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Bukhari calls stir anti-Islam, tells Muslims to stay away

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People are deploring Bukhari sahab for raising the religion issue and totally discounting that they themselves are persisting with the religious issue.

Bukhari pointed out clear cut that a Muslim can't stand and sing Vande Mataram in good conscience and remain loyal to his faith as well. Its against the tenets of secularism demand it.

The persistence of the religious issue is that people here are "No we WILL sing it". Then what can Muslims do, they are disqualified by default.

Not to mention the needless name-calling of an otherwise moderate figure only exacerbates the issue and underscores that Muslims have no role to play in such a national issue of India.

Thing is, they don't have to sing Vande Mataram. Nor do they have to shout any other slogans that they believe is "un Islamic"

It's for the people not any particular religion. Like I said, no one is being forced into participating in this.
We are unremarkable that way. We "Indians" don't know anything about India but you a British (?) of Pakistani origin know exactly what weight Bukhari carries in India. Remarkable.

Good for you :tup:

And I doubt he has influenced the majority of Muslims in Inda. So what if they don't follow what he says, are they to be termed "un Islamic"?

And you are over-estimating it because it makes to feel better . Inspite of evidence of many muslims and almost all major muslim bodies supporting the stir given in many previous posts here , you will continue fooling yourself .Be my guest .:D

No one is terming anyone un-Islamic. The Imam is only giving out religious knowledge on what Islam permits & doesn't permit. And considering that most Muslims in India are not in Anna Hazare's movement, his influence in much greater than what you think.
And we don't care! It is our country, why are you so concerned? I don't have 1/100th of curiosity for Pakistan as you guys have for India.

You are being extra retarded today? LOLZ
You are hooked on PDF but you have no curiosity for Pakistan. Im sorry but i think you are obsessed by Pakistan. For the avoidance of doubt this forum is about Bukhari who is stirring anti islam,Lets stick to the thread,
Dariba Kala, an alley in Delhi’s old quarters, restaurateur Hafiz Ghulam is volunteering to deliver 100 boxes of frugal iftaar meals to Ramlila Ground, McDonald’s-style. Each contains a sandwich, one banana and two dates stacked unevenly. Anti-corruption leader Anna Hazare’s movement may be overwhelming, but Muslims were few and far between in this uprising. “During his fast in April, Anna shared stage with Hindu fundamentalists, with people chanting Vande Mataram. This put us off,” says Maulana Umer Illyasi, head of the All-India Imams’ Organisation. That may now be changing.

Mufti Noorullah Yusuf Zai, the chief imam of Guna, Madhya Pradesh, is headed for Delhi’s ground zero. On board a Delhi-bound train are several fellow imams.

In Delhi’s Okhla, a Muslim suburb, an all-metal pickup is being decorated, with “Jai Hind” (Victory to India) scribbled all over. The organisers, a clutch of Muslim students, are avoiding, “Vande Mataram”, the signature slogan of the movement.

As the uprising spreads, Muslims are slowly shedding their aloofness. But they have found their own imagery and language to articulate support.

“Jai Hind is better,” says Mohd. Yusuf, a student of Jamia Millia Islamia, a minority university. Muslims shun uttering “Vande Mataram” since -- as a “prayer” said to one’s motherland — it is seen going against a key article of their faith: monotheism.

Muslim leaders are watching cautiously. “Opportunistic elements are trying to ride to power on an Anna wave like they did on the Jaya Prakash Narayan bandwagon in 1977,” Manzoor Alam of the Milli Council wrote in the website ‘twocircles.net’

But young Muslims don’t seem to share this cynicism. At 7 pm, as a mellifluous azaan wafts from a mosque abutting the Delhi Stock Exchange — just outside Ramlila Ground — Team Anna temporarily suspends the protest proceedings.

It’s time for the mass iftaar, a pointer to how Muslims are joining in. When the iftaar was inaugurated on Saturday, an 11-year-old girl in a white headscarf offered Anna to partake of her platter. Hazare refused with a smile. The time to end his fast had not yet come.
The translations that you had posted were partial translations. What about the words like durga, and also dharma.

durga maa


dharma .

means Law or Natural Law (as in the natural order of things) and is a concept of central importance in Indian philosophy and religion. In the context of Hinduism, it refers to one's personal obligations, calling and duties, and a Hindu's dharma is affected by the person's age, caste, class, occupation, and gender. In modern Indian languages it can refer simply to a person's religion, depending on the context
Umm...oook....the Sadhvi who joined him just happened to be passing by? Besides, Baba Ramdev has his own poilitical party doesn't he?

So what if the sadhvi joined him? both are hindu was yr problem?
The translations that you had posted were partial translations. What about the words like durga, and also dharma.

Taken out of the national song to accommodate everybody. Better yet, it's cut down to the first two stanzas.
You are being extra retarded today? LOLZ
You are hooked on PDF but you have no curiosity for Pakistan. Im sorry but i think you are obsessed by Pakistan. For the avoidance of doubt this forum is about Bukhari who is stirring anti islam,Lets stick to the thread,

I feel sad for really you. It's sad that you live in UK and think like that. 100% of my post are in world affairs or India defense. Yep, Pakistan is hot topic on both sections "sighs".
Read this, written by a secular Indian Muslim.

