For those of you that underestimates India, keep in mind that it has a GDP of 1.6 trillion and a population of 1.1 billion as well as nuclear warhead. Its population is a huge advantage comparing to france, germany, japan, UK and even Russia while it's proven nuclear power status gives it an edge over japan and germany. Sure indian on average might not be as wealthy yet, but collectively, it is already a major power if you consider france, uk, germany, and japan to be one. (I certainly do consider those countries to be a major power) ...
As far as India goes, it is already the biggest regional power in South Asia and continues to growth at a fast rate. While I don't see it catching up to China anytime soon (at least the next 3 decades), it will be a very important player on the international stage....
After Industrial Revolution human labour size has never been the key factor in almost all fields. It's the quality (high tech knowledge, high average IQ - the ability enabling learning fast, shifting fast and inventing fast) that counts.
India's so called "1.3 billion ppl, 1.6 trillion economy, and a couple of Stone Age nuke heads " are not the symbol of any greatness, neither serving as ANY critirion of being "a very important player".
What was the population of that tiny island called England in the 19th century?
It didn't stop it from dominating the entire world. Some thousands of its army were enough to have Comfortably colonised entire "India" with 300mio strong.
Why? Answer: technologies + brains
Btw, City of London (Rothchilds) still controls the real engine of global finance even today with its diminishing hard money stacks (compared to China's), albeit behind the scene.
Why? Answer: technologies + brains
India's 1.6 trillion economy is nothing. Economy is a tricky subject, yet no science. The way of measuring the size of one's economy can be very non-scientific even today, unfortunately, and hence is misleading by either of both popular measures (PPP and nominal). India's size is in the same level of Spain, Russia, Australia's. How big is Spain? about 45 mio ppl ! Australia? 20mio plus only.
With a a small fraction of India's population and still fast growing at a higher base, Brazil has a 25% bigger economy than India, which still keeps "generating" a new population equivalent to entire Brazil's every 12 years!
The size of population is no measure in post modern power game whatsoever, but strenghth of it.
Rather, the population size and its growing size will serve as the last nail in the coffin of that artificial wierdo contruct - `India`.
Strenghth means high tech , which in turn implies the High Human Brain Power.
Take a closer look at India's economy and its tech:
1. The lion share of its "sevice sector" - aka call centres , back office outsoucing for the West, are LOW TECH in general.
(Growth can also mean nothing. Btw, if a "new born" little kid in India gets a haircut and makes an invoice of that, it'll count for its "service sector" growth of its GDP also. And if he gets 2 haricuts by accident and makes an invoice of those, technically it would count for 100% growth in this item in its sevice sector contributing GDP. what does that mean? Go figure! )
2. its Industry Sector - its industrial might is far below that of probably Turkey by just comparing its 1970's level quality (see the rear handwork) of its brand new national symbol LCA to the qualities of hardware that come out of Turkey's , let alone those of Brazil´s , production lines and you know. It´s like comparing Chicken Shi!t to Chicken Salad!
It can not even produce its own rifles and some of those standard bullets for Ivan´s sake. That speaks volumns.
3. its agriculture sector even can not feed its own, let alone earning export $$$ as it should be doing, since India has one of the largest and most fertile arable lands on Earth - bigger than that of China and Russia.
Heck, it can not even build a decent 1970s or earlier 1980s level standard warehouse to store its surplus and fast rottening wheat without the knowhow of a foreign supermarket chain such as Tesco... It still can't do it now and today as Tesco hasn´t signed any contract to operate in India yet. Go figure what does that mean to " a key player in international stage " ??
With crude heads towards possible $200/b , along going up all other commodities, where India gonna get oil amongst other key resocuces that are a must for sustaining, and growth? Answser: no where.
With its current inflations and population growth rate, India would collapse within 10 years if not even sooner.
The post WWII phase of turbo-charged global growing economy is about to end, and soon, mainly due to the constrain of the natural resources.
India is no where near in terms of technological howhow ( aka high quality human recources) and industrial developement ladder for even the second rate powers.
Get real! A tiny Austria could beat India in any day of a week in most categories.
Don´t look down on Austria. It produced even more international patents than India in 2010 !
"a key international player" ? yeah, key my ar$$ !
The Chinese need to grow some ambitions and visions, as if you tell that ""india a key international player" to the English ruling elites and technoheads(not its media-hugging politicians) and they would crack up in your face.
And don't even get me started with its Stone Age "nuke heads", if those could be qualified as nukes, duh!