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Buddhists target Sri Lanka's Muslims

1. if there is no logo or notification how do a Muslim come to know that it's halal meat ?
2. The news says there is even protests against Muslim women wearing burkha.
@Pakistanies where is your ummaha ?where is the advocates Muslims rights ? such is your hypocrisy that nobody even dares to talk about the issue here, let alone criticising the srilankan budhists.

1. That's why there is a text printed as "Ingredients" in every product. They can read it to know what things include in those products. Also I want to mention these halal certifications weren't before 2006.

2. "Burkha" means full covered black dress? Still haven't taken any decision for that. May be will ban in the future.
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1. That's why there is a text printed as "Ingredients" in every product. They can read it to know what things include in those products. Also I want to mention these halal certifications weren't before 2006.

2. "Burkha" means full covered black dress? Still haven't taken any decision for that. May be will ban in the future.
good job lankans

i thought this topic was on srilankan,why are we dumb pakistanis and indians fighting over each other ,any way i totally agree with what srilanka is doing
1. That's why there is a text printed as "Ingredients" in every product. They can read it to know what things include in those products. Also I want to mention these halal certifications weren't before 2006.

2. "Burkha" means full covered black dress? Still haven't taken any decision for that. May be will ban in the future.
first point is not clear. how do a Muslim purchasing frozen chicken or any other meat from a mall come to know whether it's halal or not ?does the ingredients column mention about the process of killing the animal ?
first point is not clear. how do a Muslim purchasing frozen chicken or any other meat from a mall come to know whether it's halal or not ?does the ingredients column mention about the process of killing the animal ?

Nope. It doesn't contain such mention.
Why do you think some kind of belief of a religion should come in to national standardization/products in our country?

Example, If we say in some other religious group believes their own set of rules in their religion and that group thinks cutting the tail first making a sound "takas" is the way that animal should kill, and if they ask for "Takas" certified meat what shall we do? :D
Nope. It doesn't contain such mention.
Why do you think some kind of belief of a religion should come in to national standardization/products in our country?

Example, If we say in some other religious group believes their own set of rules in their religion and that group thinks cutting the tail first making a sound "takas" is the way that animal should kill, and if they ask for "Takas" certified meat what shall we do? :D

I am not suggesting it as an equal or alternative to national standardization, but just suggesting keeping it as a notification, advertisement to attract customers who are Muslims. just like " tear power add 'made from finest tea leaves, process etc etc. that will be just like an advertisement to attract targeted customers.

Nope. It doesn't contain such mention.
Why do you think some kind of belief of a religion should come in to national standardization/products in our country?

Example, If we say in some other religious group believes their own set of rules in their religion and that group thinks cutting the tail first making a sound "takas" is the way that animal should kill, and if they ask for "Takas" certified meat what shall we do? :D

I am not suggesting it as an equal or alternative to national standardization, but just suggesting keeping it as a notification, advertisement to attract customers who are Muslims. for example just like " tea powder advertisement 'made from finest tea leaves, process etc etc. that will be just like an advertisement to attract targeted customers.
I am not suggesting it as an equal or alternative to national standardization, but just suggesting keeping it as a notification, advertisement to attract customers who are Muslims. just like " tear power add 'made from finest tea leaves, process etc etc. that will be just like an advertisement to attract targeted customers.

We hadn't such certification before based on religious stuff, so let's keep the religion away from national standardization systems. It's good for our country. ;)
since when did Indians all of a sudden care about Muslims?
Please spare us your crocodile tears.

It seems you are confused how to react on this news cause all you have double standard not we Indian.

If anything happens to muslims in China or Srilanka you people have no problem at all with it but if same happens in India all of you start to cry.
We hadn't such certification before based on religious stuff, so let's keep the religion away from national standardization systems. It's good for our country. ;)

Meat packing industry need such certifications.
I dont think you should ban Halal certificates,whats wrong?

Halal Meat/Jhatka meat are different and people should choose what they want.

I agree with you. I don't understand this. Can any Sri Lankan shed some light on this?

Had it been done in India then we would have seen a big sticky thread on this topic . but unfortunately its Srilanka . and they are BHAI-BHAI ... height of double standards

lol true. Look at the first Pakistani response, he is more concerned about OP's motives than the news itself. Can't blame them though, at times the obsession gets the better of them.
I am merely questions the motives of the poster.

