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By Jupiter! China spy in sky

thought we were the only nation paranoid enough to believe the universe was conspiring against us, seems now that it runs in the genes.
The Global Times has this to say:

"As long as there is the slightest disturbance on the Sino-Indian border 'Line of Control' area, it will make the Indian military jittery and fearful about 'new tricks' adopted by China,"

Very happy to see 50000 more amateur astronomers jioning in the club.
:rofl: shoot down Jupiter?

Yes, Indian army think that it is Spy Eye of PLAAF, and want an anexplanation, PLAAF told India army "you can shoot down the UFO when you see it next time", but Indian army said that it was too high to reach
What goes up must come down... in cheen's territory. I pray no cheeni was hurt by a falling projectile.
India bashing giving the usual orgasms to chinese and paks. good job PDF

here is a thought, why dont you guys think of your own rotting country instead of obsessing over us. maybe then you wont be regarded as a joke the world over

Since 1962, many Indians’ attitude towards China seems to move from fear before to hysteria now.

Read the hate messages from internet by some of them is one proof (just remember some Indians love to get comforted, when arguing with some Chinese, by citing Japs’ raping of Nanking as if were their own atrocity, unfulfilled though). This news is another proof.

Man, Mao was so wise and fearsome! We have to agree that when he made the painful decision in 1962.

Having above said, don’t expect rambunctious a few over there will change. Just read the below quoted:
India bashing giving the usual orgasms to chinese and paks. good job PDF

here is a thought, why dont you guys think of your own rotting country instead of obsessing over us. maybe then you wont be regarded as a joke the world over

LOL! Get ready? More drama to come:

Drought – Chinese is cutting the river upstream…

A rock falls from Himalaya – Chinese underground UFO is launching…

A bird poo dropping – Chinese missile is falling…

if you cannot handle the truth, why started the false accusation in the first place? and the Indian army brought the matter to a diplomatic negotiation? I can't believe that this has been recorded in classified documents.

this is so ridiculous and embarrassing that any normal person will find it funny, even the Indians should too. quite frankly it is a matter that Chinese should be deeply concerned, after all, it is your army that accused them of deploying Jupiter and Venus in India. next time could be the death star.

India bashing giving the usual orgasms to chinese and paks. good job PDF

here is a thought, why dont you guys think of your own rotting country instead of obsessing over us. maybe then you wont be regarded as a joke the world over
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