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Can India assassinate Hafiz Saeed?

Should India follow Mossad?

  • yes

    Votes: 46 51.7%
  • No

    Votes: 31 34.8%
  • cant say

    Votes: 12 13.5%

  • Total voters
Well SWEET BUNS, if India ever had the balls to violate Pakistan's Sovereignty and kill a Pakistani on Pakistani soil, then why can't we take out NARENDRA MODI, a MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent Indian citizens.

Last time when you guys tried to look towards balls of india you were separated in 2.

Also please do take out chaiwala outside my home cuz he killed a innocent cat last week.....
And the thing what he has done in Pakistan is??????????
or is it the dilemma and thekedaari of Muslims of whole world speaking....
Exactly, its the case of muslim world's thekadari, Just as U.S is a thekedar of india.
Give contract to MOSSAD or CIA to kill these guys,they will finish the job, There is no political will in our country to give go ahead signal to RAW
why should we kill him when he is bringing more harm to Pakistan then we ever could????? :cheesy:

even if we kill him he is gonna be replaced by other nutcase so whats the whole point. At the end of day let him continue his verbal assault and we can show the same to the whole world "see guys how saint we are and look at them"
Last time when you guys tried to look towards balls of india you were separated in 2.

Also please do take out chaiwala outside my home cuz he killed a innocent cat last week.....

Stop living in 1970's, my love. Those days are gone sweetie, This is no longer a conventional warfare. Now you really need Balls which is a rare commodity in India these days, my SWEETHEART.
Exactly, its the case of muslim world's thekadari, Just as U.S is a thekedar of india.

Then please shed a tear first for your somalian brothers or fight a war in iraq or go to africa. many muslim brothers are in much worst state then in India.....

Those days are gone sweetie, This is no longer a conventional warfare. Now you really need Balls which is a rare commodity in India my SWEETHEART.

And in unconventional warfare too
You blame us for water
you blame us for having bombs popping here and there in whole of pakistan
you blame us for alienating yourself

and then you call us light hearted at the same time.... first decide we did it or we didint do it.....
we should send non state actors to do this.,. maybe chotta rajan and his gangg
Then please shed a tear first for your somalian brothers or fight a war in iraq or go to africa. many muslim brothers are in much worst state then in India.....
Yup! We will consider your advice. :lol:
I was referring to the thread topic, which presumes that India wants to assassinate HS.

Not really. The issue is not what the US or Israel can do, but whether India can get away with it.

Can India kill Saeed ? - Yes india can
Will India kill Saeed ? - no India won't
Will Saeed be killed ? - definitely its just matter of time. May be after US elections
Who will kill Saeed and why ? - million dollar question
Will India help nailing Saeed ? - Mostly on intel level. Nothing physical

The issue is US or Iserel. - my bet is on paid contractors with CIA and Mossad

I was referring to the thread topic, which presumes that India wants to assassinate HS.

Not really. The issue is not what the US or Israel can do, but whether India can get away with it.

Can India kill Saeed ? - Yes india can
Will India kill Saeed ? - no India won't
Will Saeed be killed ? - definitely its just matter of time. May be after US elections
Who will kill Saeed and why ? - million dollar question
Will India help nailing Saeed ? - Mostly on intel level. Nothing physical

The issue is US or Iserel. - my bet is on paid contractors with CIA and Mossad
Bro stop creating stupid threads...

What kind of retarded question is that....Clearly shows ur thinking level...

Keep ur personal thoughts to yourself......:coffee:

India is full of traitors and anything is possible to keep Indian strengths either towards Pakistan or towards China. It is fully understood that even if all the terrorist of Mumbai attack were Pakistani nationals, they were ‘hired’ to do that work, they didn’t come with the mentality against India, like how we see many Pakistani nationals don’t like Indians as the same true for few Indians also. Those terrorist were not the ones who even hate India also. those members of Indian Muzahidin were not taking any revenge through Mumbai attack, but they were very much professional with the work they were 'alloted'. They were hired to do that work, they were ‘hired’ to say they were Indian mujahidin and there were religious problems inside India. And they just did their work :agree:. Doesn’t Mr Krishna know that a number of Western ‘democratic’ champions/ backed by US and UK, were ready to ‘democratize’, making people to come on road and decide? I was clearly informed there, “Democracy means for people rights, which may then turn it into ‘riots’ if the political conflicts may reach its extreme, and then they don’t follow laws and start fighting with each other on the road. Democracy means, majority win over minority. the definition of 'Western Democracy'.” Efforts were made to encourage internal ‘religious’ conflicts inside India and then Western ‘democratic’ champions were ready to give strengths to all those minorities of India who may fight with Hindu majority of India. They first wanted to organize a ‘riot’ between Hindu – Muslims by using ‘Indian’ Mujahidin, and this way helping ‘ western democratic’ champions to bring people on streets of India to make them fight with each other, who then won’t follow Indian laws. Efforts were made to break down Indian laws, make them fighting inside India, and then force India to follow international laws, governed by Western Rulers. Even if it was found few ISI elements behind that Mumbai attack, they were the ‘double agents’, those ISI agents who were funded by the people based in UK, helped by Mr Musharraf :rofl:

