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Can Pakistan and Bangladesh form a union like EU

^^^The religion factor is 'only', not 'also'.

Oh and Salman, trade agreements don't mean that smaller countries suffer. If that were the case, most small countries would be poor.

"and there is a religion factor only". :azn:

How can you say that smaller countries will not suffer in case of free markets?
It took EU decades to form. Pakistan and Bangladesh would need the same if not more time to form a union.

However union between just two countries is bit difficult to maintain especially when both have history of mistrust behind them.
That's what I am saying Jana. It would have been a grave mistake on the part of some foolish politicians to get India to be part of OIC. It is a sectarian outfit for Islamic countries only.

Let's get the facts straight here. Does anyone take OIC seriously? Including it's members?

I am asking you why India tries twice to get into OIC if no one takes it seriously why India was desparate to get into OIC In the first place????

Secondly tell me how many Muslim Countries are included in NATO?????

Had Turkey been given European status ?????????????????????????????????????????????

And BTW Islam is not a sect and there is no harm in creating an organisation for Muslim Countries.
Muslims are large part of the world they had the right to think for their welfare.
And Vinod dont talk about secterian issues when India itself is not safe these days for North Indians.
And Vinod dont talk about secterian issues when India itself is not safe these days for North Indians.

I never claimed that India is perfect and there are no issues or problems in India.

Some frustrated local politician is playing the narrow political card of locals Vs. migrants. The whole country is condemning him, though obviously he has some local support too.
I never claimed that India is perfect and there are no issues or problems in India.

Some frustrated local politician is playing the narrow political card. The whole country is condemning him, though obviously he has some local support too.

Sweatheart same the reason for such thing everywhere. :) and that is the point i wanted you to accept. Thats why i replied the point you made in your post.
I am asking you why India tries twice to get into OIC if no one takes it seriously why India was desparate to get into OIC In the first place????

I will repeat that again for your benefit (the third time). It would have been a huge mistake on the part of the foolish politicians involved. It would certainly not meet with the approval of the Indians. I have not heard of such a move from India for more than 4 decades! So you seem to have a long memory. I am sure you were very young in 1960s. ;)

Secondly tell me how many Muslim Countries are included in NATO?????

Had Turkey been given European status ?????????????????????????????????????????????

I have no comments on that. Turkey is a part of NATO I believe, but India is not part of NATO.

And BTW Islam is not a sect and there is no harm in creating an organisation for Muslim Countries.
Muslims are large part of the world they had the right to think for their welfare.

I have no issues with that. Just don't drag India into this. If it does something good for Muslims, all power to it.

India can not and should not have anything to do with OIC.
Insh'Allah the union will happen. Indians and Bangladeshis in the local level don't really have a problems with each other; however, the Indian gov't blocks alot of Bangladeshi exports which is due to political decision by New Dehli.

However, I have talked to people in Bangladesh and they said Bangladeshis get along with the Pakistanis who are living in Bangladesh. Then I asked about the issue of war, and I was told the rising generation, the ones who will take charge of Bangladesh in 5-10 years, don't really consider much about the war. In Bangla I was told "ora shob bhoole gese" which means they all forgot about the war. Islam is gaining momentum in Bangladesh and freindship with Pakistan is increasing among the Bangladeshi people, and we can also see that on the government level.

Basically it's the political party Awami League who brings it up along with their nationalist supporters.

The union will benefit both Bangladesh and Pakistan economically and it'll be a great move in front of the Muslim world. As for including India, Bangladeshis wont let them in initially due to the ban on Bangladeshi products to India.

Ambitious Bangladeshis like myself are eager to ally ourselves with our Muslim brethren of Pakistan, "seb se pehle Islam".
I am asking you why India tries twice to get into OIC if no one takes it seriously why India was desparate to get into OIC In the first place????

Secondly tell me how many Muslim Countries are included in NATO?????

Had Turkey been given European status ?????????????????????????????????????????????

And BTW Islam is not a sect and there is no harm in creating an organisation for Muslim Countries.
Muslims are large part of the world they had the right to think for their welfare.

