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Burmese Muslims given two-child limit

Kashmir is as much part of India as Baloochistan is part of Pakistan.

but in real world its disputed and 3 countries hold it bro

Kashmir is as much part of India as Baloochistan is part of Pakistan.

As much as Israel is part of Palestine! :angel:
Well in saudia there are hadly any christans....that why no need of a church.....But hindu migrant workers arent stopped from their prayers if they do it withing their quarters.....obviously running around throwing holi colours on Arabs will get them arrested..
Similarly, muslims are allowed to have babies but more than 2 babies will get you arrested.

But certainly they dont put a limit on baby birth and Arabs dont run around killing migrant non muslim workers..
So hardly a comparison here...
Similarly, they didn't put the limit on prayers. Just the babies.

The comparison is valid.
You are not even fine with comparison, so obviously i cant expect you condemning it.
Rakhine state officials say limit on children will help ease tensions with Buddhists, whose population is growing at slower rate

Muslims in a province of Burma have been ordered not to have more than two children in an attempt by the government to stop Buddhist attacks on Muslims.

State officials said the two-child limit in the state of Rakhine would ease tensions between Buddhists and their Muslim Rohingya neighbours.

Local officials said the new measure was part of a policy that will also ban polygamyin two Rakhine townships that border Bangladesh and have the highest Muslim populations. The townships, Buthidaung and Maundaw, are about 95% Muslim.

The measure was enacted a week ago after a government-appointed commission investigating the violence issued proposals to ease tensions, which included family planning programs to stem population growth among minority Muslims, said Rakhine state spokesman Win Myaing. The commission also recommended doubling the number of security forces in the volatile region.

"The population growth of Rohingya Muslims is 10 times higher than that of the Rakhine (Buddhists)," Win Myaing said. "Overpopulation is one of the causes of tension."

Sectarian violence in Burma first flared nearly a year ago in Rakhine state between the region's Rakhine Buddhists and Muslim Rohingya. Mobs of Buddhists armed with machetes razed thousands of Muslim homes, leaving hundreds of people dead and forcing 125,000 to flee, mostly Muslims.

Since the violence, religious unrest has developed into a campaign against the country's Muslim communities in other regions.

Containing the strife has posed a serious challenge to President Thein Sein's reformist government as it attempts to institute political and economic liberalisation after nearly half a century of harsh military rule. It has also tarnished the image of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been criticised for failing to speak out strongly in defence of the country's embattled Muslim community.

Win Myaing said authorities had not yet determined how the measures will be enforced, but the two-child policy will be mandatory in Buthidaung and Maundaw. The policy will not apply yet to other parts of Rakhine state, which have smaller Muslim populations.

"One factor that has fuelled tensions between the Rakhine public and [Rohingya] populations relates to the sense of insecurity among many Rakhines stemming from the rapid population growth of the [Rohingya], which they view as a serious threat," the government-appointed commission said in a report issued last month.

Predominantly Buddhist Burma does not include the Rohingya as one of its 135 recognised ethnicities. It considers them to be illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and denies them citizenship. Bangladesh says the Rohingya have been living in Myanmar for centuries and should be recognised as citizens. Muslims account for about 4% of Myanmar's roughly 60 million people.

source: Burmese Muslims given two-child limit | World news | guardian.co.uk

And Budhists can do anything right. What is the relation between attacks and birth control.
That country has small population in the ratio of land. If they need more economical growth they need more population.
Birth control is needed to a country like BD.
@Imran Khan just out of curiosity...

Hypothetically, guy has 2 kids, does surgery (mind you it is not reversible) children start going to school...Suddenly "mad sniper" on loose...baaam baam both kids gone....What does guy do?!

Same happened with many in China...1 child policy school collapses and THE END for the parents....

no problem mam its upon luck but i will give birth two only girls or boys or one - one but two . then i will use copper-T for few years and when kids grow up to 4-5 i will close the production forever . now its my luck my plant grow become a tree or not . i will sure take care of them as much as i can .
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Ok no more offtopic from me.

India is 386.

And a large part of Pakistan is desert.
As much as Israel is part of Palestine! :angel:

We Indians are so hurt with that statement, please dont do it again
but in real world its disputed and 3 countries hold it bro

@Imran Khan we are talking about the same people who tried justifying India has a xyz km border with Afghanistan :rofl: :rofl:
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Birth control is needed to a country like BD.

and we did it pretty well, we did not impose any law, just promoted that boy or girl, two children are enough, most of the people accepted the idea :D
Similarly, muslims are allowed to have babies but more than 2 babies will get you arrested.

Similarly, they didn't put the limit on prayers. Just the babies.

The comparison is valid.
You are not even fine with comparison, so obviously i cant expect you condemning it.

Pot calling kettle black :angel:

...25,000, as reported in the Hamoodur Rahman Commission...

According to a newspaper report published in both Pakistani and Bangladeshi newspapers, Bangladeshi speakers at the conference stated that the official Bangladeshi figure of civilian deaths was close to 300,000, which was wrongly translated from Bengali into English as three million.[citation needed] Ambassador Shamsher M. Chowdhury acknowledged that Bangladesh alone cannot correct this mistake and suggested that Pakistan and Bangladesh should form a joint commission to investigate the 1971 disaster and prepare a report.

From your own link, even Bdshis don't know what is exact figure & only a dumb & retard will say it was above 200,000. Seems like they made a figure of 30,000 to 300,000 & which become 3,000,000. lol

BTW no more offtopics from me.
:omghaha::omghaha: bollywood effected you vinod ? large part of pakistan is desert ?:pissed:

but in real world its disputed and 3 countries hold it bro


We don't hold any part of Kashmir.

That is an Indian claim. Based on the McMahon line from the British empire.

We don't recognize any lines drawn by colonial Western powers regarding our borders.
We Indians are so hurt with that statement, please dont do it again
@Gautam your countrymen started it

Kashmir is as much part of India as Baloochistan is part of Pakistan.

...I only exercised similar comparison skills
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