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Buddhists target Sri Lanka's Muslims

I think there is much more to this development, that is the Buddhist rage against Muslims whether in Myanmar, or Lanka or in Tibet - it's very interesting --- The assertion of Buddhist revival or nationalism seems in these places to be predicated on opposition to the Muslim.

actually this is more with the recent islamaphobic wave in SL. Just like u have extremists in Pak we have ones in SL too. Just imagine the state of SL fighting intruders externally and fighting extremists internally

I think all religions are good. They just have different paths to spirituality.

A religion, or religious group being perceived as "bad" by non-members of a particular religion depends on who's in control of that religion.

Never heard of Buddhist nationalism.

I understand Myanmar's problems due to mass unemployment, lack of economic activities, neglect, insurgencies and massive propaganda.

But post civil war Sri Lanka? Come on....

even though under a post war, there are still problems.
Halal is a superior form of food/meat...every restaurant should have halal meat option...

Non-Muslims in dar-ul-harb should have halal meat in their grocery shops to accommodate Muslims...

I know something else that the dar-ul-harb should be (and would be) doing. ;)

Don't do reverse hijarat to dar-ul-harb. Simple.
So nationalism stops after civil war? And the combination of politicizing religion and nationalism is something you may not have heard of either? Where have you been hiding?
Yes the problem in SL was we have both Sinhala nationalism and tamil nationalism. We defeated tamil nationalism and we want to defeat Sinhala nationalism.
What are they out to achieve? "a land of pure" meant for Sinhalese Buddhists exclusively?
Just like tamils want a mono ethnic eelam, they want a Sinhala Buddhist SL. So need to defeat both fronts.
I've heard of religion and nationalism being combined together before that forms a nation's ideology.
But not the term "Buddhist nationalism".
In fact, there is no such thing as nationalism in Islam either.
The Muslims of Sri Lanka have remained largely loyal to the state during the civil war. Should Muslim nationalism elsewhere be used as an excuse for "Buddhist nationalism" in Sri Lanka? Did the Muslims of Sri Lanka demand a separate state?
That is what I'm saying, it doesn't make sense. Unless of-course it is pure bigotry, then that is understandable.
BBC News - The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims
Muslims in SL are loyal citizens. I can vouch for that. As I said earlier we need to defeat both Sinhala and tamil nationalism in SL.
Buddhists monks don't say don't eat Halal for Muslims. What they are mentioning don't bring religious certifications to products. GoSL haven't given permission to any Muslim group to do so.
These Buddhist monks are racists.
I agree with you. I don't understand this. Can any Sri Lankan shed some light on this?
lol true. Look at the first Pakistani response, he is more concerned about OP's motives than the news itself. Can't blame them though, at times the obsession gets the better of them.
because Pakistanis understand how difficult it is to control extremists. They understand our situation.
Because a government exists to serve the needs of its citizens.

It's not about religion per se. If a large enough segment of the Sri Lankan population wanted to be vegetarian and wanted product labeling to guarantee no animal products, then it would be the government's job to make sure such labeling was accurate.

Once again, no one is forcing people to buy halal or vegetarian; but, for people who do, the government should help make sure the product labeling is legitimate.
@HeinzG, dan sathutu da machan? uba kohetada machan ringuwe? umbala danne prashna hadala eka pal weddu panala yanna withrai. api thamai ewa wisadanna oni. gon mee haraka............allapan thawath okunta pana........
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I know something else that the dar-ul-harb should be (and would be) doing. ;)

What is that? Can you tell me?

Don't do reverse hijarat to dar-ul-harb. Simple.

Why not?

don't you chat bismillah while you slit the animal's throat?

Its not bismallah but one other prayer..

Anyways, whats your point? Its not a 'ritual sacrifice' BUT we take the name of God because we are taking a life of an animal...

Here is one minute video explaining...

Halal is a superior form of food/meat...every restaurant should have halal meat option...

Non-Muslims in dar-ul-harb should have halal meat in their grocery shops to accommodate Muslims...

Halal is superior or not , its up to an individual to decide... I can many scientific `claims` that `jhatka` meat is better..

and nowhere does it say that grocery stores must Not have halal food.. it just say the packing should not carry a silly label.
Poori post to pad lo yaar !!
We are men not savages. I will NEVER eat a ritually sacrificed animal that is tortured to death.

