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Bullet trains for India with Indo-China Strategic Economic Dialogue

Offtopic question Since Universities from America are setting up campuses in India, who gets possession of the discoveries and developments made in the research labs on their campuses? If it is under the Foreign Univ's, then it looks like 21st century colonial plunder of knowledge wealth that could have been firmly ours if we invested in our education wholeheartedly. If this is true, then such research would have contributed to out GDP immensely. We can;t blame the foreign universities who are doing us a favor by cultivating and providing superior educaitonal resources for our youth, it is our fault. Think about that.
Offtopic question Since Universities from America are setting up campuses in India, who gets possession of the discoveries and developments made in the research labs on their campuses? If it is under the Foreign Univ's, then it looks like 21st century colonial plunder of knowledge wealth that could have been firmly ours if we invested in our education wholeheartedly. If this is true, then such research would have contributed to out GDP immensely. We can;t blame the foreign universities who are doing us a favor by cultivating and providing superior educaitonal resources for our youth, it is our fault. Think about that.

When a patent is given, they are awarded to individuals..
When a patent is given, they are awarded to individuals..

Yes but take for example Standford has certain agreements in place that allow them to exploit patents by their students. Im sure every school has its own charter with regard to this.
When a patent is given, they are awarded to individuals..

typical non-sense based on lie and ignorance.

when a patent is granted, it is assigned to the university or the company. the inventor has their names listed as the inventor, but that is all. the only known exception in industry is google, google makes their employees as the patent assignees with a pre-signed agreement to re-assign the patent to google. in short - it is still assigned to google.

keep cheating won't make you or your nation stronger. be honest, learn something, talk less, this is my suggest to indians.

Yes but take for example Standford has certain agreements in place that allow them to exploit patents by their students. Im sure every school has its own charter with regard to this.

students take certain percentage of the rights, the patent is always assigned to the university.

Yes but take for example Standford has certain agreements in place that allow them to exploit patents by their students. Im sure every school has its own charter with regard to this.

If the university had funded it, so it will also be a party to it.. what's the deal ? Could you be more specific plz. :)

typical non-sense based on lie and ignorance.

when a patent is granted, it is assigned to the university or the company. the inventor has their names listed as the inventor, but that is all. the only known exception in industry is google, google makes their employees as the patent assignees with a pre-signed agreement to re-assign the patent to google. in short - it is still assigned to google.

keep cheating won't make you or your nation stronger. be honest, learn something, talk less, this is my suggest to indians.

students take certain percentage of the rights, the patent is always assigned to the university.


Worked for you guys pretty well it seems !!!!! Hope we can do better Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V in future..
Considering the CCP's stance on AP, and its arming of Pakistan, I don't see India buying the trains from the PRC anytime soon.
Considering the CCP's stance on AP, and its arming of Pakistan, I don't see India buying the trains from the PRC anytime soon.

buying the train?

sorry, it won't work on your 150 years old rail built by UK. you need the new rail. you need reliable power supply, you need modern automated control and signaling systems.

you need to buy all these.

oh, btw, China have already spent trillions of Yuan on high speed rail, 3 trillions Yuan has been allocated/spent on projects currently in progress. can india afford that? I don't think so. that is 500 billion USD currently allocated/already spent on projects currently in construction.

you need to reform your economy and work hard for another 2-3 decades to be able to afford projects like this.

we are not talking about buy 100 foreign jets, we are talking about soemthing that can easily cost you 1 trillion USD.
buying the train?

sorry, it won't work on your 150 years old rail built by UK. you need the new rail. you need reliable power supply, you need modern automated control and signaling systems.

you need to buy all these.

oh, btw, China have already spent trillions of Yuan on high speed rail, 3 trillions Yuan has been allocated/spent on projects currently in progress. can india afford that? I don't think so. that is 500 billion USD currently allocated/already spent on projects currently in construction.

you need to reform your economy and work hard for another 2-3 decades to be able to afford projects like this.

we are not talking about buy 100 foreign jets, we are talking about soemthing that can easily cost you 1 trillion USD.

whether it costs 1 trillion or 1 billion does it make sense to spend trillion on 300 KM/hr trains when you can have same benefits by spending on 200 Km/hr trains?

Also the railway lines should be profitable. No need of spending money just to boost ego and show shiny toys to world. India don have money to waste like China so I am not in favour of it.
Considering the CCP's stance on AP, and its arming of Pakistan, I don't see India buying the trains from the PRC anytime soon.

i don't support selling india HSR trains ,either:no:
.selling traditional trains OK.

Indian trains on current tracks cannot run at speeds more than 150KMph.. And that is the engg limit. Expect operational limit to be in 130s ..

They are trying to upgrade both the tracks and rolling stocks to 220 kmph....so an operational speed of 200 kmph



Indian trains on current tracks cannot run at speeds more than 150KMph.. And that is the engg limit. Expect operational limit to be in 130s ..

They are trying to upgrade both the tracks and rolling stocks to 220 kmph....so an operational speed of 200 kmph


i don't support selling india HSR trains ,either:no:
.selling traditional trains OK.

We are better buying from Bombardear,Kawasaki Heavy Industries , Siemens , Alstom and the like...

We are equivalent to you in traditional diesel locos,coaches and close in traditional electrical locos...:wave:

you need to buy all these.

oh, btw, China have already spent trillions of Yuan on high speed rail, 3 trillions Yuan has been allocated/spent on projects currently in progress. can india afford that? I don't think so. that is 500 billion USD currently allocated/already spent on projects currently in construction.

you need to reform your economy and work hard for another 2-3 decades to be able to afford projects like this.

i don't support selling india HSR trains ,either:no:
.selling traditional trains OK.

Traditional Engines ... A BIG NO !! Pakistan are suffering from it.. and we are self sufficient !!

Traditional Coaches : A BIG NO : We are well enough !!

@peaceful pray tell me if you guys are mindlessly investing what are we to do ? U guys say that investment was done of the order or 250Bn $$ ? And why on earth we should invest that amount when we already have a cost effective option of upgrading our local trains to 200Kmph at a fraction of a cost ?

What you guys are saying is plain bragging we don't give a fcuk !! So plz take a hike and shove up your investment up yours for all i care !!
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we are not talking about buy 100 foreign jets, we are talking about soemthing that can easily cost you 1 trillion USD.
calm down sunny chang, IF (and that is a big if) we decide to go for it, it will be done with a composite financing. Govt will pay for it in phases, plus developmental loans from agencies like japanese ODA will be used. If china decides to take part in the tender, i wont be surprised to see them offer cheap loans as well.
it is merely a business proposition, if we see value in going for it, we will.
calm down sunny chang, IF (and that is a big if) we decide to go for it, it will be done with a composite financing. Govt will pay for it in phases, plus developmental loans from agencies like japanese ODA will be used. If china decides to take part in the tender, i wont be surprised to see them offer cheap loans as well.
it is merely a business proposition, if we see value in going for it, we will.

Come on, Apu. We ain't going to wait 50 years for you guys to finish street begging.
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