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Can Bangladesh overtake Pakistan's economy in size?

historically we had higher per capita income than india. these past few years since WoT is just a blip where overtaken us. despite that average condition of infrastructure and living is much higher of commoner than 850 million living in extreme poverty next door. you can just read accounts from 50s to 90s to see how big gap was back then.

Not really Pakistan traditionally were and has always been behind India in HDI.

HDI - Human Development Index 1975-2005 - Rank - Countries Rankings
when fist atta dal scheme was introduced by Punjab government it included all Below poverty line people.. it turned out every other citizen said he was BPL to get 1 rupee dal and atta..later on government revised the scheme and now those who have AC and car are not eligible.. now this is how people lie about their income to government. take poverty stats with a grain of salt mate

Department of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs | Government of Punjab.
With all due respect, you are wrong on all accounts - except latteportion

Dude BD has been outgrowing Pakistan since the nineties and its GDP/capita growth rate is nearly twice as fast now.

It is only a matter of time till BD becomes less poor than Pakistan.
50% middle class? where is your source for this.. last i read it was 250 million. so 250/1200 = 50% now? there was a story in another thread about how these so called middle class are majority extremely low middle class who just graduated out of slums or poor rural areas.

bombay also has one of the biggest shitholes in the world called dhravii. documentaries are not propaganda when 99% of them show the same thing.

Pakistan middle class accordind to Asian Development Bank 40%, India 25%. So even international organizations knows reality of India compared to Pakistan. And well no one can beat India when it comes to extreme poverty in cities. A apart from millions living in slums, millioms defecate openly in big cities.

Pakistanis visiters get shocked by Indian poverty, one can imagine people from other countries reaction. Fact is extreme poverty on scale of India doesnt exist in Pakistan. Thar situation while bad by Pak standard, is quite normal for 70% of Indians. There is huge disparity between rich and poor in India, not in Pakistan.
you don't have good universities..there is shortage of electricity. majority of raods are mud roads in your country. no metro rail system. suicide bomber roam around freely, no industries and neither good hospitals. then howcome your standard of living is better than us when 90 % of you live in abject poverty

Although tractors cars and combines are common in indian Punjab its a rare sight in Pakistan. Pakistani villages are mud housed and here even the poorest have brick houses. another difference is roads in villages.. our roads are paved in Pakistan stil unpaved roads

if 78% are hungry in my country then howcome we have 50% middle class people.. Bombay has higher gdp than whole of Pakistan. and our government provides 1 rupee atta dal for poor people so no question of hunger. and gurudwaras are always open with free langer. believe what you see with your own eyes and not propaganda

In the tale of two Punjabs, that were split apart by a line drawn hastily by Sir Cyril Radcliffe in 1947, the Indian state has clearly shot ahead of its Pakistani counterpart on the farm front.

The level of mechanisation of agriculture is much higher on the Indian side. The number of tractors and diversity of brands seen operating in India's Punjab quite outnumbers the Pakistan side.

While combined harvesters are a rare sight in Pakistan, where wheat and paddy are cut manually, they are indigenously manufactured in India and their use is widespread.

Not enough tractors to go around in Pakistan's Punjab.
With the flow of labour from Bihar reduced to a trickle due to the success of local rural employment schemes, Punjab farmers have stepped up the level of mechanisation even further with the use of fodder harvesting machines as well.

Indian trucks loaded with consignments of hybrid tomatoes and green chillies for export to Pakistan through the Attari-Wagah border provide ample evidence of the advances that Indian agricultural scientists have notched up over their Pakistani counterparts.

Pakistani seed importer Tahir Saleem, who has a tie-up with an Indian seed company, told Mail Today at the India Show in Lahore that hybrid seeds are sown in less than one-fifth of the roughly one lakh acre under tomato cultivation in Pakistan. The rest of the area is under the local variety, which has a yield that is a mere onetenth of the hybrid seeds.

The yields of wheat, paddy and sugarcane are also much higher in India.

Apart from better seeds, farmers on the Indian side of the Punjab border have greater access to fertilisers. Cruising through the 370 km Islamabad-Lahore motorway, one could see several patches of light green wheat fields clearly showing that the crop was deficient in nitrogenous fertiliser. In contrast, the wheat fields on the Indian side were a lush dark green carpet reflecting the better health of the crop.

Similarly, on the Pakistan side, one can see stretches of unproductive saline or "Kallar" land. All such wastelands on the Indian side have been reclaimed years ago with liberal doses of gypsum, which is in short supply in Pakistan.

An official of public sector MMTC at the India Show told Mail Today that the company had got a lot of enquiries about fertilisers and gypsum in particular from visitors.

Primitive fodder cutting machine on Pakistan's side.
It is not that the Pakistan's Punjab has nothing to offer. It has a rich network of canals and the Chenab and Jhelum rivers flowing out of Jammu and Kashmir carry plenty of water. There are also a lot of kinnow orchards which export fruit to the Gulf through the sea route and are reported to be doing a good business.

