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Buffzone, should we do it?

Is a bufferzone a good option?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 60.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters
another delusional scenario!!! ''Turkey mostly decimated by super diseases'' guess this sentence of yours alone is enough to reveal your insanty and delusion.

effectiveness of chemical weapons depends on many factors...

-The principal method of disseminating chemical agents has been the use of explosives. These usually have taken the form of central bursters expelling the agent laterally. Efficiency is not particularly high in that a good deal of the agent is lost by incineration in the initial blast and by being forced onto the ground... for instance scud derivatives that syria possess . In some respects, long-range strategic weapons pose a lesser problem than short-range tactical weapons that are fired over, or in the vicinity of, one's own forces. Futhermore, it is quite naive to think that our mechanized brigades lack NBC protection

-since B&C agents can not appear out of nowhere ... they have to be stored and they require delivery systems which will be among the primary targets of TUAF

-hope you are not expecting a syrian mig or su to sprey B&c over our cities? :)

actually Syrian will use newly developed C-virus to against you,which can make you a zombie or monster!
another delusional scenario!!! ''Turkey mostly decimated by super diseases'' guess this sentence of yours alone is enough to reveal your insanty and delusion.

effectiveness of chemical weapons depends on many factors...

-The principal method of disseminating chemical agents has been the use of explosives. These usually have taken the form of central bursters expelling the agent laterally. Efficiency is not particularly high in that a good deal of the agent is lost by incineration in the initial blast and by being forced onto the ground... for instance scud derivatives that syria possess . In some respects, long-range strategic weapons pose a lesser problem than short-range tactical weapons that are fired over, or in the vicinity of, one's own forces. Futhermore, it is quite naive to think that our mechanized brigades lack NBC protection

-since B&C agents can not appear out of nowhere ... they have to be stored and they require delivery systems which will be among the primary targets of TUAF

-hope you are not expecting a syrian mig or su to sprey B&c over our cities? :)

You seem to be refering to chemical weapons that have an shelf life.Biological weapons needs refrigeration to be preserved.
BW agents can cause large numbers of casualties with minimal logistical requirements. Perpetrators can escape long before BW agents cause casualties, due to the incubation periods of the agents. Weapons are easy and cheap to produce and can be used to selectively target humans, animals, or plants. The costs of conventional weapons ($2000), nuclear armaments ($800), and chemical agents ($600) would far outstrip the bargain-basement price of biological weapons ($1) to produce 50% casualties per square kilometer (1969 dollars).[91]
Biological warfare | Russian Military Analysis
Chemical and Biological Weapons Status at a Glance | Arms Control Association

In 1970, WHO predicted that a city of 500,000 people would be devastated following an aerosol release of as little as 50 kg of BW agent.

To be an effective biological weapon, airborne pathogens must be dispersed as fine particles less than 5 mm in size. Infection with an aerosolized agent usually requires deep inspiration of an infectious dose. Advanced weapons systems (eg, warheads, missiles) are not required for the aerosolized delivery of biological agents. Low-technology aerosolization methods including agricultural crop-dusters; aerosol generators on small boats, trucks, or cars; backpack sprayers; and even purse-size perfume atomizers suffice. Aerosolized dispersal of biological agents is the mode most likely to be used by terrorists and military groups.

Biological warfare | Russian Military Analysis

Migs are not needed.Trucks and cars with aerosol generators will suffice. Special forces can use 4X4 with aerosol generators. :bunny:

A few hundred kgs of biological weapons and we have mass genocide.

actually Syrian will use newly developed C-virus to against you,which can make you a zombie or monster!

Biological weapons cannot make zombies,monsters.They can be ethnocentrized (tailored to target a certain ethnicity ).
ignore the troll!

Ok dude so Syria has ''ethnocentrized'' :)C virus developed by notorious syrian scientest and it will turn Turks into zombies and at the end of the movie india will rule the world....:yahoo:
ignore the troll!

Ok dude so Syria has ''ethnocentrized'' :)C virus developed by notorious syrian scientest and it will turn Turks into zombies and at the end of the movie india will rule the world....:yahoo:

Israelis,South Africans and Soviets did develop prototypes of ethnocentric weaponry.And where did I claim that Syria has ethnocentric biological weaponry.I was telling Trajanus that BW can be ethnocentricized.
Good ,Turks are blood crazy.That means war alright and very high probability that Syrians will pull out all stops and use their biological weapons against the Turkish cities. After mass decimation is achieved then Kurds will be liberated from the racist genocidal Turk rule and Armenia and Greece will be avenged.

Israelis,South Africans and Soviets did develop prototypes of ethnocentric weaponry.And where did I claim that Syria has ethnocentric biological weaponry.I was telling Trajanus that BW can be ethnocentricized.

i have to tell you there are no any "pure" nation in the the world,you must know that when you live in a big country such as India.....

the "ethnocentricized"BW against only turks but not arabs,greeks,russians ,or against japanese but not chinese and korean is impossible

There is no C-virus.But yes smallpox,anthrax,plague can be weaponized with relative ease:victory:

Worry about Fukushima.

thanks,unfortunely by now,still no anyone died because of Fukushima
i have to tell you there are no any "pure" nation in the the world,you must have know that when you live in a big country such as India.....

the "ethnocentricized"BW against only turks but not arabs,greeks,russians ,or against japanese but not chinese and korean is impossible

I don't know much about ethnocentrizing BW,but there are some open source papers in Ivanovsky institute of Virology,which seem to indicate that components of haplogroups are of good potential.
i have to tell you there are no any "pure" nation in the the world,you must know that when you live in a big country such as India.....

the "ethnocentricized"BW against only turks but not arabs,greeks,russians ,or against japanese but not chinese and korean is impossible

thanks,unfortunely by now,still no anyone died because of Fukushima

no one died because of Fukushima,lol....

Fukushima’s Nuclear Casualties » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout -- WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --
Read something other than Govt propaganda for once.
I don't know much about ethnocentrizing BW,but there are some open source papers in Ivanovsky institute of Virology,which seem to indicate that components of haplogroups are of good potential.

it may be work against some isolated groups just like the native american in 15th century

but it can never work to classify neighboring race such as Slavs,Turks,Arab or Greeks,lots of them have other race's gene
it may be work against some isolated groups just like the native american in 15th century

but it can never work to classify neighboring race such as Slavs,Turks,Arab or Greeks,lots of them have other race's gene

Depends.It can be tailored to target arabs like how Israelis made it.
Depends.It can be tailored to target arabs like how Israelis made it.



as we know there were a lot of Turks became Greeks and lots of Greek became Turks in 1920s,just because of their different religion,how can BW classify a people's religion?
Stupid article.How about you stop closing your eyes? one of the sources is peer reviewed medical journal. Look at what it is doing to animals...

BBC News - 'Severe abnormalities' found in Fukushima butterflies

Hawaiian farmers are treating milk with Boron to remove radiological elements .The situation is that bad.
so funny ,a japanese needs an indian to tell him there are 14000 died in USA because of Fukushima

But still 300000 japanese supermen living in the Fukushima healthily!!also their average life are far more longer than your great indian!
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