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it's a sign of oppression; it has NO place in our society

in fact, it isn't France or Netherlands that should be banning it. It should be Pakistan. It's a national security risk and it's an imported culture.

Egyptian, Pakistani, Syrian, Bangladeshi and other foreign workers -- their women are forced by law in certain country(s) to adopt this dress. It grows on them and they accept it. Then they come back and import it to Pakistan (the niqab)

We were cursed with Afghan refugee crisis and they brought their burqa culture to Pakistan too.

Whereas in our grand-parents day, Chadhor was sufficient and there were no camera phones or spy cameras for scum bag fck-heads to do sleazy acts.

1st you claim to be an old man then you claim at your grandparent's era they used to be chadar?! Well...that is news because even during partitioning days there used to be abaya and niqab....nope not the blue Afghani 1 but a black 1 which served the same purpose!
A handful of people do something and you demand a ban? In this case, America should demand a ban on Pakistanis and Arabs coz a handful are associated with "terrorism"

let them.....they'd come home where they belong.
let them.....they'd come home where they belong.

Utter rubbish! 1st you talk about choice then you restrict choice to live abroad! Please gather your facts and make sense!

Many of them are 2nd generation Americans so they dont "BELONG" in Pakistan!
You are demanding a ban because it is not a part of your culture?Is this your point?

it is my belief that chadhor is sufficient for purdah.....not burqa/niqab

maybe we should place more emphasis on men keeping their "gaze" down and respecting the purity of women
Nor they feel that way!

it is my belief that chadhor is sufficient for purdah.....not burqa/niqab

maybe we should place more emphasis on men keeping their "gaze" down and respecting the purity of women

Yes chaddar is enough...hell even a small decent headscarf is enough....

It doesnt even have to be 2-3m of chadar!

and yes that would be a start...But how many listen?!
Utter rubbish! 1st you talk about choice then you restrict choice to live abroad! Please gather your facts and make sense!

Many of them are 2nd generation Americans so they dont "BELONG" in Pakistan!

i didnt put a .357 to your skull and force you to accept my opinion.

if you dont like it -- move on to the next post or block me :meeting:

But how many listen?!

that's their own prerogative

and one without societal pressure

(idealistic thinking; not gonna happen realistically speaking since family word takes first precedence - unlike western culture)
When Kate Middleton Wears The Headscarf... - Paperblog


When Kate Middleton Wears The Headscarf...She is not oppressed. Rather, she is more than ever oh-so-modest and elegant.
That's how the limelight sees it. But when a random Muslimah wears the headscarf, she is oppressed and caged. Media can get overly annoying sometimes with the type of words they use.

I liked the 1st para...rest is personal opinion!

i didnt put a .357 to your skull and force you to accept my opinion.

if you dont like it -- move on to the next post or block me :meeting:
1st you say it is a forum for different opinions...then you ask one to move on when they ask you to gather you facts?!

that's their own prerogative

and one without societal pressure

(idealistic thinking; not gonna happen realistically speaking since family word takes first precedence - unlike western culture)
Yes western culture...lovely how they speak and beat to their parents because their parents are FORCED BY THE LAW not to discipline not even raise their voice or pull a child to face them...and leave them in old people's home when they are old and feeble!
looks like kate is visiting some mosque, the people behind her are wearing some cap(like those indonesians wear)
this thread is still on top.. :lol:
looks like kate is visiting some mosque, the people behind her are wearing some cap(like those indonesians wear)

No idea like I said the 1st para makes sense how people put her in headscarf as elegant but if a muslim woman appears she is oppressed!
of course if a culture mandates it or shows those who wear it as holier/better character than those who dont, such cultures impose extra conditions on women. Presumably those who dont wear it are of loose characters.
But if a person of another culture (say west) wears it for fasion sense or just because she likes it, (its like another ladies accessories to her), one can say whether it suits her or not without worrying why she is wearing it.

Oppressed does not mean somebody is literally forced to wear it(well some might) but the idea that somehow a women's modesty is more important than man's. Victorians were like that too, and they were not muslims.

In case of kate she is probably being gracious to her host.
I'm wasting my time debating with someone who can't read or comprehend what I'm saying.

looks like kate is visiting some mosque, the people behind her are wearing some cap(like those indonesians wear)
this thread is still on top.. :lol:

no it's just called "showing respect"
When Kate Middleton Wears The Headscarf... - Paperblog


When Kate Middleton Wears The Headscarf...She is not oppressed. Rather, she is more than ever oh-so-modest and elegant.
That's how the limelight sees it. But when a random Muslimah wears the headscarf, she is oppressed and caged. Media can get overly annoying sometimes with the type of words they use.

I liked the 1st para...rest is personal opinion!

1st you say it is a forum for different opinions...then you ask one to move on when they ask you to gather you facts?!

Yes western culture...lovely how they speak and beat to their parents because their parents are FORCED BY THE LAW not to discipline not even raise their voice or pull a child to face them...and leave them in old people's home when they are old and feeble!

I think it adds to the beauty of a girl, if they wear a headscarf!! But it's completely my opinion.

Bdw, the post might be off-topic as I didn't go through the whole of this thread, pardon me for that! Saw you posting pic of Kate Middleton with Headscarf, hence commented! :)
I'm wasting my time debating with someone who can't read or comprehend what I'm saying.
If you made sense then maybe one can understand but then again dont bother wasting your precious time! Because clearly you just hate it because that is the "in" thing today (no proper or explainable reason)!

no it's just called "showing respect"

Yup..but no respect if one who is doing for the love of ALLAH...but respect for those who dont want to offend OTHER HUMAN's faith! Lovely how the world runs!!

]I think it adds to the beauty of a girl, if they wear a headscarf!! [/B]But it's completely my opinion.

Bdw, the post might be off-topic as I didn't go through the whole of this thread, pardon me for that! Saw you posting pic of Kate Middleton with Headscarf, hence commented! :)

No harm done!! As for beauty..well, if you are a member of a monarchy and have a fashion designer who knows how make any garment appealing on you....coz thats their job above the fact they are paid in thousands....then all I can say...not sure what beauty is anymore!

Though I was wondering if someone opened any thread for her baby :woot:
I think it adds to the beauty of a girl, if they wear a headscarf!! But it's completely my opinion.

Bdw, the post might be off-topic as I didn't go through the whole of this thread, pardon me for that! Saw you posting pic of Kate Middleton with Headscarf, hence commented! :)

even I find those who wear headscarves here are attractive, it adds to the personality. But thats my taste, some might find it a bit daft.
it's a sign of oppression; it has NO place in our society

in fact, it isn't France or Netherlands that should be banning it. It should be Pakistan. It's a national security risk and it's an imported culture.

Egyptian, Pakistani, Syrian, Bangladeshi and other foreign workers -- their women are forced by law in certain country(s) to adopt this dress. It grows on them and they accept it. Then they come back and import it to Pakistan (the niqab)

We were cursed with Afghan refugee crisis and they brought their burqa culture to Pakistan too.

Whereas in our grand-parents day, Chadhor was sufficient and there were no camera phones or spy cameras for scum bag fck-heads to do sleazy acts.

You really do not know what you are talking about, now do you?

Burqa used to be very common at least until early '80s. But that was likely before you were born and hence you really have no recollection of that. Hence your effort at creating 'facts' out of thin air. Afghans did not bring Burqa, it was here to begin with. Neither did Arabs force it upon others. It was part of general Muslim culture in Pakistan. I do not know where you are from or where you grew up. But you have some very funny notions.

You really should learn to accept things as they are. Making effort to create a false narrative is dishonest at best.
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