However, the difference in the level of prosperity is reflected in the size of the houses in Indian villages which are much bigger and sport a concrete finish. On the Pakistan side, villages still have some mud houses and there are more houses with a mere brick finish.

Besides, cars are a common sight in the villages of India's Punjab but one only occasionally gets a glimpse of them in the villages on the other side.

Apart from the income of the farmers, the cost of buying a car such as a Suzuki's Maruti 800 or Alto in Pakistan is more than three times that in India and, therefore, not easily affordable.

Guys ignore this guy ... he is literally too stupid....
These are insignificantly small..

Dude what counts is that these industries are able to provide nearly all needs of a rapidly developing local market.

Exports, while currently tiny, are showing strong growth.

You need to build up your product to a decent level on the local
Market before others will buy it.
Dude BD has been outgrowing Pakistan since the nineties and its GDP/capita growth rate is nearly twice as fast now.

It is only a matter of time till BD becomes less poor than Pakistan.

We're happy to see that despite your degenerate/puppet politicians who insist on being our enemies and slaves of india, that BD is developing.

however looking to today - BDs GDP/capita is half of ours nominally and in real terms; BD is a tiny fraction the size of Pakistan and still faces issues with infrastructure. In fact a lot of S Asian countries face the issue and you cant have sustainable growth when you have inferior infrastructure.

lastly - it's foolish to look at Pakistan's economic snap-shot at any point between 2007 and 2013 - given that the country was plagued by the bhutto-zardari dynasty which sucked Pakistan high and dry (its amazing we even recorded any growth under those devastating years)

Dude what counts is that these industries are able to provide nearly all needs of a rapidly developing local market.

Exports, while currently tiny, are showing strong growth.

You need to build up your product to a decent level on the local
Market before others will buy it.

you need to put emphasis on export of value added goods
Seriously Nuri, why brother? Why bring faith into this! We also have Sikhs. Edit your post. It just counts as trolling.

I agree yar , as a Pakistani I know Sikhs are very very good in business in uk the largest car parts company was own by a Sikh .
We're happy to see that despite your degenerate/puppet politicians who insist on being our enemies and slaves of india, that BD is developing.

however looking to today - BDs GDP/capita is half of ours nominally and in real terms; BD is a tiny fraction the size of Pakistan and still faces issues with infrastructure. In fact a lot of S Asian countries face the issue and you cant have sustainable growth when you have inferior infrastructure.

lastly - it's foolish to look at Pakistan's economic snap-shot at any point between 2007 and 2013 - given that the country was plagued by the bhutto-zardari dynasty which sucked Pakistan high and dry (its amazing we even recorded any growth under those devastating years)

Dude, BD GDP/capita passed 1000 US dollars last year. You are looking at incorrect data.

It is set to pass Pakistan in the year 2018.

Pakistan has more potential with your far greater natural resources,
But your leaders are not able take advantage of this.
Pakistan middle class accordind to Asian Development Bank 40%, India 25%. So even international organizations knows reality of India compared to Pakistan. And well no one can beat India when it comes to extreme poverty in cities. A apart from millions living in slums, millioms defecate openly in big cities.

Pakistanis visiters get shocked by Indian poverty, one can imagine people from other countries reaction. Fact is extreme poverty on scale of India doesnt exist in Pakistan. Thar situation while bad by Pak standard, is quite normal for 70% of Indians. There is huge disparity between rich and poor in India, not in Pakistan.
according to world bank pakistans poverty level is 22.3 % and indian poverty level is 21.9% ... almost same level so don't lecture about poverty to us when your own poverty level are higher than us


India | Data

if poverty level is lower than you ie 21% and according to you our middle class is 25% then does that means rest 54% are higher income class..

and indian poverty level is decresing rapidly whereas in Pakistan its increasing
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Dude, BD GDP/capita passed 1000 US dollars last year. You are looking at incorrect data.

It is set to pass Pakistan in the year 2018.

Pakistan has more potential with your far greater natural resources,
But your leaders are not able take advantage of this.

Pakistan per capita $1600 by this june. Don't see bd passing it.

according to world bank pakistans poverty level is 22.3 % and indian poverty level is 21.9% ... almost same level so don't lecture about poverty to us when your own poverty level are higher than us


India | Data

if poverty level is lower than you ie 21% and according to you our middle class is 25% then does that means rest 54% are higher income class..

and indian poverty level is decresing rapidly whereas in Pakistan its increasing

Wb 2011 report showed Pak poverty 17% and India 27%. Now with indian rupee tanked, Indian poverty maybe is 35%-40%.
Pakistan per capita $1600 by this june. Don't see bd passing it.

Wb 2011 report showed Pak poverty 17% and India 27%. Now with indian rupee tanked, Indian poverty maybe is 35%-40%.
I gave you the latest world bank data page.. look at the world bank page for india again. data is from 2012. indian rupee this year is the third best performing currency in asia and almost double the value of Pakistani rupee
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