You have no idea about the stun gun used to incapacitate an animal to be slaughtered in the West. That stun gun is no average stun gun. It crushes the skull of the animal to deliver the shock to the brain.
@HeinzG, dan sathutu da machan? uba kohetada machan ringuwe? umbala danne prashna hadala eka pal weddu panala yanna withrai. api thamai ewa wisadanna oni. gon mee haraka............allapan thawath okunta pana........

ane mahaththayo........... umba methana multi-culture kiyala pennala nikan pora wennada hithanne? methana umba monada wisadanne? ah monawada wisadanna thiyenne? api mechchara kalayak hamba kase methana adala aran kagewath redi seduwe naa mokada mekath hamba pot ekak nisa.

hamuduruwo waradi unath methanata awith eka kiwwa kiyala kisima deyak wisadenne naa... thiyena ewath thawa awul wenawa witharayi.... yako me thread eka pitu deka thunakin iwara wenna thibuna ekak... thoyi thoge yaluwa gibbs thama meka mechchara durakata adan awith thiyenne....

meemo.... tho balapan.... indiyawe mehema internal kase ekak awama.... un hasirena hati...... lankawe prashana lanakwe wisada ganna puluwan mewage thanaka umbe maha rainbow culture comments dala nikan indiyan karayanata points denna epa! :tdown::tdown::tdown::tdown:

Halal is mendatory for Muslims, so it is Islamophobia.

No No No... The campaign is not against the consumption of halal food. It's about the illegality of SLJU's method of issuing of halal certificate.

P.S. SLJU has even issued Halal certificate to pork products.
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What is that? Can you tell me?

Well, it is not what you would want them to. Or what you have been led to believe.

It is Muslims who have decided to leave their Islamic countries and submit themselves to the law of the "kuffar", just for physical protection and material gains. Most of them go there claiming persecution in their own Islamic countries.

They don't seek refuge in an Islamic country mind you, but in the "dar ul harb".

And they are treated far better in the "dar ul harb" than in any Islamic country where they will be treated as no better than second class Muslims. No citizenship, no property rights, no marriage to local girls, will be called "tal rafiq" (?), carrying the burden of the local sponsor (kafeel) for any business activity...

The "dar ul harb" give them all rights and then many of these people turn on the very same people, demanding the Shariah and everything else that comes with it, that they ran away from in the first place.

Watch this:

Everything he says matches so exactly.

Then you make demands on them! It is only funny. ;)

Some people seem to take the tolerance (and political correctness) of secular democracies as their weakness. Beyond a point, when the reaction comes, they start shouting "Islamophobia"!

Non Muslims don't owe you anything, whatever you may think and believe. Such absurd demands (especially given how Muslim majority countries treat their own minorities, including non favored Muslim sects) will lead to only one outcome and it will not be pleasing for anyone.

Let me give you an example of the contempt some people have for the the "man made rule of law" and how it can sometimes backfire.

When KSM was captured in March 2003, he refused to answer questions, informing his captors: "I'll tell you everything when I get to New York and see my lawyer." But the Bush administration did not send KSM to New York. Instead, he was sent to a CIA "black site," where he was questioned, not for evidence in a criminal trial but for intelligence about future terrorist attacks. When asked about his plans, he told the CIA, "Soon, you will know." And he declared that Americans were weak, lacked resilience, and were unable to do what is necessary to prevent the terrorists from succeeding in their goals.

But after undergoing "enhanced interrogation techniques" — including waterboarding — KSM became prolific. According to declassified documents, he provided information that led to the capture of a cell of Southeast Asian terrorists KSM had tasked to hijack a plane and fly it into the tallest skyscraper in Los Angeles. He provided information that led to the capture of Ammar al-Baluchi and Walid bin Attash, just as they were completing plans to blow up the U.S. consulate and Western residences in Karachi, Pakistan. He provided information that helped lead to the arrest of Sayfullah Paracha and his son Uzair Paracha, two businessmen with whom KSM was plotting to smuggle explosives into the USA. He provided information that helped break up an al-Qaeda cell that was developing anthrax for terrorist attacks inside the U.S.

In addition, KSM explained al-Qaeda's operating structure, financing, communications and logistics. He described the traits and profiles that al-Qaeda sought in Western operatives, how al-Qaeda might select targets, what probable targets were and the likely methods of attack. He gave U.S. officials a picture of the terrorist organization as seen from the inside, at a time when we knew almost nothing about the enemy that had hit us on 9/11.

In other words, the delay in KSM's prosecution, and that of other CIA detainees, saved lives.

It is contrary to the "recommendations". You are supposed to do hijarat from "dar ul harb" to "dar ul Islam", not the reverse way, just for physical protection and material gains.

Read up on it.
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Well, it is not what you would want them to. Or what you have been led to believe.

It is Muslims who have decided to leave their Islamic countries and submit themselves to the law of the "kuffar", just for physical protection and material gains. Most of them go there claiming persecution in their own Islamic countries.

