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C4I and Air Defense Automation System

way to go pakistan army.

i hope i shall be soon paying my dedications to this part of pak army C4I.

long live pakistan
long live pak army
well i have actually gone through the entire article more then once,, it seems that it is something special but can some professional or someone with bettr understanding of the systems explain what it really serves..
the article was quite confusing for me atleast!!

well i have actually gone through the entire article more then once,, it seems that it is something special but can some professional or someone with bettr understanding of the systems explain what it really serves..
the article was quite confusing for me atleast!!


it gathers all the information from radars, detectors and sensors and displays it on computer screen about their location, distance, speed, numbers etc, to give better understanding of air space. a situational awarness S/W which informs abt who, where, when regarding an object moving in air space so a commandent can quickly understand the situation and make decisions. (Radars, detectors and sensors are thoes whihc is already being used by PAF ), hope it clears ur confusion.

another way of understanding would be, this system is as good as the radars, detectors and sensors. system depends upon their accuracy and penetration to gather information.
Or in more simple words it provides a bird eye view of whole battle fields to the higher brass of forces so that they can adjust their tactics, planning or formations if situation dictates so.

These systems are very essential part of any modern military and i am really proud that Pakistan is taking good care in this regard as well along with other areas.
if paksitan have such system "indigenously developed" ,, then why to buy it form china/turkey...???
just curious ...

China and Turkey battle for sales in Pakistani arms fair
post# 7

if paksitan have such system "indigenously developed" ,, then why to buy it form china/turkey...???
just curious ...

China and Turkey battle for sales in Pakistani arms fair
post# 7
China and Turkey are superior than Pakistan in term of technology ... they are better for Pakistan in term of providance of technology of state of the art equipment
But what about the fact if the radars (that feed into this system) are jammed or countered by the invading army / airforce ? Is there a way round if we face this scenario ?

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