IL-78 refueling aircraft to Pakistan in the past decade and may supply spare parts for the Pakistani army’s Ukrainian-origin T-80UD tanks

For Pakistan, Russia’s emergence as a defense supplier is certainly a welcome development, as Russia can be a cost-effective source of weapons and platforms that the Americans will not deliver and that the Chinese cannot yet provide. In addition, Russian exports will help Pakistan further secure its goal of diversifying its sources of arms supply.

For India, Russia’s engagement with Pakistan may cut both ways. On one hand, Russia may draw Pakistan into a regional trade network that moves Pakistan into a closer economic embrace with India and secures transnational energy supply routes to India. On the other hand, Moscow’s willingness to supply military systems to Pakistan will mean that India will have to contend with yet another major partner that keeps an arms pipeline open to Islamabad, while looking to sell New Delhi higher-end systems and engage it in co-development and joint production partnerships. This is, after all, the pattern followed by France, Germany and the U.S. -- and now Russia. Indeed Moscow may believe that, in an era of balancing interests, it can calibrate a strategic relationship with Pakistan that may not raise the hackles of Russia’s No. 1 defense partner, India.

WPR Article | Russia Looks to Build Strategic Leverage in Pakistan

Old Article
So why we were not able to stop RD-93 Engine going to pakistan when we know its so important for PAF and they are going to use it against us for long time Now if you go back @ that time and see we cried too much and Also offer our As**s but they refuse to listen to us.

There is not even the tiny'st of chances it is going to happen, so....... no point in even thinking about it.
Looks like some Indians feel very "possessive" about Russia for some reason.
Why Indians suddenly have a butt hurt when they hear the word Pakistan-Russia. Its like that Russia is a girl and you are her boyfriend and you become jealous when someone mention RUSSSSSIA

You got it man. And the fact that She is hot we are pretty possessive.
BTW I seriously don't think you guys can afford her :p
They already won the Lottery by surviving these hard time and they will come back with new beginning like a phoenix.
No other country i have seen that is so Stubborn and the people are very positive and believe that hard work can improve their life and they can change their destination.
Once they are on right path then they will become our BAWASEER[ PILES] and will be pain in our As*.:omghaha:

Only way I see Pakistan getting close is if they win a really big, big lottery.
They already won the Lottery by surviving these hard time and they will come back with new beginning like a phoenix.
No other country i have seen that is so Stubborn and the people are very positive and believe that hard work can improve their life and they can change their destination.
Once they are on right path then they will become our BAWASEER[ PILES] and will be pain in our As*.:omghaha:

They and you are already BAWASEER (which lingo is that?) to the whole world; that is quite a come-down from a Migraine: dontcha think?
Russia, the largest arms supplier to India has reportedly decided not to supply arms to India in future questioning the transparency of deals. These deals, according to Russia are, not transparent and fair and the Indian officials manipulate the multi-billion dollars tenders in such a way as to keep Russia out of competition. Indian daily Hindustan Times has quoted Russian ambassador as saying that gimmicks are used to manipulate deals and sometimes terms of tenders are crafted specifically to get the required results. Russia has questioned New Delhi’s fairness and transparency in awarding multi-billion dollar military contracts, and warned that it may have to reconsider doing business with India.
Russia, heretofore the number one defense supplier to India is losing its business to Israel and the US. In order to keep pace with the requirements of modern warfare, India is forced to go for a superior technology which is obviously available in the US. Russia may be losing its business more on the quality of its products than manipulation. But this gives a clear picture of how India is dumping its long-time friendship for realpolitik. India needs state-of-the-art modern fighter jets, mid-air re-fuellers, heavy-lift helicopters and attack choppers for its military.
Russia’s frustration at losing business in India is quite understandable as it reportedly wanted to bypass the tendering process and sell its military equipment through government-to-government deals. This is not an innovation as India has already ordered American equipment worth $8 billion though foreign military sales (FMS) program which does not go through the process of tendering. According to statistics, Russia’s current defence portfolio in India is worth $20 billion.
Russia’s reaction shows that rejection of its equipment through tenders renders its technology as inferior which creates an adverse perception. This hurts Russia which stood by India in its testing times when it was facing sanctions after its nuclear tests and never stopped its sensitive equipment from export to India. The US normally does not allow all its equipment to be exported and each and every deal is subjected to export controls. Russia even leased its nuclear submarine to India which no country would dare to do.
Russia’s frustration with India has created many a ripples in the emerging diplomatic scenario. A long-time ally getting estranged is real-life lesson in realpolitik but with Russia’s efforts to regain its international status and converting the world back to bipolarity; this loss of economic and diplomatic space in South Asia would be very dear. Will Pakistan fill the vacuum created by India in Indo-Russian relations is a question agitating the minds of those watching the development with interest and with fingers crossed.

Can Pakistan reach out to India’s estranged ally, Russia? | Pakistan Express

A few Facts:

Russia is the largest supplier of defence hardware, also India is the LARGEST customer of russian defence hardware.

MMRCA, Mid air refueller, heavy lift helicopters and attack helicopters candidates fielded by russia lost out to genuinely superioir competition.

Russia did not lose it's edge at Battle tanks, recovery vehicles, Frigates, Destroyers, BVR missiles, ECM pods, ATGM, VSHoRAD, Anti sub mortars, Short range missiles, medium range missiles, submerged radars, ground radars, specialized munitions, PGM's.

Russia is partnered with India for it's 5th gen fighter program, Super Sukhoi upgrade program, Mig29K program, Mig 29 upgrade program, Godavari class upgrade, specialized Krivak Upgrade, Nuclear sub Lease with another one in pipeline, platform for AWACS platform, GSLV subsystems,

For another three decades there is no way any country can come close to replacing Russia as the premier defense partner for India.

The current russo-Indian defence relation attribute to almost 32 billion and not 20 billion as pointed out in the article.

to answer the question posed in the article"will pakistan fill the (fictitious) vacuum in India- russia relations"..... what is pakistans annual defence budget??? :)
BAWASEER in Hindi language specially in mumbai or bombaiya
So you admit that i am a big Pain In Your AS* :D

They and you are already BAWASEER (which lingo is that?) to the whole world; that is quite a come-down from a Migraine: dontcha think?
BAWASEER in Hindi language specially in mumbai or bombaiya
So you admit that i am a big Pain In Your AS* :D

Oh, you mean some Bhaiyya lingo? Because Mumbai does not speak Bhaiyya lingo, its the hotbed of Marathi.
Now when did Chicken Littles become a pain? They just become chicken$hit; when they are not getting roasted.
Dude, now dont call Pakistanis BAWASEERS or Piles. Remember you're on PDF. Don't be impolite and insulting. Reflects very badly on your upbringing

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