Why I didn’t join Anna Hazare:

A few weeks ago, I received a call from Mayank Gandhi, Mumbai coordinator of ‘India Against Corruption’, invting me to be part of a panel in Mumbai to address a press conference on the then upcoming fast by Anna Hazare. “Your name has been suggested to me by Swami Agnivesh. We want Muslims like you, not fanatical Muslims. So please join us and suggest other Muslim names”, I was told.

Great, I thought: Which Indian is not sick of corruption? Here was a budding movement, clearly focused on a single issue but not blind to related concerns. The Mumbai coordinator of the campaign was very clear that they were only interested in “good Muslims” like me and did not wish to get mixed up with the fundamentalist lot. So I thanked him for the invitation and promised to get back in a day or two.

But something I read in the newspapers the next morning made me uneasy, a question popped up from nowhere. Who is presently facing the heat over corruption and who is leading the charge against this malaise? No prizes for getting it right: tainted by scam after scam, the Congress and its DMK ally are the sinners, the BJP are the saints (forget the kalyug in Karnataka).

One doubt led to another. Haven’t we lived through two nationwide anti-corruption movements before, the JP movement in the early ’70s, the V.P. Singh movement in the late ’80s? Neither of them succeeded in rooting out corruption. But both, however innocently and unwittingly, contributed to the poisoning of national politics. JP’s movement and the Janata government that followed gave respectability to Hindu communalism. The V.P. Singh government, opportunistically supported by the BJP from the outside, paved the way for the meteoric rise of the BJP — from two seats in the Lok Sabha in 1984 to 79 in 1989 — which in turn laid the foundation for the first ever Hindutva-led government in New Delhi. No one in his right mind would accuse JP or V.P. Singh of being communal. I admired and identified with the movements they led. But do ponder the outcome of their movements.

So I called back two days later and said I was keen on joining the movement against corruption but conditions apply: I would be keen on the company I would be required to keep. For example, I was happy to know we wouldn’t have to rub shoulders with “bad Muslims” but what about “bad Hindus”? Or, for that matter, would I find myself sharing a platform with people known for their promotion of “Mr Clean” Modi as prime ministerial candidate? If so, do I have the freedom to declare from the same platform that to me, sponsorship of mass crimes was the worst form of corruption?

The answer was unhesitating, clear and precise: “We are only concerned with ending corruption. No one will be allowed to talk politics from our platform. Beyond that we are not concerned with people’s political affiliation.” Why then the concern about “fanatical Muslims”? But that seemed like a rude question. So I wished the movement success while expressing my inability to join.

That was then. I do not wish to spoil the show for those celebrating the “second movement for Independence” that Anna has won for us. But I cannot hide the fact that I with my missing foreskin continue to feel uneasy about the Anna revolution, for more reasons than one.

Though V.D. Savarkar and Guru Golwalkar thought otherwise, we are all her children. So I am okay with “Bharat Mata” providing the backdrop to the fasting Anna. But did the mahatma in our midst have no problems with the Hindu Mahasabha jumping onto his bandwagon? Did he have to apologise to Uma Bharti (who had jumped on Murli Manohar Joshi’s back in ecstasy as the domes of the Babri Masjid were knocked down), when his own supporters showed the good sense of preventing her from joining the dharna at Jantar Mantar? Did Anna feel any discomfort on seeing Baba Ramdev descend on Jantar Mantar in the company of Ram Madhav of the RSS? If he did, why did he not speak his mind?

Nor did Anna speak when Gujarat’s chief minister Narendra Modi proclaimed that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement on Anna’s fast had “created an Emergency-like situation in the country.” Since Modi is no political ignoramus what could that statement possibly mean?

But thank you, Anna, for speaking up now. I was assured that no one would be allowed to make political use of your anti-corruption platform. But who can stop the leader from speaking? So we know now that in your post-corrupt utopia, we should look forward to leaders like Narendra Modi.

Am I being unfair to you since you have quickly clarified that you are against “communal disharmony”. Modi never proclaimed himself in favour of “communal disharmony” either. But your own close associates, lawyers Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan and Swami Agnivesh could tell you more. Interested?

The writer is general secretary, Muslims for Secular Democracy

Why I didn’t join Anna Hazare - Indian Express

Read it , so what ?

One muslims doesn't join and its party time for you ?:azn:

What about thousand of others joining as shown in in man previous posts ?

Btw , why are pakistanis hellbent trying to prove that indian muslims are not supporting this stir ? Why does it make them happy ?Because you guys are jealous that indian society is capable of taking its govt . to task at such a large scale in such a unified manner ?

Makes you feel threatened and small because you are incapable of doing it . doesn't it ?
@ Indians --Stop arguing with each other, this is exactly what Congress and this idiot Imam wanted- to divide the mass movement.

@ Pakistanis-- please carry on with ure spewings..
If you dont like it the door is right behind ya. Why are you whining.
@ Indians --Stop arguing with each other, this is exactly what Congress and this idiot Imam wanted- to divide the mass movement.

@ Pakistanis-- please carry on with ure spewings..

we know what we are doing no one need advise from you go play outside
This Bukhari is nothing but a traitor who clearly has his head up sonia gandhis ***
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