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Islamabad, Dec 24 (IANS) Suicide bombers are available for a price in Pakistan to settle personal scores, a police investigation into the killing of a parliamentarian has revealed.On Tuesday, the Crimes Investigation Department of the Lahore police said it had arrested five people involved in the Aug 6 suicide attack at the residence of Rashid Akbar Niwani, a Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) member of the National Assembly, which resulted in the death of 26 people and injuries to several more.


I have said clearly, as per my experience, a ‘Rule’ by US/ West, will never let rest of the world get ‘successful’. They will either bring a highly qualified professional to the level of their under high school pass local Western people, or, they will attack on rest of the world. An ‘equality’, providing equal opportunity to grow in life, ‘including to nationals of developing countries’, 'Western Rule’ will never accept.

Whenever I see India putting any resistance in front of China, I clearly tell them, “you will face a very big damage if you can’t recognize the ‘enemies’. You have to identify the ‘problem’ in place of fighting with ‘traditional’ opponents. A very big shock you will face from those who are your main enemies who want to destroy India while being India’s friend, with making India fighting with Pakistan and China also.” All those Indian politicians, whether of congress or BJP, who refuse to accept the ‘main reasons’ behind so many problems, India faced during last 5 years, are the main traitors of India. Even if I found Mr Digvijay Singh pointing towards hindu groups for Mumbai attack, about a year before, then its because he was one of those men in Indian politics who were kept to ‘direct’ Indian intelligent towards wrong direction. The killing of ATS chief, Mr Hemant Karkare, by those Indian Mujahidin during Mumbai attack 26/11 2008, by the Pakistani Muslims having red stings on their hands, was intended to achieve certain goals. We would thanks to those 7-8 commandos who captured Kasab otherwise people like Mr Digvijay Singh might have done their work by blaming hindu groups for taking revenge of Samjhauta express blast etc by killing that ATS chief while we got a news in Australia itself that those Hindus who did that during Sanjhauta express blast were also ‘hired’ by the ‘double agents’ of ISI who work for British rulers also :pop:

The BJP on Saturday condemned Congress leader Digvijay Singh’s reported comment that the involvement of Hindu outfits in Mumbai blasts cannot be ruled out and sought apology from the Congress president Sonia Gandhi in this regard.

“The BJP strongly condemns the disgusting statements of Singh and seeks an apology from Congress chief Sonia Gandhi. How can he pass such comments on the RSS which has been declared as a Nationalist front by former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru himself?” party spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said.


What I clearly posted on PDF and on Economics Times also, that, “if you can’t kill 2 people, Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, they will result in death of over 2 lakhs one day. The people like Digvijay Singh or Manmohan Singh are nothing, they will simply take millions of dollars and run to the country like Canada one day, leaving a destroyed India behind them. You have to remove just two person, one Rahul Gandhi and another Sonia Gandhi.” :tup:

From here, Im giving information to 'International media' only, those who know how things are continuing. So, only people of concern would read from here:-

