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Bukhari calls stir anti-Islam, tells Muslims to stay away

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Crowding glory: Over 1 lakh throng Ramlila

NEW DELHI: An angry tide converged at Ramlila Ground on Sunday. As 74-year-old Anna Hazare entered the sixth day of his fast, the ranks of his supporters swelled to over 1 lakh, making it the biggest show of people's power at the ground in decades.

Supporters from across the country streamed in relentlessly through the day, singing and chanting, waving the Tricolor and wearing the 'Anna topi' to back the anti-corruption movement. Sunday's numbers were easily five times that seen at the ground on any of the previous days.

The police initially estimated the attendance at 30,000. After thousands more came marching in from India Gate in the evening, they said the figure had swelled to over 50,000. By late night, joint commissioner of police (north) Sudhir Yadav confirmed to TOI that the turnout had exceeded one lakh.

Several NRIs had come from as far as New Jersey, Texas and Singapore. Many flew in from places like Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai and Patna to "be part of the historic struggle". Said Jatin Sherawat, an MA student from Gandhinagar, "We are a team of seven students who decided to come after watching the protest on TV. We just bought tickets to Delhi and have decided to stay here. We couldn't imagine not being here."

Groups of lawyers, students, executives, neighbours and doctors formed teams and camped at the Maidan all day. "We will remain here all through Sunday night. We are inspired by how people have been coming every day and didn't want to sit home and watch all this on television. This is not the time for drawing room discussions," said Kritank Choudhry, a multinational executive.

Harveen Singh from Ludhiana had come along with 16 people and a "truckload of bananas, biscuits, water and food packets" that he distributed at the grounds. "I took advantage of the long weekend and decided to do what I can," he said with a smile.

The strength of the common man could also be felt at India Gate as supporters gather there late afternoon for the march to Ramlila Ground. From tiny tots dressed in white kurta pajama, sporting "I am with Anna' caps, to teenagers with faces painted in the Tricolor and senior citizens waving flags and chanting patriotic songs, the atmosphere was electric.

People stood on top of cars shouting slogans like "Inquilab zindabad", "Anna wale disco, sarkar wale khisko" and danced to nationalistic songs blaring from loudspeakers. They dressed the part in Tricolor wristbands, India T-shirts, and badges, some from campaigns like the anti-quota stir.

And for some pakistanis the movement has already been a failure. bwahahahahahahaha
Answer: Read what happened in the Lok Sabha Jayaprakash Narayan Movement in 1977.

Pray tell us what happened? btw, it's Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan, Lok Sabha is the name given to the lower house of parliament.
And... It has been told many many times that Muslims bow to no one, except in prayer - to god. It is a fundamental tenet of being a Muslim.

You connote a very arrogant persona to your God then. The mother who nurtures you within her is considered equal to God in ancient Indian philosophy for nothing.

Don't shout Vande Mataram and problem is resolved.

Seems to be only your and our Shahi Imams problem. The patriotic Muslims are there at the Ramlila Ground, shoulder by shoulder against a great social menace.

And no one has asked the Muslims to chant Vande Mataram, they can use their own, or only come and show solidarity to the movement. But the Shahi Imam's proposal is at the behest of the ruling regime, and your intention is to alienate Indian Muslims from India. But that won't work, your establishment has been trying that since last 20 years to not much of an avail.
This is the answer to your question:
The fact that Gandhi had to tell the Hindus to compromise for the Muslims goes to show the 'imbalance' in the society, & all the more reason for Muslims to create a separate homeland. But the reason why Pakistan was formed by Jinnah was not for Islam, but in fact, for the opposite reason. Jinnah feared India would turn out to be an ideologically Hindu state (which is why he strove for independence); while he wanted to make Pakistan to be a state along secular lines with a Muslim majority, free for all religions.
And what have you guys done to the Jinha's dreams, Has the Hindu population in Pakistan raisen from the day of your Independance, on the other hand look at India of which Jihna accused of becoming a Hindu nation. we have been secular, we have made sure that the minorities grow with out any rightwing opposition and you call us as not being secular.
Come on guys do you use your brains to think and analyse the truth that your eyes project or its so dumb that you have left it at your rest room.
You connote a very arrogant persona to your God then. The mother who nurtures you within her is considered equal to God in ancient Indian philosophy for nothing.

A God is the Supreme Being, & not something we can comprehend. God is not something we can see, or feel, or touch, or even understand. God is not something we can eat, or anything like that. Call it arrogance or whatever you want.

Seems to be only your and our Shahi Imams problem. The patriotic Muslims are there at the Ramlila Ground, shoulder by shoulder against a great social menace.

Not true. I still have family today living in UP & Bihar, & I've heard from my family in Amroha that Vande Mataram had caused quite a stir for my cousins at the schools there. The Dar Uloom Deoband explicitly said the Vande Mataram was un-Islamic, & was not permissible for Muslims to sing.

