Which chapter of RC Mazumder. I don't have it now with me. Pls provide if possible.
Wiki gave me this reference -
ড. মহম্মদ আব্দুর রহিম. বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস. আলীবর্দী ও মারাঠা আক্রমণ. পৃ. ২৯৭. (What does it say?)
What is interesting is this.
'In order to counter the eminent threat Alivardi Khan rallied a Mughal Army of nearly 10,000 troops also consisting of conscripts such as Abyssinian Sailors and Georgian Qizilbash. Alivardi Khan then informed the Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah of the invasion and rode ceaselessly for almost three days towards the ruins of Bardhaman where the Marathas established occupation.'
- This does not provide any reference. But taking at face value - since you say/imply that the Hindu regions of Bengal was invaded - why were Turkiye Muslims recruited to defend Bengal?
- Orissa was lost by Adivardi Khan in 1751 to the Marathas. Why don't they have similar stories of Maratha oppression(do they? please check...)?
- Why did the Sultanate agree to paying the tribute to the Marathas?
- It says Bardhaman was ruined and razed - but the history of Burdwan (right?) makes no mention of this incident/s.
I have a hypothesis.
The Maratha invasions probably had a severe psychological impact on the Muslim ruling classes and Bengal being Muslim majority state - the effects were felt strongly there. Orissa being totally Hindu either did not care being part of the Maratha empire or welcomed it.
What do you think?
Also since this topic needs a story from the Islami perspective I will invite
@The_Showstopper to provide references. He beats all others when asked to point out Hindu/Buddhist and even Jain atrocities.