Even if I committed that I will never accept anything in return of compromising my stand with India. Even if I clearly told to the British Media/ rulers that, “I will never accept to become that millionaire who would make the whole Indians ‘Slum Dogs’, by saying wrong about India.” like how message I was given from the Western media, to learn from the movie “Slum Dog Millionaire”, one of the way to become rich/ millionaire in life, how he became Millionaire by telling too many very bad/ wrong stories about India. But, I don’t hesitate to say to all those Indian nationals/ politicians who read me that, “I studied Master of Engineering in Mechanical/ Manufacturing Engineering and Master of Engineering Management from 'University of Technology Sydney' which is a 5 star labeled technical institutes of the world by ‘QS World University Rankings’, the most recognized ranking in the world, and none of the Indian tech institutes including IITs fall with 5 star label. UTS is ranked among top 20 highest ranked engineering institutes of the world by them, if we count only 5 star labeled engineering institutes in their ranking. And with my professional experience while working in Australia also, I have enough opportunity to rise in my life no matter where I go in life. I don’t have to do any wrong/ be part of any wrong to get ‘success’ in life and my father paid for the expanses of my studies. Only part time MBA I was doing on government’s money which Australian rulers didn’t let me complete also. One day I will run to back on my usual life, regardless whatever happens to India or to rest of the world. My friends of India, who studied BE with me, can confirm that Im a very selfish man, it just I couldn’t avoid my involvements and then I had to accept doing this. But one day I will run, even if I will have to move to Iran/ Russia for few years to get work experience with their oil/ gas companies and get hidden for a while.” Just one time I tried to ‘down’ India, the nation, for my personal reputation so its because its my father who paid for my studies from UTS, not by the Indian institutes like IIT also. But even in this case also, I wrote a line in that thread of “What is your educational background?” that “Indian institute’s get high rank because of ‘High Cut Off or marks’.” One opportunity I have left even in this case also to prove Indian institutes are superior to Western, while my own reputation is because of what I myself did in life, not India, for what my father paid for.

Few days before, my mother told me that, every wrong person got whatever he wanted in life while you couldn’t. and I said, why do I need to do any wrong to get rise in life? This much qualified man, may father spent so much money to educate me, why would I do any wrong to go high in my life? Criminals are being taken to Australia, they are doing what they are told to and in return, they get there whatever they want in life, why would I go on the path of crimes to rise in life?

(few things I didn’t tell to my mother but, most of the Australian girls are prostitutes also so, criminals+prostitutes is a good combination there. Here I remember, how so many girls were sent to me in mid 2010, like French girls like, specially one girl ‘Manu’, who and other french girls used to even have ‘group sex’ with other French guys in the room just side of mine of “63/106, Quay St, Sydney”, in January/ February/ march 2010, but, I preferred to send so many emails to Mr Rudd with my life threat and one day on 25th march 2010, I threw computer and was sent to mental hospital for 3 weeks. But I didn’t fcuk that French girl ‘Manu’ no matter how many times i was offered for her and for one more very good looking french girl. similarly how an Aussie girl got impressed with me by my hands to solve her one assignment problem of ''machine design' without using formulas, with using general formulas only, who was staying with me in Stanmore in late 2009, who was studying BE from sydney university, but i didnt fcuk her as she was 'organised' to do so. Not because I don’t want to fcuk girls, but the since mid 2007 when Australian government agencies organized drama through a girl, Nelly, and used my sperm, Im not sure how they did it, if any, true or false isn't clear, because I never had complete sex with her. But since then, after my full blood test in 'Kingsway Medical Centre' in Perth in late 2007, I never let any girl come close to me. As I won’t like to see my coming generation to be result of ‘casual sex’ and grow without hands of their father. Im only helpless if the government agencies used my sperms to pregnant different women, it wasn't on my hand and i dont know how they do, if any, Im not sure........ This I didn’t tell to my mother but, I wanted to tell her, I know what what I could get in Australia, while too many other criminal type people got whatever they wanted in life in Australia, true, but Im happy with keeping myself at a distance since mid 2007. I won’t like my sperms to be traded :no:. I don’t want this type of ‘benefits’. And later the news I was given that the russian girl I met in mid 2009, was fcuked by many local people in ‘Hate’ of mine, to take revenge from me, to make me think that I would also do the same with other girls who were being sent to me during those period. and one of them was an Indian criminal, Yogi. and the information I was given by 'The Australian' newspaper, "Aussie dog Yogi won the race." that day that criminal had got that russian girl, as per that news, I guessed. that man, Yogi/ Yogesh, was an Indian criminal and im dead sure he was sent by Mr Dawood Ibrahim, and was then put on my place to get my 'credits' and then become 'India' since then, while being with that russian girl, as per the information I got. many things directly happened to me and many are on guess, based on my ability to understand, 'unconfirmed'. he was the man who was behind my plot of murder on around 18th/ 19th feb 2010, after few days I tried to find out that russian girl in UTS, on around 14th/ 15th feb 2010. and then it might have become important to remove me, but i then threw computer in main lounge on 25th March 2010 and was then sent to mental hospital for 3 weeks and then i was not allowed to go to unverisity anymore, which was intended to let the dramas continue there in my absense. "My computer throwing in open lounge, in front of everyone there, was intended to call police only. which was because, Mr Rudd didnt respond me even if i sent too many emails stating about my life threat in Jan/feb/ march 2010, and when i couldnt get police protection from Mr Rudd, i found myself in the position to commit a certain level of crime which may take me to police custody, where i may get police protection." i clearly told to that 'Police Inspector' who came there and asked "why did you do that", i clearly told him, "I have life threat and i want to go to police custudy. it is informed to Mr Rudd and Ms Gillard also and i have sent them many emails regarding this also." he took my that statement with my signature also, at the time of my arrest in that main lounge of UTS, in front of everyone there including the lecturers where I called for police in front of them.)