Even Sikhs were not allowed to sing the Vande Mataram:

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Delhi and neighbourhood

Sikhs will not sing Vande Mataram

And no one has asked the Muslims to chant Vande Mataram, they can use their own, or only come and show solidarity to the movement. But the Shahi Imam's proposal is at the behest of the ruling regime, and your intention is to alienate Indian Muslims from India. But that won't work, your establishment has been trying that since last 20 years to not much of an avail.


The State Government. which has made the singing of Vandemataram and Saraswati Vandana optional in minority schools, has, however, refused to extend the same to rest of the primary schools of Uttar Pradesh.


Nearly six years after the demolition of the Babri Masjid, the compulsory recitation of Vande Mataramand Saraswati Vandana in schools in Uttar Pradesh appears to be sharpening the Hindu-Muslim divide.

Rediff On The NeT: The Vande Mataram-Saraswati Vandana controversy in UP
Opponents accused Indira Gandhi & the Congress of electoral fraud in 1971. Jayaprakash Narayan wanted a provincial government change in Bihar. It resulted in the 'Total Revolution', got a lot of opportunistic extreme elements (such as the RSS) in their movement, & as a result of it, the movement got out of hand & control, & the declaration of emergency in India from 1975-77.

Man, read about Jayprakash Narayan, the man was one of India's greatest leaders. It was a court that put Indira Gandhi in trouble though the JP movement was receiving widespread support. The movement scared Mrs. Gandhi & she along with her son decided to impose emergency. The people of India taught her a very valuable lesson in 1977 which is why India is a much freer society today. There is no threat that anything like that will happen now. Indian courts don't stand for any nonsense these days nor is the present government even remotely authoritarian. you must also realise that this particular movement is fueled by the Indian middle class fed up with corruption but having no real ideological conflict with the congress. The cities were the places that Congress did so well in the elections & there is no particular bias towards the BJP which is also perceived as being equally corrupt. It was the foolishness of the government which by its actions directed the ire of the protestors towards itself. Manmohan Singh remains enormously well respected by most of the middle class but people are tired of corruption & while it is a certain amount of naivety that makes them believe that the Lokpal is some kind of magic wand, it would be silly to assume that the middle class wants to destabilise the very system that has now given them wealth & power.
This is a very weak reason and bad excuse to form Pakistan.Pakistan was formed so that the rich Muslims of UP etc didn't have to share power and scuttle with Hindus elites.Thats all.Gandhi favoured muslims a lot and asked the hindus to compromise to keep India together.

The leaders had not even demanded a separate nation state just autonomy. If it wasn't for Nehru's last minute chaal baazi, Pakistan nation-state demand would not have even come up in 1945. Pakistan was supposed to be an autonomous zone up until 1945. A fact widely being acknowledged and also famously covered in Jaswant Singh's book, Jinnah.
A God is the Supreme Being, & not something we can comprehend. God is not something we can see, or feel, or touch, or even understand. God is not something we can eat, or anything like that. Call it arrogance or whatever you want.

Not true. I still have family today living in UP & Bihar, & I've heard from my family in Amroha that Vande Mataram had caused quite a stir for my cousins at the schools there. The Dar Uloom Deoband explicitly said the Vande Mataram was un-Islamic, & was not permissible for Muslims to sing.

Even Sikhs were not allowed to sing the Vande Mataram:

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Delhi and neighbourhood

Sikhs will not sing Vande Mataram



Rediff On The NeT: The Vande Mataram-Saraswati Vandana controversy in UP

Not sure if you and I are on the same boat as far as comprehending my post is concerned. If you want me to respond, make sure you understand what is being posted and in what context.
And how is it different, the solute is showing the respect for the nation and Bow does the same "showing respect"
A bow is a sign of worship.

We bow to only ONE entity and that's in prayer to Allah.

Vande Matharam is not related to any religion.

Let's be honest here, before the song was made hip for the Indian crowd, the Maan it was referring to, was the Indian deity Durga Maan. Utterly unacceptable for a Muslim to acknowledge Durga in any form of reverence accorded to a deity.

I have already told the meaning of this word. It means "Long Live Mother Land" and how come you are relating this word to secularism and communalism.
Long live the motherland, sure. Dude, its "I bow to thee O Mother", aiwai khaali peeli time zayan na karo bahano main.

Long live would be Zindabad.

The reason, if you hesitate to tell in public let me tell it to the bloggers on behalf of you. Its because the very word wishes long live for India and you are darm angry to hear it. India on your mind should not be there in the future" isn't it.

It's not my issue at all to be angry. I'm purely arguing over the illogical, irrational and illegal demands of yours over a group of people to forcibly forego a key tenet of their religion.

It's not going to happen.
I don't know much about Vande Mataram - and I don't know if Tagore was a bigot or not - what little I do know, is that since his book in which Hindus burnt the homes of Muslims, while singing Vande Mataram, there has come to be associated with this poem/song, a strong disassociation for Muslims.