No offense, I believe that all the islam countries tries to get together like the EU, it would not be successfull because of your own prejudes against other muslim.
Insh'Allah the union will happen. Indians and Bangladeshis in the local level don't really have a problems with each other; however, the Indian gov't blocks alot of Bangladeshi exports which is due to political decision by New Dehli.

However, I have talked to people in Bangladesh and they said Bangladeshis get along with the Pakistanis who are living in Bangladesh. Then I asked about the issue of war, and I was told the rising generation, the ones who will take charge of Bangladesh in 5-10 years, don't really consider much about the war. In Bangla I was told "ora shob bhoole gese" which means they all forgot about the war. Islam is gaining momentum in Bangladesh and freindship with Pakistan is increasing among the Bangladeshi people, and we can also see that on the government level.
Basically it's the political party Awami League who brings it up along with their nationalist supporters.

The union will benefit both Bangladesh and Pakistan economically and it'll be a great move in front of the Muslim world. As for including India, Bangladeshis wont let them in initially due to the ban on Bangladeshi products to India.

Ambitious Bangladeshis like myself are eager to ally ourselves with our Muslim brethren of Pakistan, "seb se pehle Islam".

Yes brother we would love to see that day. We wish to have closer ties with Bangladesh

Actually no one wanted it to turn out the way it did but whats done is done. Bangladeshi people are very hospitable to us and every time I have come to Bangladesh I have been really impressed. Even poor people invite u to their houses and give everything to u despite the conditions they are living in... we are very close from what i can see. I have Bangladeshi freinds and even an uncle in Bangladesh.

As muslims our two nations should come closer. Actually funny u mention ndia also blocks our exports and keeps its market closed to us. My freinds Ahram textile mills are trying to export their goods to an intermediary in India but govt is'nt allowing. Indias qouta on Pakistani goods entering is very high while for some reason we are allowing everything from India...
My best wishes to all who desire a union between the two countries. However on the practical side the two countries need to spell out every thing in black and white before doing this otherwise more issues will be created than solved.
Half the members donot even understand what the EU is and wish Pakistan and Bangladesh to make a similiar EU. EU means each others citizens can cross accross and work in each other countries. Will Pakistan allow say 10 million cheap labourers from their erstwhile brothers to come to Pakistan and take over their low cost jobs ?

Oh Yes !

Half the members donot even understand what the EU is and wish Pakistan and Bangladesh to make a similiar EU. EU means each others citizens can cross accross and work in each other countries. Will Pakistan allow say 10 million cheap labourers from their erstwhile brothers to come to Pakistan and take over their low cost jobs ?

Oh Yes !


It depends on expertise, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have different expertise .The Union will certainly increase the competition and BD is a big market for Pakistani goods. A single currency will result in eliminating exchange rate problems, providing price transparency, creating a single financial market, price stability etc

Also there will be some strategic advantage.
It depends on expertise, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have different expertise .The Union will certainly increase the competition and BD is a big market for Pakistani goods. A single currency will result in eliminating exchange rate problems, providing price transparency, creating a single financial market, price stability etc

Also there will be some strategic advantage.

Dear SN,

What can two economically bankrupt countries dependant on USD aid and Saudi Oil become friends for ? Sorry to burst your bubble but if Pakistan opens its borders to Bangladesh then you must an accept a mass influx of cheap labour and they will take over the voting patterns and your jobs ! Oh sorry thats what happened in 1971.

This idea or block is not possible because it looks more like an emotional idea based on dislike towards a third country ..
Let me explain why -
Economy depends on following few factors
-Capital - Can be attracted as investment
-Labour -available plenty but not reliable due to its internal conflicts
- Middle class -for innovation of new ideas for the progress of economy and this act as internal Market for products
- A centralized Power to Manage and maintain peace -(Government)

Well, except cheap labour this union cant provide anything else . investment comes only when the society is peaceful and free of internal conflicts , which is bad in both the countries .
Middle Class -Lacks the openness to accept and innovate new ideas because of their closed ideological society . you can see the lack of scientific discoveries in these societies .
Centralized Power - LOl these two respective countries cant even decide on their own centralized government so expecting them to finalize one power system to manage the economy is funny .
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