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Buffzone, should we do it?

Is a bufferzone a good option?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 60.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters
and Ofcourse there'll be no freedom ever for Syrian citizens....you sound like one of this people that al asad's wife paid money to praise his regime.....he's killing your own people and still you're siding with him......you're a pimp
what you talking about? if FSA doesn't have a base... don't have supplies... don't have weapons anymore... why wouldn't the fighting end? why wouldn't normal life return? explain...
fool Syria is not a democratic nation it's almost a dictatorship.....anyone who rise against al asad would be killed as the same his father did......
Here we go again.... turn your brain on pleaseIF THE MAJORITY OF SYRIANS ROSE UP, ALASAD WOULD HAVE BEEN OUT ALREADY... BECAUSE THE WILL AND THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE CAN NOT BE BEATEN NO MATTER WHAT.... Plus the west, gcc, "Arabs", and others are against Alasad... so how can Alasad survive alone against the west and it's salves?? with out the people Alasad has no power. therefore Alasad power is from the people.
Should we do it unilaterally? Absolutely no.
Should we do it over a UNSC decision with the support of international community? Yes.

I find even a NATO decision, NOT enough. Especially, after the recent inadequate support statements of Germany, England, France and US' presidents over what happened in Akcakale. If we go there alone, we will find ourselves all alone.
Should we do it unilaterally? Absolutely no.
Should we do it over a UNSC decision with the support of international community? Yes.

I find even a NATO decision, NOT enough. Especially, after the recent inadequate support statements of Germany, England, France and US' presidents over what happened in Akcakale. If we go there alone, we will find ourselves all alone.
NATO is a joke. I doubt if Turkey gets attacked NATO will stick up for us. They will only stick up for us when it damages their interest. We should keep in mind that NATO is a business relationship, not a friendship. They have proven this.

Do you think Syrian army is completely formed from Alawites ? Alawites are a just a small portion of the population if Assad really just had the Alawis in his back, his army would be scattered long times ago and you would have your precious head.

Its mainly formed out of Minorities, Christians, Alevis, Jews and others. Its a fact that Assads has a strong policy of leaning towards the Minority since he himself is part of one. You must be confusing things because its because of the fact that his army mainly consist of minorities that he could maintain it so well, He even formed several paramilitia groups such as Al-Shabab which are ruthless Alawites that are purpossely overseen by the goverment so they can conduct massacres and rapes. Several eye withnesses have seen how horrible these people are.

Just to make a point i dont have anything against alawi and other minorities in Syria but its a fact that these people support Assad because of the fact its benefits them and really dont give a damn about what the majority of the country wants.
Nobody gets in or out, nobody gets near enough to fire shells, enhanced security protocols and larger area to manuaver. And established forward operating bases can logistically supply the if and when it's necessary.

@Targon, @Bordoenes:
Don't bring religion into it guys, this is pointless.

Yes indeed, Its pointless talking to these arrogant and ignorant people claiming they talk for there nations 'wealth', Sorry LeggionairE but even though it might sound offensive its a fact that Religion plays a major part in this battle, Lets face it already.
I do have something against alawi. My mother met an alawi women in Turkey, and they we all nice to each other, until they spoke about religion to each other. The alawi women revealed his hatred against muslims in Turkey and made ugly comments about our customs during ramadan month. If they don't show respect to our customs, why should we for theirs.
I do have something against alawi. My mother met an alawi women in Turkey, and they we all nice to each other, until they spoke about religion to each other. The alawi women revealed his hatred against muslims in Turkey and made ugly comments about our customs during ramadan month. If they don't show respect to our customs, why should we for theirs.

So that woman represent every Alawaii

then Bin Laden represent you atatwolf ??
I do have something against alawi. My mother met an alawi women in Turkey, and they we all nice to each other, until they spoke about religion to each other. The alawi women revealed his hatred against muslims in Turkey and made ugly comments about our customs during ramadan month. If they don't show respect to our customs, why should we for theirs.

Alevis and Alawites are different... If you don't know that, please don't talk about Alevis... And I am sure that Sivas and Maraş represts all Sunnis in Turkey.

Thanks to AKP policies, after resurrection of PKK, now we have Sunni-Alevi issues too.
Ok, thanks I didn't know they were two different things
Alevis and Alawites are different... If you don't know that, please don't talk about Alevis... And I am sure that Sivas and Maraş represts all Sunnis in Turkey.

Thanks to AKP policies, after resurrection of PKK, now we have Sunni-Alevi issues too.

Dont blame this on the AKP, This problems between Sunnis and Alevis/Alawites dates way back.
The problem arose thanks to AKP due to them showing favoritism. for example PM bragging or saying he's going to build a new mosque at Taksim and stuff like that. I believe it's Diyanet's duty to maintain and keep mosques running, so I think the government should butt out. He can use his wife's earnings from her factory for charity if he wants, but I don't think he should the publics money to build new mosques, churches or whatever!

Alevis wouldn't start causing an uproar if AKP didn't start showing favoritism. that's what I think.
Its mainly formed out of Minorities, Christians, Alevis, Jews and others. Its a fact that Assads has a strong policy of leaning towards the Minority since he himself is part of one. You must be confusing things because its because of the fact that his army mainly consist of minorities that he could maintain it so well, He even formed several paramilitia groups such as Al-Shabab which are ruthless Alawites that are purpossely overseen by the goverment so they can conduct massacres and rapes. Several eye withnesses have seen how horrible these people are.

Just to make a point i dont have anything against alawi and other minorities in Syria but its a fact that these people support Assad because of the fact its benefits them and really dont give a damn about what the majority of the country wants.

Best he can do is put Alawites to strategic positions, the fact is vast majority of the population is Sunni, and normally majority of the military personel is Sunni, military service is mandatory for all Syrians, would you like to prove reverse ?

Combined population of Alawites and Christians is not even reaches 5 million, compared to total population of around 22-23 million, if like you think he only backed by Alawites and Christians he would be already dead or fled.
Best he can do is put Alawites to strategic positions, the fact is vast majority of the population is Sunni, and normally majority of the military personel is Sunni, military service is mandatory for all Syrians, would you like to prove reverse ?

Combined population of Alawites and Christians is not even reaches 5 million, compared to total population of around 22-23 million, if like you think he only backed by Alawites and Christians he would be already dead or fled.

Only those who see everything through sectarian differences think like that.

No matter how powerful your army is,when the majority if country wants you gone,you will be gone.The best example is Shah of Iran which had the 5th most powerful army in the world when he was overthrown.
Only those who see everything through sectarian differences think like that.

No matter how powerful your army is,when the majority if country wants you gone,you will be gone.The best example is Shah of Iran which had the 5th most powerful army in the world when he was overthrown.

Lolz and how do you think thats done? By revolting and thats exactly what going on in Syria... Nothing else needed to say...
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