They don't seek refuge in an Islamic country mind you, but in the "dar ul harb".

And they are treated far better in the "dar ul harb" than in any Islamic country where they will be treated as no better than second class Muslims. No citizenship, no property rights, no marriage to local girls, will be called "tal rafiq" (?), carrying the burden of the local sponsor (kafeel) for any business activity...

The "dar ul harb" give them all rights and then many of these people turn on the very same people, demanding the Shariah and everything else that comes with it, that they ran away from in the first place.

Watch this:

Everything he says matches so exactly.

Then you make demands on them! It is only funny. ;)

Some people seem to take the tolerance (and political correctness) of secular democracies as their weakness. Beyond a point, when the reaction comes, they start shouting "Islamophobia"!

Non Muslims don't owe you anything, whatever you may think and believe. Such absurd demands (especially given how Muslim majority countries treat their own minorities, including non favored Muslim sects) will lead to only one outcome and it will not be pleasing for anyone.

Let me give you an example of the contempt some people have for the the "man made rule of law" and how it can sometimes backfire.

What is the point of this post? You said

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I know something else that the dar-ul-harb should be (and would be) doing.

So can you CLEARLY tell me what is this 'something else' that Dar-ul-harb should be doing (and would be doing)? Please stay to the point...

It is contrary to the "recommendations". You are supposed to do hijarat from "dar ul harb" to "dar ul Islam", not the reverse way, just for physical protection and material gains.

Thats when there is an active persecution going on...like Jews in Nazi Germany..

Global Islamic Immigration is spreading/strengthening the global Islamic influence/Presence....so its good.

Mashallah today, Islam is present in literally EVERY single nation on Earth! You see so many girls in Hijabs in US university campuses..they have halal food trucks...Dinning Commons of many universities serve falafel, hummus, lamb etc...

Universities like Harvard have complete courses on Islamic Law....Islamic Law is used as parallel legal system in family cases in UK... Global Halal industry is worth in trillions of dollars and growing...

"Islamification" is the only equal to "Westernization" in the world.

Islamic Culture and Western Culture are the ONLY two "global" cultures and both are "spreading" .....

Two greatest giants humanity has ever seen...

Just today its out in Washington Times ...see this

Cadbury to Muslims: Our candy is sharia-compliant - Washington Times

So Islamic Immigration is a good thing..We Muslims aren't like some others who become 'wanna-be' westerners..We keep our culture and spread it even farther...

(BTW, Turkey is funding the largest Mosque in Europe as we speak...It will be completed in 2014...)

New Islamic Scholarship is rising from the West, Mashallah...

Now on a very serious note : Trolling aside, Muslims have NO problem in living under secular laws--as long as these laws don't interfere with Islamic way of life...If there is law that Muslim kids will HAVE TO eat pork in high schools, you'll see resistance..but it aint happening..So we don't care what our other brothers in humanity do...So please stop your bs ...
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ane mahaththayo........... umba methana multi-culture kiyala pennala nikan pora wennada hithanne? methana umba monada wisadanne? ah monawada wisadanna thiyenne? api mechchara kalayak hamba kase methana adala aran kagewath redi seduwe naa mokada mekath hamba pot ekak nisa.

hamuduruwo waradi unath methanata awith eka kiwwa kiyala kisima deyak wisadenne naa... thiyena ewath thawa awul wenawa witharayi.... yako me thread eka pitu deka thunakin iwara wenna thibuna ekak... thoyi thoge yaluwa gibbs thama meka mechchara durakata adan awith thiyenne....

meemo.... tho balapan.... indiyawe mehema internal kase ekak awama.... un hasirena hati...... lankawe prashana lanakwe wisada ganna puluwan mewage thanaka umbe maha rainbow culture comments dala nikan indiyan karayanata points denna epa! :tdown::tdown::tdown::tdown:

Wara wena thanakata , umbata mama kiala athi.
good job lankans

i thought this topic was on srilankan,why are we dumb pakistanis and indians fighting over each other ,any way i totally agree with what srilanka is doing

First they came ........

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

- Understand the Sinhala buddhist chauvinism which is there for centuries. They do not spare a single minority group and even the peaceful SL muslims.
BBC News - Sri Lanka crowd attacks Muslim warehouse in Colombo

29 March 2013 Last updated at 06:54 GMT

Sri Lanka crowd attacks Muslim warehouse in Colombo

Several people have been injured in Sri Lanka's capital, Colombo, when Buddhist monks led hundreds in an assault on a Muslim-owned clothing warehouse.

Buddhist monks were filmed throwing stones at the storage centre of popular garment chain Fashion Bug in a suburb of the capital on Thursday night.

