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Burraq UCAV will fly by Next year.

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Folks , i have posted the most recent update on my thread "Burraq UCAV will fly by next year".

Its usefull info there.
i think that pakistan has a grea t knowledge regarding uavs
may be it taken from the shot down american predators or from chinese
lucks is at our side ithind that
i have seen PEGASUS
i have seen pegusus video and it really reveals taht whats going on in a future and
whats the scope of industry and reallly a good competion ameriaca gonna set for rest of us
pegasus carries 8 missiles and bombs
and it is really a great effort
improved landing gear
graeat thrust and power
and much more
look at the pics new taliban killer is standing
one thing to be noted here that it seems to be stealth one and if it is than
prey for ur life
as it would be a great threat for our assests tooand
one more thing pakistan should look at the future tech of world not at the todays for its own development and
thats would be great job it would done in uqab and others too
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dude, i am feeling so ashamed to say that our army is not far behind than our politicains in corruption.:undecided:
Can't wait to see this baby flying in the and kicking terrorists a**.
hope to seee it armed and have very very sophisticated cameras which can have have pin point footage of that area where it is flown and data link with other millitary jets
welll migt be pakistan have uav like predator but they are keeping it secret
Good news! And it will be great if Pakistan rejects the American UAV offer, but it seems highly unlikely, our military is very impressed by the American technology irrespective of facts that the technology handed over to Pakistan is always outdated :argh:

Zoordari must have been offered 10% on the deal that is why he is not even looking into local UAVs which is such a shame. Wasnt he the one who screwed U boat deals, we should expect such things from a man of his caliber.

dude, i am feeling so ashamed to say that our army is not far behind than our politicains in corruption.:undecided:

The US drones are being provided under the US military assistance package (as the officer in the article clarified), and not being purchased by Pakistan out of its own funds, so the question of 'kickbacks', on the Pakistani side at least, does not arise.

I understand there is a tendency to ascribe everythign to 'corruption' every time something does not go the way we want it to, but one must also be open to looking at legitimate constraints and reasons behind decisions. Continuously talking about 'corruption' at the expense of everythign else makes for a poor understanding of events, and ends up demeaning those who perhaps do not deserve it.
Wangrong : I am sure Burraq would be a different platform maybe a size of BZK-005 (Just my speculation)
Ive been to Satuma's factory and saw the place inside out.. but they are still stuck with tried systems.. the only unique one was a biplane UAV they had..
its actually pretty easy to make the actual body.. start with a fiberglass mould.. which gives you the shell for the thing.. then you cut out Styrofoam with a nickel wire heated by a car battery.. and add knicks and knacks. and there you have it.. a UAV.
The actual problem is the engines and camera's.. the engines you have to order in bulk otherwise if you order one the next order is banned since omg you are a Muslim nation harboring terrorists. The Chinese do have a few CCD products but then again its Chinese..
But if any of you boys wanna make one at home its pretty easy.. i added an auto stabilization system to my blade 400 3d.. now I can kick it in mid air and it just comes back to the stable hover.. :P

I went to Dr Burni's house a few months ago with a relative of ours who has developed an autogyro UAV.. but not much came out of it.. except a few smiles on what the army has been upto in ***********. The navy wants a patrolling UAV for scouting as can be deduced by the trials few months back. The Indians.. not to be outdone.. asked the company we invited to make a stop at their port as well..talk about "I want what he's having.. and make it double"

This one looks much smaller then both the predator and reaper and still can carry missiles. This is amazing. I am too lazy to search google at this time, can some please post specs of it.

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