Neither Tagore wrote Vande Mataram, nor is there any such burning Muslims act in Anandamath, the book from which Vande Mataram was picked.

Yes it's true Vandemataram initially was a song dedicated to Durga, foremost goddess of Bengali Hindus.
And for some pakistanis the movement has already been a failure. bwahahahahahahaha
That is the fundamental problem, just because there is a technical objection you're assuming there's anything objectionable about the goals of the movement.

I hope to see the same sparked in Pakistan and all folds of immunity in the case of the crime of corruption are removed. No matter who it is, should become answerable for corrupt practices.

Anna's Lokpal formula if applied to Pakistan's NAB can be a nation building move for us.

The issue here is one and one only. Use the right words.

Your insistence ke nahi, main toh hindu slogans hi maaroongi, is quite telling what cadre has taken over this movement.
Mother, I salute thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
bright with orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Green fields waving Mother of might,
Mother free.

Glory of moonlight dreams,
Over thy branches and lordly streams,
Clad in thy blossoming trees,
Mother, giver of ease
Laughing low and sweet!
Mother I kiss thy feet,
Speaker sweet and low!
Mother, to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands
When swords flash out in seventy million hands
And seventy million voices roar
Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?
With many strengths who art mighty and stored,
To thee I call Mother and Lord!
Thou who saves, arise and save!
To her I cry who ever her foe drove
Back from plain and sea
And shook herself free.

Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Though art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nerves the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
And the Muse a hundred-tone,
Pure and perfect without peer,
Mother lend thine ear,
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleems,
Dark of hue O candid-fair

In thy soul, with jewelled hair
And thy glorious smile divine,
Loveliest of all earthly lands,
Showering wealth from well-stored hands!
Mother, mother mine!
Mother sweet, I bow to thee,
Mother great and free!

I can understand why some muslims do not wish to sing the anthem as they can only 'bow' before Allah and none other it is their choice no one is forcing them or should force them if some muslims decide not to sing it.
You connote a very arrogant persona to your God then. The mother who nurtures you within her is considered equal to God in ancient Indian philosophy for nothing.
The difference between your adoration of your deity is that you accord or connote attributes of God's persona and we rely on what God has told what he is. Our Allah the one God we believe in has said he loves us and nurtures us with the equivalent of 70 mothers. There are 99 ways the Quran refers to Allah. Ar-Rahman (Beneficient), Ar-Rahim (Merciful), Ar-Razzaq (Provider) - some motherly attributes but he is God not a mother (the premise of our disagreement), The Quran goes on to refer to him as Al Jabbar (The compeller), Al Qahhar (The subduer).

Seems to be only your and our Shahi Imams problem. The patriotic Muslims are there at the Ramlila Ground, shoulder by shoulder against a great social menace.
Then that's something they are doing out of the love for their nation. None of them can be happy singing Vande-Mataram, regardless of it all.

And no one has asked the Muslims to chant Vande Mataram, they can use their own, or only come and show solidarity to the movement. But the Shahi Imam's proposal is at the behest of the ruling regime, and your intention is to alienate Indian Muslims from India. But that won't work, your establishment has been trying that since last 20 years to not much of an avail.

He never pointed out that there is anything wrong with his anti-corruption drive just the slogans that are being used and I also maintain the same. Shakal dekhne aayenge Muslims when they can't part-take in anti-corruption slogans and cheer on Anna in his protest fast?
Mother, I salute thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
bright with orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Green fields waving Mother of might,
Mother free.

Glory of moonlight dreams,
Over thy branches and lordly streams,
Clad in thy blossoming trees,
Mother, giver of ease
Laughing low and sweet!
Mother I kiss thy feet,
Speaker sweet and low!
Mother, to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands
When swords flash out in seventy million hands
And seventy million voices roar
Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?
With many strengths who art mighty and stored,
To thee I call Mother and Lord!
Thou who saves, arise and save!
To her I cry who ever her foe drove
Back from plain and sea
And shook herself free.

Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Though art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nerves the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
And the Muse a hundred-tone,
Pure and perfect without peer,
Mother lend thine ear,
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleems,
Dark of hue O candid-fair

In thy soul, with jewelled hair
And thy glorious smile divine,
Loveliest of all earthly lands,
Showering wealth from well-stored hands!
Mother, mother mine!
Mother sweet, I bow to thee,
Mother great and free!

I can understand why some muslims do not wish to sing the anthem as they can only 'bow' before Allah and none other it is their choice no one is forcing them or should force them if some muslims decide not to sing it.

Brother, noone is forcing them to sing the song, the singing of this song by the Hindus is the issue for them to abandon the movement led by Anna.
This is like your friend does not have the right to talk about something you don't like. Hindus just sing a song and do not give a damm if Muslims sing it or not. This Bukhari is just sparking the issue between Hindus and Muslims on direct instructions from Congress so as to destablize the movement with violence in the Ramlila Midan so that Congress can arrest Anna under the grounds of sparking violance
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