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Can Bangladesh economy be stronger than Pakistan's?

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Great leap, good job to all involved. An increase of $73 BN is enormous. Certain clues that Mushy's strategies are good!
I have my doubts on Pakistan's economy. The Pakistani economy IMO is propped up by US aids, both economical and military. Debt servicing rescheduled for Pakistan as Pakistan is helping in 'GWoT', direct aids in billions of dollars, etc, etc. There are lots of things.

Its the same with the indian side its being proped up by US/Euro/Russo aid aswell as lots of US investors are playing leading rolls in the ecnomic boom of India so if American investment was to be pulled out of the Indias booming economey it wouldnt be good.
No aid, keep that in mind. India does not get the aid and the kind of aid that Pakistan gets.

Plus american copmanies and european companies are pouring in India, i dont think that private companies exactly follow and invest duelly where their government wants them to invest! LOL!

R&D centers, call centres, and now manufacturing hubs, i really dont think that it would be an attempt by the 'west'. Then again, you are free to form your opinions.
Its the same with the indian side its being proped up by US/Euro/Russo aid aswell as lots of US investors are playing leading rolls in the ecnomic boom of India so if American investment was to be pulled out of the Indias booming economey it wouldnt be good.

wow this is totally childish response.:coffee:
No aid, keep that in mind. India does not get the aid and the kind of aid that Pakistan gets.

Plus american copmanies and european companies are pouring in India, i dont think that private companies exactly follow and invest duelly where their government wants them to invest! LOL!

R&D centers, call centres, and now manufacturing hubs, i really dont think that it would be an attempt by the 'west'. Then again, you are free to form your opinions.

"Plus american copmanies and european companies are pouring in India, i dont think that private companies exactly follow and invest duelly where their government wants them to invest! LOL!"

That was what I was trying to say companies are pouring money into the Indian economey therfore I view that as a political tool of the West to make india stronger so that it can take on Pakistan and China the two counteries not favored by the West. If you imagine they took all the investment from India that wouldn't be good.

Because they threaten Israel, but Iran is also becoming a problem.
What? According to you the american/european companies are investing in India so that the west makes India look good and so it can fight china??? Then why are the same companies investing in China as well??

You have just won the award for the most ludicrous statement on this forum!!
I believe Bangladesh economy can be very stronger than Pakistan...cauze if u look behind before the independence of Bangladesh you'll see that 65% of the income used to come from East Pakistan(Bangladesh)...
Now what we need is a good leadership...:)
I believe Bangladesh economy can be very stronger than Pakistan...cauze if u look behind before the independence of Bangladesh you'll see that 65% of the income used to come from East Pakistan(Bangladesh)...
Now what we need is a good leadership...:)

No body cares about Past. Every thing matters what you are doing at present and that will make your future.
Unfortunatly, Bangladesh is going on the same path where Pakistan is going. Though I agree Bangali people are one of the most intelligent race, there is potential to grow faster than Pakistan.
No body cares about Past. Every thing matters what you are doing at present and that will make your future.
Unfortunatly, Bangladesh is going on the same path where Pakistan is going. Though I agree Bangali people are one of the most intelligent race, there is potential to grow faster than Pakistan.

Wtf was that? We have better per capita income then even India so Bangladesh can forgot about catching Pakistan.
I dont think its possible in the near term or may be long term.

What I dont Understand is that Bangladesh's GDP nominal is a HALF that of pakistan .If it wants to supercede Pakistan then it will have to get GDP growth rate of TWICE as much as Pakistan .THat means at least 12 % GDP growth rate.

Which is Quite impossible in case of bangladesh.In terms of economic comparisons Both countries have pros and cons.

1)The advantage that bangladesh economy has is that first of all BD has stability and it is free of tensions like Afghanistan and India haunting pakistan

2)Second advantage of BD is that it does not focus on its ARMY which means that it gets whole GDP pumped in development.

3)But the advantages of pakistan over BD are

*pak has a lot more potential then BD.It has more size .Even if today we get our canals lines our availibility of water will be DOUBLED and so can the Agriculture.

* Pak has more potential in terms of natural resources.BD is RESOURCE SCARCE COUNTRY.In terms of energy,space.

While Pakistan has 4 largest coal reserves.5 largest copper and gold reserves.
GWADAR PORT and Balochistan has lots of potential in Oil,Copper,Gold.

SO THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT IF PAK gets over its STRATEGICAL PROBLEMS like Afghanistan War on terror and Political instability in FATA Balochistan and now karachi THEN PAK ECONOMY WOULD SHOOT LIKE ROCKET.

I can just end up in the way that BD is slow and steady.
Pakistan is full of potential BUT at the same time full of uncertainity
Choyon said:
Bengalis are one of the most intelligent ethnicity. If you haven't noticed, we (WB) together with BD bengalis have won 4 of the five Nobel Prizes that went to the subcontinent. On the other hand, PK ethnicities are more similar to their Afghan bros (sry to disappoint you mate), one of the reason why they were termed "martial races" by the British...

Choyon, the idiocy displayed in your post rivals that of roadrunner's; not an easy task I assure you. I suggest both of you actually start reading some books on fundamental biology, human/biological development, and most of all scientific methodology. By now if you still believe that Nobel prizes or boxing matches serve as indicative measurements of mental and/or physical prowess of an entire race, its time to give up; intellectualism is not for you. Drawing crap conclusions for personal pacification (on account of deep emotional insecurities) by contorting data and/or history has gone out of style. Being a pseudo-intellectual hack is no longer a desirable trait even if it’s on the internet.
Please stop wasting everyone's time.

Your only hope now is to start re reading the basics and actually understand it this time around; the rest is up to the almighty.
Choyon, the idiocy displayed in your post rivals that of roadrunner's; not an easy task I assure you. I suggest both of you actually start reading some books on fundamental biology, human/biological development, and most of all scientific methodology. By now if you still believe that Nobel prizes or boxing matches serve as indicative measurements of mental and/or physical prowess of an entire race, its time to give up; intellectualism is not for you. Drawing crap conclusions for personal pacification (on account of deep emotional insecurities) by contorting data and/or history has gone out of style. Being a pseudo-intellectual hack is no longer a desirable trait even if it’s on the internet.
Please stop wasting everyone's time.

Your only hope now is to start re reading the basics and actually understand it this time around; the rest is up to the almighty.

good post :yahoo:
As I said earlier, there are major problems with Bangladesh. But as one of my friend said in one post, mind is most precious resource and thinking is most deadly tool to human being. In both case Bangladeshi's have major advantage to Pakistan.

Even after having lot of resources, Gulf nations are still barberic and utilize their mind less, this is genetic problem and showing its symptoms many places.

I will say BD has massive advantage over pakistan when intellect come in picture, and this can change the whole scenario in near future.
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