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Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

Old enough to know that this show us the proof thing is useless in reality.We have all been down this path before.Even if proof is given,there is no proof that this proof is real is there?so why must we harp about proof?People will stop talking abt terrorism and pakistan in one breath,if infact this is the truth.
How old are you? Are you seriously asking that?
Old enough to know that this show us the proof thing is useless in reality.We have all been down this path before.Even if proof is given,there is no proof that this proof is real is there?so why must we harp about proof?People will stop talking abt terrorism and pakistan in one breath,if infact this is the truth.

If credible proof is not necessary, then Pakistanis are also justified in pointing to the CIA and RAW supporting terrorists in Pakistan, A-Jad is correct when he points to the US and UK supporting terrorism in Iran, and Indians and the West should just accept it and start, as Ramu suggests, 'introspecting'.
Can anyone give any proof that David Cameron is a liar?If so please produce the same.That will automatially absolve all guilt.Proof is required in the court room.Anybody can lodge an FIR.

If he makes a very serious accusation, and then fails to back it up with evidence when the accusation is refuted, what else is he?

Liar or at best extremely misinformed?
Old enough to know that this show us the proof thing is useless in reality.We have all been down this path before.Even if proof is given,there is no proof that this proof is real is there?so why must we harp about proof?People will stop talking abt terrorism and pakistan in one breath,if infact this is the truth.

Since you want to talk about proof bring concrete proof that Pakistan is involved in terrorism? Don't go in circles with empty talk.

Dinner is served on your plate now.
Update your knowledge. Mi5 did not provide that intelligence to Tony Blair.

well if what you say is right, which you should prove, then it presents us with an interesting question about British participation in that war; especially keeping in mind recent statements by one Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller

Former MI5 chief exposes Blair's Iraq War pretence | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post

If the Iraq war ''boosted'' terrorism as she so claims, then I think this presents us with the biggest promotion of export of terrorism --in this case, to Iraq.

(before the invasion in '03, Al Qaeda did not exist in Iraq)

It was an american source and I think you guys are twisting facts to cover your a$$.

presenting points and engaging in discussion is not ''twising facts to cover a$$''

those who scroll the headlines of the past 2-3 years should be familiar with the fact that Western media and even some officials are not being out of character by spreading malicious lies and misinformation about Pakistan

And BTW, consider the loss of face in public when a NATO ally has this to say about another NATO ally !

Loss of face? Where was NATO when Russia invaded Georgia??? (a prospective future member of the alliance). Why would France (NATO country) sell naval vessels to the Russians (the reason why NATO was created in the first place!!)

in my eyes (maybe others too), NATO is a butt for all kinds of jokes and not so flattering remarks -- no offence at all aimed to the Turks, for the record.

and if you want to engage in proper discussion, refrain from troll tactics because it will only win you a one-way ticket to AF-BANISTAN


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Old enough to know that this show us the proof thing is useless in reality.We have all been down this path before.Even if proof is given,there is no proof that this proof is real is there?so why must we harp about proof?People will stop talking abt terrorism and pakistan in one breath,if infact this is the truth.

I discussed this with ramu.

You're going into the fine details and all.

So you're suggesting that since there's no proof that the proof is real, there is no need to provide any proof? So why attack us for believing that India is doing terrorism then?

That's not how things work in this world.

You see, this is what I just talked about. No offence, but you indians are hypocrites of the highest order. You go crazy when we accuse your state of doing terrorism - ask for proof, attack us, say we believe in conspiracy theories - but do those exact same things, i.e. believe in stories without proof (equal to believing in conspiracy theories if we're to use the same standards).
that wouldn't happen to be the same Mi5 which stated [verbatim] that Iraq posseses chemical and other WMDs which can be used to launch terrorist strikes against United Kingdom and the U.S. ?

I wasn't sure, so kindly get back to me on that

Same MI5.. The info on WMD turned out to be false.. But did it change what happened to Iraq.. It didnt...

So all countries base their state policies on these intels only. At times they are flawed, but more often than not, they are not... So a British PM will not stop relying on MI5 because they miss the mark sometimes.. And if he is saying this in such an open forum and that too in India, either he knows something that none of us do or the UK state policy / relations with Pakistan are on the verge of a change..
I have no issues with Pakistan pointing fingers at anyone.What i have to say is very simple.US had "proof"of WMD in Iraq?US has "proof"of so many other things.Now India also has proof of many things.But what is the use?US plays its own games depending on which proof it chooses to beleive.Indians have no use of any proof.Because we do not take any serious stand whenever we have been wronged.Pakistan is itself in a pit,where it cannot depend on some obscure proof to save itself from the fire.The whole game today rests on who beleives you,and not whom you blame.

QUOTE=AgNoStIc MuSliM;1029468]If credible proof is not necessary, then Pakistanis are also justified in pointing to the CIA and RAW supporting terrorists in Pakistan, A-Jad is correct when he points to the US and UK supporting terrorism in Iran, and Indians and the West should just accept it and start, as Ramu suggests, 'introspecting'.[/QUOTE]
It has been - see the HC's letter.

I suspect Cameron wild do what all liars and cowards do - either shut up and slink away after his India visit is over, or continue to rant in the same vein, with his spokespeople issuing clarifications, yet never providing any evidence to back it up with.

Pakistan has refuted the claims and called him out on it, now, as the accuser, the responsibility is his to back up his allegations. If he does not do so he is quite obviously a liar, and your obtuse and illogical reasoning of 'he is British PM so he must know something' falls flat on its face.

its not a court of law where he has to prove something. he is unilaterally communicating GB's point of view on Pakistan
I have no issues with Pakistan pointing fingers at anyone.What i have to say is very simple.US had "proof"of WMD in Iraq?US has "proof"of so many other things.Now India also has proof of many things.But what is the use?US plays its own games depending on which proof it chooses to beleive.Indians have no use of any proof.Because we do not take any serious stand whenever we have been wronged.Pakistan is itself in a pit,where it cannot depend on some obscure proof to save itself from the fire.The whole game today rests on who beleives you,and not whom you blame.

I asked you to provide sources of concrete proof. Stop this empty talk. Either do it or stop babbling.
Personal attack and ganging up on an individual are not attributes of a gentleman.

chalo ji! so now you'll be my teacher on how to be a gentleman?


moving along!!! :lol::lol::lol:
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