I know for a fact that you guys hate Muslims almost to an irrational level, yet opening up threads of abused Muslims in other countries..... doesn't pass the smell test if you know what I mean.

hate Muslims to an irrationality level??
are you genuinely trying to make us laugh??
but for a moment lets take your argument to be realistic.... since independence India has maintained its Muslim minority, barring minor occurrences which in the big picture have no significance what so ever there has been no threat of annihilation of the Muslim minority.
same can not be said for your country though, go look up what happened to the Hindu minority in your country since independence. Only then will you realize how wrong your statement was, in fact it actually made me laugh.
By*Malinda Seneviratne*-Malinda SeneviratneCertain sections of the*Sinhala Buddhist*population are up in arms against what they call*‘Islaamikaranaya’*(Islamization) or*‘Halalkaranaya’*(Halal-ism).* The more virulent elements of this group have indulged in the most distasteful of*anti-Islam*hatemongering especially in social media sites such as Facebook.The initial objection has been to non-Muslims being forced to play participant to a*Muslim*religious dictate pertaining to meat, i.e. the slaughtering of animals as per Islamic doctrine.* One can argue that if it’s meat that is desired then the ‘how’ of slaughter should not really matter.*** It is not that non-Buddhists consuming Halal meat are automatically converted to Islam, after all.* On the other hand, perceived intrusions (there have been instances, we note, of Muslims legitimately and systematically purchasing properties to turn formerly ‘Sinhala’ villages into Muslim-dominated entities) can act as cultural trigger where those who talk the religion but may not practice it preying on natural social fears.The Buddhist response would be to treat things with compassion, which would require Buddhists to draw on the principles of tolerance and empathy.* If wisdom is also employed, as is required according to Buddhism, then the wise thing would be stop eating meat altogether.* Consumption of meat is not necessarily forbidden, but since animal turns to mean only consequent to slaughter, and since slaughter does not sit with the Buddha*Vacana*(May All Beings Be Happy), then abstinence is a choice that takes a culturally unpalatable situation and turns it into a reason for walking closer to prescribed path.The attacks on Muslims and Islam, and especially the vilification on sites such as Facebook are quite antithetical to Buddhist teachings of tolerance and equanimity.* They have been quite rightly condemned.* Some of the condemnation of course comes from those who have an axe to grind with Buddhism and Buddhists, ever ready to vilify but extremely reluctant to point error in other religions, their churches or followers.* Such people use the erroneous and misleading blanket descriptive ‘Sinhala Buddhists’* which is as bad as conflating Tamils and the LTTE.* The criticism, however, remains valid.If these so-called ‘Buddhist’ groups are in error in their vilifying thrusts, so too, sadly, are some of their detractors, many of whom believe that only the majority community needs to be rebuked fearing perhaps that if other communities are found fault with (as collectives or partial entities or individuals) it amounts to being racist, chauvinistic, religiously intolerant etc.A classic case is that of the furor over allegation of Tamil versions of the Law College Examination being leaked.* Now this is a competitive examination and the facts certainly raise questions that compromise the integrity of the examination in ways that are far more serious than a leaking of an Ordinary Level examination.* And yet, this has been a touch-me-not issue for almost all commentators who have intervened in the ‘Halal Controversy’.If Sri Lanka is to be a nation of less paranoid communities it is imperative that each individual and each community looks within.* Sinhalese and Buddhists have shown exemplary tolerance in years gone by.* In Europe the only ‘religious’ holidays are Christian and in countries dominated by Muslims there is even less recognition of other faiths.* The intolerance of the Swiss is a well concealed fact that came out when a referendum was held about mosques.* There’s nothing in Sri Lanka akin to the issuance of Fatwas as are common in Muslim countries.* These are good things to think about.In the end though, deeper reflection on faith and an abiding by the relevant doctrine would make for better engagement with religious others.* In the end all human beings, regardless of faith, share the same will to live and the same apprehension about death.* If a symbol of co-existence is required, take any mosque in any part of the island and the chances are there is a Bo sapling coming out of some crevice.* It doesn’t say anything about either faith, but the togetherness is a lesson that can be learnt.*Malinda Seneviratne is the Chief Editor of ‘The Nation*and his articles can be found at*www.malindawords.blogspot.com*.


Muslims of Srilanka should pick up arms and fight back...
Self defence and protecting their lives and property against bigots is their right.
Bigots can go to hell....
Muslims of Srilanka should pick up arms and fight back...
Self defence and protecting their lives and property against bigots is their right.
Bigots can go to hell....

Funny, when the Tamils did exactly that and for the same reasons, you were supporting Pakistan to arm Sri Lanka to kill them.

Ah..the hypocrisy with Pakistani's and 'Islam khatray main hai'.
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