Police told AFP news agency that forces had been deployed to guard the area.

The attack comes as hard-line Buddhist groups step up a campaign against the lifestyles of Muslims.

The development comes four years after the army in the mainly Sinhalese Buddhist country defeated Tamil separatists.

During Sri Lanka's bitter civil war the Muslims - a small Tamil-speaking minority, about 9% of the population - kept a low profile, but many now fear that ethnic majority hard-liners are trying to target them.

The BBC's Charles Haviland in Colombo said the monks led a crowd which quickly swelled to about 500, yelling insults against the shop's Muslim owners and rounding on journalists seeking to cover the events.

Five or six were injured, including a cameraman who needed stitches.

Eyewitnesses said the police stood and watched although after the trouble spread they brought it under control.

"We have deployed extra units of STR (Special Task Force commandos) and police to guard the area," police spokesman Buddhika Siriwardena told the Agence France-Presse news agency.

"The situation was brought under control within a few hours," he said, adding that no arrests had been made.

Television footage showed broken glass and clothing from the warehouse strewn in the street.

Hard-line Buddhist groups led by monks also sent around a text this week urging people to boycott Muslim shops when stocking up for the forthcoming Sri Lankan New Year festival.

After some Muslim groups called a strike in protest against a growing Buddhist campaign against their lifestyle, including halal food classification, a hard-line Buddhist party in the governing coalition issued a statement saying: "Sinhalese Buddhists should be determined to teach such Muslim extremists a lesson that they will never forget".

The assault comes a day after police set up a hot-line to tackle complaints about anyone "inciting religious or racial hatred hatred".
BBC News - Sri Lanka crowd attacks Muslim warehouse in Colombo

29 March 2013 Last updated at 06:54 GMT

Sri Lanka crowd attacks Muslim warehouse in Colombo

Several people have been injured in Sri Lanka's capital, Colombo, when Buddhist monks led hundreds in an assault on a Muslim-owned clothing warehouse.

Buddhist monks were filmed throwing stones at the storage centre of popular garment chain Fashion Bug in a suburb of the capital on Thursday night.

Police told AFP news agency that forces had been deployed to guard the area.

The attack comes as hard-line Buddhist groups step up a campaign against the lifestyles of Muslims.

The development comes four years after the army in the mainly Sinhalese Buddhist country defeated Tamil separatists.

During Sri Lanka's bitter civil war the Muslims - a small Tamil-speaking minority, about 9% of the population - kept a low profile, but many now fear that ethnic majority hard-liners are trying to target them.

The BBC's Charles Haviland in Colombo said the monks led a crowd which quickly swelled to about 500, yelling insults against the shop's Muslim owners and rounding on journalists seeking to cover the events.

Five or six were injured, including a cameraman who needed stitches.

Eyewitnesses said the police stood and watched although after the trouble spread they brought it under control.

"We have deployed extra units of STR (Special Task Force commandos) and police to guard the area," police spokesman Buddhika Siriwardena told the Agence France-Presse news agency.

"The situation was brought under control within a few hours," he said, adding that no arrests had been made.

Television footage showed broken glass and clothing from the warehouse strewn in the street.

Hard-line Buddhist groups led by monks also sent around a text this week urging people to boycott Muslim shops when stocking up for the forthcoming Sri Lankan New Year festival.

After some Muslim groups called a strike in protest against a growing Buddhist campaign against their lifestyle, including halal food classification, a hard-line Buddhist party in the governing coalition issued a statement saying: "Sinhalese Buddhists should be determined to teach such Muslim extremists a lesson that they will never forget".

The assault comes a day after police set up a hot-line to tackle complaints about anyone "inciting religious or racial hatred hatred".

And this -

At their recent rallies, the most prominent new hardline group, the Buddhist Strength Force (Bodu Bala Sena, BBS) have used coarse, derogatory language to describe Muslim imams and have told the Sinhalese majority not to rent property to Muslims.

It has become clear that the BBS has top-level support. At its ceremony to open a new training school, the guest of honour was the powerful Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, brother of the president.

"It is the monks who protect our country, religion and race," he said in a speech.

"No one should doubt these clergy. We're here to give you encouragement."
This is kinda funny...

Now Buddhists are targeting Muslims...In Myanmar, Sri Lanka etc...Really guys? Really? Dear Buddhists, don't target Muslims..they haven't done anything to you...
This is kinda funny...

Now Buddhists are targeting Muslims...In Myanmar, Sri Lanka etc...Really guys? Really? Dear Buddhists, don't target Muslims..they haven't done anything to you...

Oh you find it funny?

Ever been through it?
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