(But one feel bad the Western rulers will always have, that is, even if they got so many criminals form India, they couldn’t get me. So many retired presidents and PMs of West and I preferred not to join them. I remember a smiling face of Mr Obama shown to me on that newspaper after 26/11 2011 of Pakistan, which might be shown to me to give me pleasure as I was extremely hurt on 26/11 2008 Mumbai attack. don't know, just guessing. They might also try to give me pleasure to help me forget death my father, they might be behind it also, who knows. But I mainly went against them after Pakistan’s 26/11 2011, why, simply because Im not one of them :wave:.)

But,what message I tried to pass to Mr Krishna today, “Dhokha Khaoge tum if you can’t identify the ‘problem’/ enemy.” Pakistan and China were always rivals of India, and will always be. But destruction of India will be done by the Western rulers, not by either Pakistan or China. I have been to PDF for just 2-3 months in 2006 and just for 4-5 months in 2008 and again backed in November 2011 and will finish from here soon and may run from India also. My involvements are enforced on me and my efforts are just to discourage these things until im involved and can’t run. Even if you will face any aggression from North, it will happen only when West may convince China to do so. You have to trust in yourself only and identify the main enemy, the 'problem'.)

Im just trying to run from all these involvements during last over 5 years. Even if by doing a job in Australia, I only tried to take me out of the eyes of the people who are after me. But, even if I risked my life even one time by straight posting on Economics Times that 'just remove Rahul and Sonia', appreciate me as no one would do this again. And it was because, I was given a clear sense that Ms Sonia Gandhi is equally important in West like Ms Hillary Clinton and even in case of Batla house, with news that Sonia was crying that time, MS Sonia Gandhi/ Mr Rahul Gandhi and Mr Digvijay Singh proved that they are one of those who were supported by those Western rulers who organized Mumbai Attack type things and other bomb blasts in India during 2008 by using ‘Indian’ Mujahidin, to organize Hindu-Muslims riot. Rahul/ Sonia/ Digvijay proved that they are one of those Western who did that. And the day I had to accept that Mr Manmohan Singh just don’t want to do his duty. That was the day when I also did full abusing with Narendra Modi with saying to Mr M Singh, “Do your duty, you are PM?” But since then, I did have to accept that he is also the one who is sitting with Sonia, I just have to accept it. Just because he is a minority and ‘good’, I also won’t say bad for him? also as, till now, except me, who will say wrong? I was the man who said it till now and I have to do it right now also. I have certain reasons to say, to doubt on these four people, im not their enemy. And giving any opportunity to these traitors to organize something bigger, will be a big mistake. Few soldiers sacrificed their lives in Mumbai attack and captured Kasab so we could found so many things, the same won’t be true next time. And also, the day I may run from these involvements, I will first try to run from all. Its just, when I can’t run, I start doing all these as anyhow things are going wrong. Any denial to refuge main enemies who want to destroy India will bring heavy price for the nation. Pakistan and China will always be rival of India, as they were always, but even if they attack on India, it will be because of those Western rulers who will make them do so, write down somewhere. And before facing the external enemies, you first have to remove your traitors, either advice them to leave their position by themselves, or, just make few reasons and remove them. One time I played with my life and openly posted my advise on Economic Times/ PDF, I won’t do the same once I may run to Russia/ Iran.............

A nation is made by its people and people of India will decide its destiny. If you trusted the Western rulers like Mr Bush once and they stabbed on your back, then it was their mistake. But if you give them one more chance to do something very big, it will be your mistake. bb

(I remember my one statement regarding Mr H Karkare, “all those were patriots are now ‘Saheed’ and the people like Mr Digvijay Singh are left behind to trade their death. But if Mr Karkare might have scored this traitor, Digvijay Singh, during his usual encounters, then even after his death, there might not be anyone left to trade his life to blame ‘Hindu Groups’ to ‘direct’ attention of Indian intelligent in wrong direction, isnt it? But for precaution, we would try to encounter few like Mr Digvijay Singh before India may face something like Mumbai attack again, just to be in a comfortable position in future.”

I remember Mr Karkare as 'second ranked', "Indian of the year of 2008", and the first one was an unknown Indian soldier. I thought that time, except me, there are few more who are unknown in India.


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