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Can Pakistan and Bangladesh form a union like EU

Dear SN,

What can two economically bankrupt countries dependant on USD aid and Saudi Oil become friends for ? Sorry to burst your bubble but if Pakistan opens its borders to Bangladesh then you must an accept a mass influx of cheap labour and they will take over the voting patterns and your jobs !

As I have said before that depends on expertise. Both the countries have different expertise since major exports of Pakistan are Textile yarn , fabrics, Rice, Vegetables & fruits and imports are Tea, Jute and Betel Leaves from Bangladesh also we both can form a big economy which could attract foreign investment and hence job opportunities will be increased.

Let’s take an example of Karachi which is called “mini Pakistan”. People from all over the country come here but mostly they do different work than local Karachi population. So there is no conflict and as economy grows it creates more job opportunities.

Considering Bangladesh as the poorest country of the world is not true.

Voting is a valid point but gain these types of things can be easily handled at the time of protocol definition.

Oh sorry thats what happened in 1971.


This was not the problem in 1971.
neither pak nor bangladesh are bancrupt for a start, they have some rival industry ie textile fisheries but so has india, they also have complementary idusstries. free movement of people will not occur as it is to pakistans disadvantage but a large market is not. the reltionship between pak and bangladesh is better as two entities than in one unit. the dissolving of the union between east and west pak has benefitted pak greatly, which is a sore points with the indiaans. any economic cooperation with out india must be given prority as the indians are on all levels inherently insincere.
an can get his favourite drink from wembley or alperton.
I strongly support Salam Nedian's Idea, It think it will solve India's problem of migration of cheap labour from Bangladesh. Pakistan better be ready to accept these so called experts en masse.

On serious note though, I think the entire discussion points out to the shortcoming of Islamic world, why do you let Islam come in the way of logical and rational economic reasoning, Bangladesh can export textiles to India since manufacturing is cheaper in bangladesh and exporting to India will open up a largeer market then Pakistan. Countries make economic decisions based on sound logics and rational thinking rather then emotional whims and fantasies of internet fanboys.

As far as problem between India and Bangladesh is concerned , though not the sams I do see a paralle between the problems between the US na Mexico, large influx of illegal migrants, loose border etc however I see both the countries working towards solving the problem because ythe people in power are saner then you

No more generalizations and derogatory remarks please - criticize the arguments, rather than the individual/nation/people.
Why not?


Why is there the delay?

It would be in everyone's interest.

Because this Idea has originated on a negative thought .
If it would have been Positive then it would have been a South Asian economic Block .

Dear Sir,
Why ?

Why is there the delay?

Because its not Possible

It would be in everyone's interest.
no it will be a disastrous Idea, for two societies which drifted apart after one of the biggest tragedy of human history .
Just to satisfy their fake ego they will waste precious time and resources in this experiment .

Afghanistan and Pakistan is a feasible Idea ..
They have access to Energy resource from neighboring countries . Same ideological belief systems .
but they lack mature societies to develop the economical growth system
Why not?


Why is there the delay?

It would be in everyone's interest.

LOL - that came right after my "no more derogatory posts" comment and for a few seconds I stared blankly at the screen wondering why on earth you were recommending slurs and abuse..

Finally got it, referring to the "Union".:D
An FTA might be more practical and useful than a union.

Both Pakistan and Bangladesh are struggling with developing viable political systems - they cannot take on the additional task of developing another set of laws, policies and institutions to govern a union between two countries.
An FTA might be more practical and useful than a union.

Both Pakistan and Bangladesh are struggling with developing viable political systems - they cannot take on the additional task of developing another set of laws, policies and institutions to govern a union between two countries.
Furthermore it will be very difficult to form an EUesque organization without a contiguous border.
We have our fellow Indians on this forum who says Bangladesh can export her goods to India, well they can't, because India doesn't allow Bangladesh to. India forbids Bangladeshi satellite channels to come in to India, along with many other products.

As for a union between Bangladesh and Pakistan, it would be limited to an economic union, but NOt politically. The political arena in each country has drifted apart in two different directions since 1971. As someone mentioned earlier the economic expertise are different in both sides. If there was a FTA between Bangla/Pak then, with no doubt, Bangladesh will be the biggest importer of Pakistani-made weapons. As for Pakistan, there are many products that Pakistanis would love imported tax-free to Pakistan. I've read blog posts about Pakistanis visiting Bangladesh and enjoying what Bangladesh has to offer.

Logic note said, it's not possible, well nothing is impossible. Day by day the wounds of 1971 are dissappearing and Bangladeshis and Pakistanis visit each others countries. In Bangladesh there are alot of Pakistanis who come there for various reasons and current Bangali generation don't really care about what happened in 1971, they just get along. Bangladeshis celebrate the liberation but they don't hate Pakistanis, you can see the proof as more and more stranded Biharis in Bangladesh are getting citizenship, Bengalis forgave them and they just want to live together without trouble. The history of Bangladesh is Pakistan and no one can change that; the roots of Bangladesh is Pakistan and so the memory of Pakistan will always be in Bangladesh.

The rising generation of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis get along fine, the negative directions of politicans of the past are fading away. Trading will increase between both countries insh'Allah.

Insh'Allah there would be constant heavy trading route to and from Chittagong/Karachi and I hope to see it soon.

As for free movement, it's gonna happen among businessmen, but it shouldn't affect anythign politically because Bangladeshis aren't Pakistani citizens. And there's too much ethnic instability in Pakistan so Bengalis moving there for any reason is out of the question, it won't happen.
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